
Creates an index.

Command constructor

PCreateIndex(const char * sTitle, PMBool bReplace, PMBool bBook, PMBool bRemove, PMBool bHiddenLayers);
const char * sTitle;
Title for index, (maximum of 31 characters)
Specify an empty string ("") for no title
PMBool bReplace;
false to create a new index
true to replace existing index
PMBool bBook;
false to include entries from only currently open publication
true to include entries from all publications in book list
PMBool bRemove;
false to include all topics in index
true to remove unreferenced topics
PMBool bHiddenLayers;
true include index items from hidden layers
false do not include items from hidden layers.
Index without a title. To create an index without a title, use an empty string.

Formatting the index. To specify the format of the index, the PIndexFormat command must precede the PCreateIndex command. If you do not specify the format, PageMaker uses the default settings.

Placing a new index. When you create a new index (by entering 0 as the bReplace value), PageMaker does not place the file on the page, but displays the loaded text icon. To place the index, follow PCreateIndex with the PPlace command.

Example. The following example creates an index with no title and specifies that PageMaker replace the existing index, include entries from only the open publication, and remove unreferenced topics.

PCreateIndex("", true, false, true, false);

See also

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Utilities > Create Index

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Utilities > Index Entry

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