Thorn Tree - Activities

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  1. I 'm looking for my soulsister
    Created by: I am (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:14 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi girls, I am youngman 31 yrs ,dynamic, multilingual, am
    a tourist interpreter in Morocco, I speak fluentlyEnglish,
    Arabic, Spanish,fFrench, and some Japanese and german,I am
    looking for a young woman btween 18 and 30 yrs for a long
    term relationship,she must kind, and beautifull or just
    good looking, I like fun, I love children and familly
    life.I want to bring a change to my life. I am white, with
    blak hair & hazeleyes,1.76 m tall, very open minded, with a
    strong interpersonal communicative skills , I am ready to
    relocate to any corner of the globe for the sake of my
    partner's happiness.Now, if you wish to start a new life
    write soon here is my email:

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 2:14].

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  2. expedition medic
    Created by: laura
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:34 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Anybody got any tales of being an expedition medic?
    Any advice, anecdotes ,things you wish you took but didn't?!
    Look forward to hearing from you.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 7:34].

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  3. Shagging on the beach...
    Created by: shagamuffin
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 22:04 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I'm looking for sexy men to shag on beaches, then must be
    over 6ft tall and have good arm muscles!
    If this is you leave a post with a contact address and we
    can get started...

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 21:43].

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  4. Hanggliding
    Created by:
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 10:05 Wodonga Standard Time]

    If you are interested in hang gliding come and say hi at
    this forum which needs a kick start.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 10:05].

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  5. Volunteer Work
    Created by: fiesty777 (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:02 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi! I would like to travel abroad and do some volunteer work
    for 4-6 weeks in the fall. I am paticularly interested in
    any work that has to do with wildlife. I am flexible on the
    destination. Has anyone came across anything like this that
    maybe I could get involved in? This is something I have
    wanted to do for a long time and decided nows the time. Any
    info would be appreciated. Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 1:08].

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  6. Volcanoes in Mexico?
    Created by: Will Smith (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 11:04 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Interested in volcanoes or Mexico? A picture is worth
    1000 words...

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 11:04].

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  7. Where should I travel?
    Created by: Aquilla (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 4:43 Wodonga Standard Time]

    This website seemed the best place to ask this so here
    I am free for 4 months, from now till August, I am a student
    on a budget and within those 4 months have to earn a bit of
    money someplace to pay my rent next year!
    Ideally I would love to travel to Montana and stay on a
    ranch. But anyplace apart from England sounds good at the
    moment. If anyone is in the same sitution and looking for a
    travel companion, I'll be happy to join them, providing of
    course that they are real in their intentions.
    So, what are you waiting for?!
    Advice would be welcome, and answers to this post would be
    even better!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 0:26].

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  8. Expedition Africa!!!
    Created by: Steve (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:45 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Take part in the Journey of the Millennium:
    Expedition Africa: An Odyssey of Hope, an educational,
    interactive, bicycle journey beginning October, 1999.
    Expedition Africa will travel overland on a two-wheeler for
    20,000 miles, through 33 African countries from Alexandria,
    Egypt to the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa.
    Join our interactive expedition at:

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 21:58].

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  9. Trekking
    Created by: Morten (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 21:05 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am woundering if there is anyone out there, who is able
    to give me some advice of good trekking places. I have
    tought a lot of going to Nepal, but everybody seems to go
    there these days. If you have had a good experience and
    quite an adventure, then please drop me a line !

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 22:36].

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  10. Istanbul
    Created by: Nurdogan (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 8:11 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Students, Backpackers,
    Are you an English -speaking foreigner with strong Web
    painter,photographer,designer,artist etc ?Come help us
    our Internet presence for new project Turkey2000.
    We will find you place to live and pay you enough to
    get by
    in warm,
    friendly Istanbul for a few months or longer..You
    gain invaluable
    experience while you are having fabulous adventure.
    Reply by e-mail to

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 8:11].

