
Specifies PostScript-specific print options executed with the PPrint command.

Command constructor

PPrintOptionsPS(short cGraphics, PMBool bMarks, PMBool bPageInfo, PMBool bSendData, short cDownload, PMBool bSymbol, PMBool bErrHandler, short cToDisk, PMBool bExtraBleed, PMBool bComm);
short cGraphics;
0 (zero) for Omit TIFF Files 1 for Low TIFF Resolution (72dpi)
2 for Optimized
3 for Normal (to print images at their true resolution)
PMBool bMarks;
false for Printer's Marks off
true for Printer's Marks on (print crop marks, registration marks, and calibration bars if the page size is 0.5 or more inches smaller than the paper size)
PMBool bPageInfo;
false for Page Information off
true for Page Information on (print file name and date)
PMBool bSendData;
false for Normal (Hex)
true for Faster (Binary)
short cDownload;
0 (zero) for None
1 for PostScript and TrueType
2 for TrueType only
PMBool bSymbol;
false Use Symbol Font for Special Charac ters off
true Use Symbol Font for Special Characters on (Macintosh only)
PMBool bErrHandler;
false for Include PostScript Error Handler off
true for Include PostScript Error Handler on
short cToDisk;
0 (zero) for Write PostScript to File off (to print directly to a printer)
1 for Normal on (to save PostScript descriptions of a multiple-page publica tion to disk)
2 for EPS on (to save a single page of a publication as an Encapsulated PostScript file and add the PostScript comments required for an EPS-formatted document)
3 for For Separations on (to create a .sep file: a publication ready for a color-separation, for use with Adobe PrePrint Pro, TrapWise, or PressWise) (Macintosh only)
PMBool bExtraBleed;
false for Extra Image Bleed off (image bleed =1/8 inch)
true for Extra Image Bleed on (image bleed =1 inch if cToDisk = 2 or 3)
PMBool bComm;
false for 2-way Communication off
true for 2-way Communication on
Macintosh-only parameters. The bSymbol and bComm parameters apply only to PageMaker for the Macintosh. PageMaker for Windows ignores these parameters.

Extra image bleed. Set the bExtraBleed parameter on only when printing to disk as an EPS or .sep file (when cToDisk equals 2 or 3).

Layout view only. The PPrintOptions command works only in layout view.

Example. The following example sets the printer options for printing the publication directly to a PostScript printer. Printed pages include printer's marks, the name, and the date of the publication, and prints images at normal resolution. Page information is sent to the printer in binary format. The PostScript error handler is included. The publication is not printed to disk, so Extra Image Bleed is off. 2-way communication is turned off.

PPrintOptionsPS(3, true, true, 0, false, false, true, 0, false, false);

See also

The PPrint, PPrintColor, PPrintDoc, PPrintInk, PPrintOptions, PPrintPaperPS, and PPrintTo commands

The PGetPrintOptionsPS query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Print

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