
Establishes the story-editor display preferences.

Command constructor

PStoryEditPref(PMBool bDisplayPara, PMBool bDisplayStyle, short dSize, const char * sFont);
PMBool bDisplayPara;
false to display only printable characters in story editor
true to display all nonprinting characters such as paragraph marks, spaces, and index-entry markers in story editor
PMBool bDisplayStyle;
false to hide the paragraph style names in story editor
true to display the paragraph style names in the left margin of story editor
short dSize;
Point size of text displayed in story editor in tenths of a point (14.0 = 140).
const char * sFont;
Name of the font (exactly as it appears when you choose Font from the Type menu) (maximum of 31 characters)
Specifying defaults. If a publication is open, the new preference specifications apply only to that publication. If no publication is open, the specifications apply to any new publication that is created.

Example. The example specifies the following story editor preferences:

PStoryEditPref(true, false, 14, "Geneva");

See also

The PMeasureUnits and PPreferences commands

The PGetStoryEditPref query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Preferences

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