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  11. Web site Survey
    Created by: Rosalea
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:07 Wodonga Standard Time]

    What do you look for in a website? What makes you use that
    web again and again. What changes would you make in
    general if you had a web of your own? I personally would
    like things to be faster with not so many pictures. Tehey
    may be pretty, but sure slow things down alot.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 1:42].

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  12. JORDAN
    Created by: Tamam F. koudeih (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:39 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I'm a 21 years old man.If you come to Jordan I have all the
    information you need about Jordan,
    places to visit,Prices,Places to stay,Rental Cars,Places
    toeat .............etc.
    I do tours around Jordan for all budgets, whatever is
    whether you go on my tour or you don't you can
    getabsolutely FREE INFORMATION
    I'll be very happy to tell all he information you need for
    free and I'll try to do my best.
    you can find me in Amman at the Bdeiwi Hotel the hotel is
    very clean, quiet and cheap just 8 JD for a Double
    Room.Free hot showers.
    BDEIWI HOTELKhayyam St. Down Town Amman-JORDANTel.
    or you can e-mail me:

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 10:39].

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    Created by: Billy
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 10:35 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Recscued from below the summit of Everest's North Ridge -
    read the dispatches live at

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 10:35].

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  14. North-Italy from 13 july
    Created by: Jeroen (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:53 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I'm looking for a travel-companion for in North-Italy and
    places to stay (for free if is possible). I'll walk/climb
    mountains in the Italian Alps, at least one must be at least
    3000 metres high, I'll vissit Milan and track near Lago di
    Most of the nights I hope to sleep in my tent at campings,
    but if it's possible wild-camping. Maybe I'll hitch-hike
    from the Netherlands to Italy.
    Of course you want to know something about myself: I'm 25,
    male student in The Netherlands, spontanish, positive
    minded, ambitious and very sportive (I've blue eyes, blond
    hair and 1,81 metres tall).
    My companion must aged between 22 and 28, preferable a
    female, witch has the same character and is also sportive.
    My vacation will be low-budget and may take 6 weeks from 13
    I'm looking forward to your reply.
    Greetings from Jeroen

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 5:53].

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  15. The Milennium!!
    Created by: Carioca (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:38 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hey...I have given up fighting against the upcoming fake
    milennium and am looking to join in the fun wherever it may
    be!! I mean, how often will we see 4 digits change from
    one year to the next??!
    I am planning to head to Brazil (where I am from), but
    since I now live in Mozambique, I also want to hear about
    any parties, celebrations and happenings on this side of
    the globe (or anywhere really).
    Sooo, what are you all planning to do on Dec 31, 1999? Any
    interesting ideas? What's the scoop?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 23:38].

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  16. Experience with language schools abroad?
    Created by: Vicky (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 15:02 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a writer for Escape Magazine ( and for
    the September issue, I'm doing a story about language
    schools abroad. If you've ever taken a language immersion
    course in a foreign country, I'd love to hear from you! Here
    are some of the things I want to know:
    * Where did you study?
    * Why did you choose to do an immersion program?
    * Was the program intensive?
    * Did you have a harder or easier time learning this way?
    * What were the benefits of the program? The drawbacks?
    * Did you live with a family?
    * Do you have any anecdotes you'd like to share about your
    * Did you consider the program a vacation?
    * What kinds of cultural activities were you involved in?
    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 10:32].

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  17. Just in case anyone's interested.....
    Created by: Into_the_early_morning_light (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 11:21 Wodonga Standard Time]

    ....I have just lovingly and painstakingly created a club
    for people who are interested in the Dance Music party and
    club scene worldwide, so we can get together and swap ideas
    and info, and ask questions about whats going on all over
    the world, and hopefully enable people to meet up for
    parties and events wherever they are. If it sounds like your
    kind of thing, here's the URL:
    It's a Yahoo site, so, obviously, its totally free. Also,
    there are links to other sites (this is one of them), photo
    albums, contact lists and a chat room. The club has just
    started up, but we've had a good initial response. If you've
    got any questions, please e-mail me on the above address.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 11:21].

