
Masks the selected objects, using either the specified object as the mask, or, if no object is specified, the top-most selected box, oval, or polygon (drawn in PageMaker).

Command constructor

PMask(unsigned long nMaskObjectID);
Object ID of PageMaker-drawn box, oval, or polygon to use as mask.
kParmDefault to use the top-most PageMaker box, oval or polygon.
nMaskObjectID. While you can mask any object on the page, you can use only PageMaker-drawn boxes, ovals, or polygons as the masking object. If nMaskObjectID is not the ID of a PageMaker-drawn box, oval, or polygon, the PMask command does nothing.

Example. The following example selects two objects and masks them with the specified object (object number eight).


See also

The PUnmask command

The PGetGroupList, PGetObjectIDList, PGetObjectIDListTop, PGetSelectIDList, and PGetSelectIDListTop queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Mask

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