
Moves a left or right column guide to the specified location.

Command constructor

PMoveColumn(short nColumnNum, short cSide, long xLocation, eColumn cPage);
short nColumnNum;
Specifies the column number (columns are numbered sequentially from left to right)
short cSide;
kEdgeLeft for the left guide of the column
kEdgeRight for the right guide of the column
long xLocation;
x-axis coordinate where the column guide is to be located in twips
short cPage;
kColumnLeftPage to move the column on the left page only (this is the default)
kColumnRightPage to move the column on the right page only (or for single pages)
kColumnBothPages for both pages
Column relationship is constant. The space between columns remains constant when you move a column guide. Therefore, if you move the right guide of a column, you move the left guide of the adjacent column. Only the left guide of the left-most column and the right guide of the right-most column do not affect the other columns.

Layout view only. Use the PMoveColumn command only in layout view.

Example. The following example moves the left column guide of the second column to the specified location (four inches along the horizontal, or x-axis, relative to the rulers' zero point).

PMoveColumn(2, kEdgeLeft, 4 * kTwipsPerInch, kColumnLeftPage);

See also

The PColumnGuides command

The PGetColumnGuides query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Layout > Column Guides

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