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  18. Trekking in Reunion
    Created by: Rita (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 1:00 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Heading for Reunion Island in August. Wondering about how to
    arrange a trek in the mountains. How much would it
    cost? Any tips?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 1:00].

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  19. Surfing in Portugal
    Created by: Jonny K (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 0:41 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Does anyone know any surfing schools near Lagos, Portugal as
    I'm going on holiday there for a two weeks and don't want to
    spend time there reading a book on a beach. I've heard the
    surf there is about the best in Europe and can't wait to
    learn there - or do I even need to take lessons as I'm
    a good snowboarder? Just put my weight on the back foot

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 0:41].

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  20. Travel equipment
    Created by: Lea (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 20:21 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi. Does anyone have an idea of different travel items
    that are not readily available, they would liek to see on
    an internet web travel site? We are ideally looking for
    stuff that does not come in sizes. Things that you have
    come accorss that are really cool and thought was great to
    have with you when travelling.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 20:21].

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  21. Hanging out mates, anyone???
    Created by: mango (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:12 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I'm current based Down Under in Melbourne. I'm a 24 yo Asian
    female.Looking for mates to hang out bands,
    clubbing,trekking,trips to the nearby countryside regions...
    basically enjoying Australia, learning about it, meeting new
    anybody with similar interests? Drop a note! Ciao!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 19:12].

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    Created by: Mraz (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 4:32 Wodonga Standard Time]

    IH .Iam a looking for the pest city in EURO which have the
    most intertanment location like sea side with nayked beachs
    and other things where girls are 80%in the city .also city
    with freindly people ho would speak english with others.
    also night clubs working up to 6:00 am and sex shows evrey

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 6:49].

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  23. something to do
    Created by: angelfish
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 1:00 Wodonga Standard Time]

    hello everybody
    i am a poor student who only has a couple of weeks holiday
    at the end of august, this is my last chance at a break
    before i graduate/qualify, i was thinking about maybe going
    somewhere, doing something just that bit different during
    that time and was wondering if anyone could give me some
    ideas, i'm based in england and was thinking about europe,
    possibly eastern/central europe
    thankyou in advance for any info/advice

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 1:00].

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  24. Some company, please!
    Created by: Alina (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 0:31 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I'm desperately seeking some travelcompany for august. I
    would like to go someplace and take a divinglicense, eg the
    Maldives. Do you share the same dream? In case you do,
    please contact me. /Alina

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 14:47].

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  25. size
    Created by: matt
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 9:07 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hello, I'm planning to travel from Hong Kong to Paris over ten-eleven months. I have as 55 liter backpack, the type that opens like a suitcase, not the dig in from the top type. Do you think that I should try to get a smaller pack, or not? One important factor, i will be travelling with a guitar, so i need to be able to attach it to the pack. Anyway if you have any thoughts I would welcome them. Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 19:51].

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  26. bangladesh
    Created by: lee (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 2:00 Wodonga Standard Time]

    does any one know about Bangladesh I'f you do email me at thank you

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 2:06].

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  27. Adventure stuff
    Created by: Lea (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 20:53 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Anyone out there have any ideas on adventure trip companies
    worldwide? We're more interested in human powered (ie MTB,
    rafting climbing etc) adventure travel with smaller
    companies rather than overland tours etc etc.
    Comments would be great as would companies, whether on
    email/web or not. Leave us their name and where they're
    based and address if possible.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 16:05].

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  28. Spend the Millenium in Rio!
    Created by: Luke (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 19:26 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Anyone who's looking for something to do for the millennium
    New Year should go to
    Return flights, transfers and 8 nights luxury accommodation
    for ú1500 based on 2 sharing - it's not cheap but at that
    time, what is?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 11 May, 19:26].

