
Creates evenly sized columns with the specified gutter size on the currently displayed page or pages.

Command constructor

PColumnGuides(short nColumns, long xGutter, eColumn cPage, PMBool bAdjustLayout);
short nColumns;
Number of columns for the pages
long xGutter;
Space between columns in twips
eColumn cPage;
kColumnBothPages or 0 if these settings are the same for facing pages
kColumnLeftPage or 1 if these settings are for left-page guides
kColumnRightPage or 2 if these settings are for right-page guides
PMBool bAdjustLayout;
true adjust page layout to new column guides
false do not adjust page layout
Layout view only. The PColumnGuides command works only in layout view.

Example. The following example creates two evenly sized columns with a 0.2 -inch gutter on each of the facing pages (specified with the PPageOptions command).

PColumnGuides(2, twips("0.2i"), kColumnBothPages, false);

See also

The PDefineMasterPage and PPageMargins commands

The PGetPageOptions and PGetColumnGuides queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Layout > Column Guides

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