
Extends the selection to include the specified object without deselecting other selected objects. The syntax you use for the command depends upon whether you specify the object by its drawing order or by its coordinates:

Command constructors

This command has two constructors. You may select based on x/y location or by drawing order.

PSelectExtend(long x, long y);

long x;
x-coordinate of the object, relative to the current zero point number in twips
long y;
y-coordinate of the object, relative to the current zero point in twips
PSelectExtend(long drawOrder);
long drawOrder;
The drawing order number for the object.
Shift+click equivalent for selection. The PSelectExtend command is equivalent to holding down the Shift key while clicking on an object. However, this command does not deselect an object if it is already selected.

Drawing order. Drawing order is determined by the order that objects were drawn, inserted, pasted, or placed on the page. Note that some commands, such as Send to Back and Send to Front on the Arrange menu and moving or resizing an object with the mouse, can also affect the drawing order.

No drawing order for inline graphics. Inline graphics are not assigned a drawing order and must be selected by position on the page.

Layout view only. The PSelectExtend command works only in layout view.

Example. The following example adds the second object drawn to the current selection.


See also

The PSelect and PSelectAll commands

The PGetSelectInfo and PGetSelectList queries

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