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    Created by: someone on for a bit of adventure (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 7:58 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hello all
    myself and a few of my mates plan to end up in greece after a months interailing. I got a notion into my head last week, i want to go up to the top of mount olympus and spend a night up there with a few people and a few drinks, maybe some ouzo, anyway the plan is to see if we meet the gods.
    well if this sounds like a good way to pass an evening and youd be interested, why not give us a shout
    we are all irish students but Cavan said that his mother wont let him climb mount olympus.
    see you now

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 11 May, 7:58].

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  30. What's your favourite building?
    Created by: Pier
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 4:58 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Mine's inside......

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 6:16].

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  31. indonesia adventures..!!
    Created by: aaron
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 21:24 Wodonga Standard Time]

    i'am travelling from kuala lumpur to bali at the end of july
    for 6 weeks and want to know if there are any local tour
    companies which run "overland" style trip in this area. i'am
    travelling solo for the first time and would like to meet
    fellow travellers for such trips. also are there tour and
    activity companies on bali where the single traveller can
    participate in such things as cycling, jungle treks
    etc...also has anyone got any advice for a novice solo
    traveller in this area

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 18:09].

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  32. Tramping NA (OTAGO)
    Created by: Roni
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 0:12 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi all:)
    i'm planning to do the Routeburn track, Greenstone track and
    Mavora-Greenstone walkway (south) all and all within 6-7
    days! (insted of 3d for the first, 2-3d for the second and
    3-4d for the last one)
    Here are my questions:
    1) Has any one of you out there done it?
    2) Is it possible and not to ambitious and crazy?
    :) :( :) !!!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 0:12].

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  33. Tramping NA (OTAGO)
    Created by: Roni
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 0:10 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi all
    i'm planning to do the Routeburn track, Greenstone track and
    Mavora-Greenstone walkway (south) all and all within 6-7
    days! (insted of 3d for the first, 2-3d for the second and
    3-4d for the last one)
    Here are my questions:

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 0:10].

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  34. Travel videos
    Created by: Jennifer (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 9:39 Wodonga Standard Time]

    A new series on Travel Channel, U.S. is going to want to have YOUR travel videos showing something-- funny, exciting, dramatic, weird, tragic, heroic, or just an exceptional moment. If you got the stuff, we will buy! Please email me if you want more info, or call (818) 763-2862, ext. 128.
    Happy Trails!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 10:05].

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  35. Waterskiing...
    Created by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 7:50 Wodonga Standard Time]

    can anyone pleaseeee recommend some waterskiing links for a
    complete beginner. I've spent quite some time trying to
    learn but am still having trouble getting out of the
    I've put in the time in the water but I'm hoping some theory
    might help. otherwise, can anyone recommend any good ski
    schools in england at a reasonable price??

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 7:50].

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  36. High Altitude
    Created by: Billy (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 5:39 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Eighteen people summitted Everest yesterday....should we
    leave the mountain alone now? Approximately 750 people have
    now made the ascent and 150 have died - has the mystery and
    awe of this mighty mountain been diminished?
    While you are pondering these questions you can check out
    our dispatches from the North Ridge of Everest at
    Anyone with any suggestions as to any ground breaking
    expeditions that I should be following can e-mail me

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 5:39].

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  37. fellow traveller
    Created by: Arman (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 15:33 Wodonga Standard Time]

    i am looking for a fellow world traveller in the san francisco bay area ( male or female ) for a cup of coffee or something to reminished each other travel experiences
    and ideas.
    i believe we people who travel, are more compassionate
    understanding and really care about our environment.
    been to holland,belgium,luxumbourg,france,switzerland,
    italy,fiji and in new zealand.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 10:05].

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  38. Other Gypsy Filmakers?
    Created by: Romani Guy (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 13:59 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hello! I'm a young aspiring travel documentary filmaker with a strong background in both Anthropology and Theater. I'm looking for somebody who's already in the business, or who wishes to be in the business, particularly a Rrom brother or sister. Kon shai del duma Rromanes? Te san ekh Rrom vor Rromni, ramosas mange. Te tu san gadze, xas khul zhukel! Ha!
    PS-To the Lonely Planet people, how does one get to be a presenter, seriously?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 9:10].

