
Specifies the starting page number, the restart numbering option, the numbering style, and the table of contents and index prefix. Deselects all selected objects.

Command constructor

PPageNumbers(short nStartPage, short nNumPages, short bRestart, short cStyle, const char * sPrefix = NULL);
short nStartPage;
Page number of the first page of the publication
kParmDontCare to leave the existing starting page number unchanged
short nNumPages;
Number of pages in the publication
kParmDontCare to leave the existing number of pages unchanged
short bRestart;
false dont restart page numbering
true to restart page numbering
kParmDontCare to leave the existing page number ing unchanged
short cStyle;
, or
kParmDontCare to leave the existing number style unchanged
const char * sPrefix;
Text to appear before the page numbers in the table of contents and index (to a maximum of 15 characters)
Omit this parameter for no prefix
bRestart compared to nStartPage. When printing publications in the booklist, the bRestart parameter overrides nStartPage.

Blank pages added automatically. If you specify a larger number of pages with the nNumPages parameter than the publication currently contains, blank pages will be added to the end of the publication.

Caution: Pages removed automatically. If you specify fewer pages than the publication currently contains, pages will be removed from the end of the publication.

Layout view only. Use the PPageNumbers command only in layout view.

Selected objects deselected. The PPageNumbers command deselects any selected objects. It does not, however, deselect highlighted text (text selected with the text tool or PTextSelect command).

Example. The following example starts the page numbers with page 1, leaves the existing number of pages unchanged, restarts page numbering, specifies arabic style, and includes a prefix of I­p; before each page number.

PPageNumbers(1, -2, true, kNumArabic, "I-");

See also

The PGetPageNumbers query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Document Setup

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