
Deselects a single object either by drawing order or by location. Other objects that are selected remain selected.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructors

This class has two constructors, allowing you to unselect by drawing order or by x/y location.

PUnselect(short nDrawNumber);

short nDrawNumber;
The drawing-order number of the object to deselect
PUnselect(long xLocation, long yLocation);
long xLocation;
x coordinate of one of the handles of the object to deselect in twips
long yLocation;
y coordinate of one of the handles of the object to deselect in twips
Example. This example deselects an object whose drawing-order number is 3.


See also

The PDragSelectExtend, PSelect, PSelectAll, PSelectExtend, PSelectID, and PSelectIDExtend commands

The PGetSelectIDList and PGetSelectInfo queries

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