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  39. Help Needed
    Created by: homegirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 13:34 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Can all of you please suggest some good websites where any
    good travel experiences, pictures, or travel diary is kept?
    I'm talking about either personal sites or a site that has
    this sort of thing from people's contributions. Thanks in

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 4:29].

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  40. Woman+Intellectual+Adventure+at Berkeley
    Created by: Peace (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 11:22 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I'm majoring in anthropology & art history, love traveling and am going to CAL Berkeley by August. Right now housing and roommates are a huge headache for me... Any woman here going to Berkeley by August as well? I'm looking for decent shared housing - I would occupy a single room but would need roommates in the same house... Looking for intellectual and adventurous women students, study hard and play hard type... Or, if anyone could recommend me on how to find a studio or a single room near UC Berkeley? Help please?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 6 May, 11:22].

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  41. justine shapiro
    Created by: gary
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 4:17 Wodonga Standard Time]

    does anyone know where to find some good pictures of
    justine shapiro from the lp tv series ?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 16:15].

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  42. Wanna be a World Teacher?
    Created by: Anna (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 2:29 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Check out
    Start off with 4 months overland to India...

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 22:23].

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  43. Tiddlywinx help needed
    Created by: Brxcqqq (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 23:02 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Does anyone know how to play Tiddlywinx?
    How to play, what are the rules.
    Are there any championships held that anyone knows of?
    Any regional variations?
    I am so intrigued by this game....

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 23:02].

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  44. Kayak Iquitos to Mouth of Amazon
    Created by: Mark
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 14:03 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Please see my post on the SOUTH AMERICA branch.I need your
    help with an amazing expedition.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 14:03].

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  45. Mountaineering in Nepal
    Created by: Pete Baines (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 22:21 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am heading out to Nepal in late August for 6 weeks and
    would like to climb a so called 'trekking peak' such as Mera
    or Island peak. I will be on my own and so will be hoping to
    meet up with other climbers. I have some Himalayan
    experience (Biafo/ Hispar glaciers in Pakistan) and will
    be doing an Alpine course in Chamonix before I go. Has
    anyone got any recommendations or information on these
    peaks, or would like to join me. Any help appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 5:37].

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  46. In2 the heart of the Rainforests..
    Created by: BanditLeader (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 6:08 Wodonga Standard Time]

    ..but click on2 our website address first to see what u
    might miss or not if ever u decide that you want to be
    there, trek INTO and sleep UNDER the canopy of the oldest
    living and endangered environment in the jungles. And, like
    in the past... if you ever decide that you'd like to be a
    jungle guide... email us. Perhaps.. we could teach you a
    trick or 2 of safe trekking in the malaysian jungles.
    Perhaps in the next millenium, the first robotic bird will
    pull out the first plastic worm from the artificial grass
    but rest assure... perhaps you have already made your trip
    into the natural rainforests b4 it disappeared and was
    replaced by all thing thatre artificial! Jumpa lagi....

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 3 May, 6:08].

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  47. travel storytelling
    Created by: Mark (
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 14:23 Wodonga Standard Time]

    hey, there's a free weekly travel storytelling gathering
    in Washington, DC, across from the Intl. Hostel. it's met
    each week for over three years, tons of Peace Corps people &
    stories. way cool place to hang out, meet other travelers.
    typically gets 35 people/week. Traveler's Circle (tc),
    Wednesdays from 6:30-10pm, at the Kabab House, K Street
    between 11th and 12th, 3 blocks north of metro center.
    there are also tc's in Austin Texas and in San Francisco.
    for more info: there's even a free weekly
    email newsletter with travel stories from around the

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 2 May, 14:23].

