
Specifies non-PostScript print options executed with the PPrint command.

Command constructor

PPrintOptions(short cScaleType, short nVal, short cDuplex, PMBool bMarks, PMBool bPageInfo, short cTiling, long xOverlap);
short cScaleType;
0 (zero) to scale the publication
1 to scale the publication to fit on the selected paper size
2 to print thumbnails
short nVal;
Percentage for numeric scaling in tenths of a percent, from 5% (50) to 1600% (16000), if cScaleType is numeric or 0
Number of thumbnails per page, from 1 to 100, if cScaleType is 2
kParmDontCare if cScaleType is 1
short cDuplex;
0 (zero) None (no duplexing)
1 for Short Edge (duplex printing where the paper is to be bound on its short edge)
2 for Long Edge (duplex printing where the paper is to be bound on its long edge)
PMBool bMarks;
false for Printer's Marks off
true for Printer's Marks on (to print crop marks, registration marks, and calibration bars if the page size is 0.5 or more inches smaller than the paper size)
PMBool bPageInfo;
false for Page Information off
true for Page Information on (to print filename and date)
short cTiling;
0 for no tiling
1 for Manual tiling
2 for Auto tiling (to overlap tiles by amount specified in xOverlap)
long xOverlap;
Minimal amount of overlap between tiles if autooverlap is specified for cTiling (maximum of five inches) in twips
nVal scale values. PageMaker scales the nVal scale value by a factor of 10. To get 100% scaling, enter a value of "1000."

Layout view only. The PPrintOptions command works only in layout view.

Example. The following example prints the publication at 100% scale. The printed pages include the file name and date, but do not include printer's marks. The pages are tiled, and each tile has a 0.5 inch overlap.

PPrintOptions(0, 1000, 0, false, true, 1, twips(".5i"));

See also

The PPrint, PPrintColor, PPrintDoc, PPrintInk, PPrintOptionsPS, PPrintPaperPS, and PPrintTo commands

The PGetPrintOptions queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Print

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