
Changes the size of the text to a standard size.

Command constructor

PSizeBump(eBump cHowMuch);
kBumpUpOne to bump the type up to the next whole size
kBumpDownOne to bump the type down to the next whole size
kBumpUpNext to bump type up to the next standard size on the Size submenu
kBumpDownNext to bump type down to the next standard size on the Size submenu
Layout view only. The PSizeBump command works only in layout view.

Examples. Assuming the currently selected text is 11.5 points, this example increases its size to the next whole point size (12 points).


Assuming the currently selected text is 14 points, this example decreases its size to the next smaller standard size on the Size menu (12 points).


See also

The PSize and PTextSelect commands

The PGetSize query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Size

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