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    Created by: ERROL (
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 22:54 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am living in Istanbul and I would like to go out with
    people who are visiting Istanbul. Istanbul is a wonderfull
    city but if you don't have so much friends it is not funny

    If you would like to make a local friend please don't
    hesitate to write me.
    Bye the way I am 27 years old man who has a regular job
    from 9,00 to 6,00 during the week.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 1 May, 22:54].

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  49. High Altitude
    Created by: Billy (
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 2:37 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Check out the live dispatches from a couple of Everest
    expeditions as well as the diary of Alan Hinkes as he
    attempts to become the sixth person ever and first Brit to
    climb all fourteen 8000m+ peaks.
    Loads of adventures and expeditions all at
    Tell us about your trip and if it's ground breaking we would
    love to follow your progress.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 1 May, 2:37].

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  50. Sailboat for Hire
    Created by: Captain Hook
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 7:21 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Please see my post on ttyc.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 30 April, 7:21].

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  51. Airhitch
    Created by: mermaid (
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 7:33 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hey, have any of you used the Airhitch service? How
    dependable is it? Any info will help.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 28 April, 7:33].

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    Created by: Eric (
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 5:10 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Visit the Cyclone CafΘ of Mauritius Forum for a discussion
    or information on MAURITIUS. Budget places! We don┤t leave
    any question unanswered.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 28 April, 5:10].

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  53. I need your opinion!!!
    Created by: charlotte (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 21:13 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi I am writing a paper on how new communication technologies affect young travelling. To make it clear: do you travel more because you are using internet (Email, ...), do you travel less, it┤s all the same....
    Please give me your opinion on that topic, make suggestions, tell me more about new communication technologies, explain what mobility means to you....
    Please specify your age and nationality.
    Thanks for your cooperation.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 16:58].

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  54. Ukraine
    Created by: Julie
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 1:52 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Has someone anyideas how to get a visa for the Ukraine,
    just for one day?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 1:52].

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  55. Germany-Dusseldorf
    Created by: SONIA (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 11:46 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Could you help me to find the hostel or private room in
    Dusseldorf from 6th of May to 10th of may?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 25 April, 11:46].

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  56. @ how much
    Created by: duncan
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 9:05 Wodonga Standard Time]

    im hoping to be in india for @ 3 months, wandering @ the country and im just wondering how much money id need to do this. im not fussy
    thanks for your time

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 28 April, 7:26].

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  57. Want to volunteer in Kenya this summer?
    Created by: Jessica Goldberger (
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 7:46 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Interested in an exciting volunteer opportunity in Kenya??
    Applications now being accepted!! Read on...
    July 5, 1999 - July 31, 1999

    This summer Global Service Corps (GSC), a project of Earth
    Island Institute, is initiating a Sustainable Agriculture
    Field Program in Eastern Kenya. Global Service Corps first
    began offering Kenya village-based programs in 1994 by
    teaching biointensive agriculture (BIA) to community members
    in the Mumias area of Kenya's Western Province. GSC is now
    planning to replicate this highly successful program in the
    Kibwezi area (in Kenya's Eastern Province) and is looking
    for participants with an interest in small-scale sustainable
    agriculture and local community development to assist with
    the development of this program.

    The program begins with a two-day orientation and tour of
    Nairobi. GSC participants then travel to Kibwezi and attend
    a three-day biointensive agriculture training workshop.
    After the training, volunteers will be placed in homestays
    in Kibwezi for three weeks. Participants will have the
    opportunity to visit local sustainable agriculture and
    development projects, as well as numerous self-help and
    women's groups in the Kibwezi area. The program will
    conclude with either a final celebration in Nairobi or a
    trip to one of Kenya's many celebrated game reserves.

    Participants must be at least 20 years old. The cost of the
    short-term program (July 5 - July 31, 1999) is $1,795 (not
    including airfare). An internship option is available from
    July 5 - September 13 (cost: $2,520). In addition,
    long-term placements are possible.

    To receive more information, please contact:
    Jessica Goldberger, Coordinator
    Kenya Sustainable Agriculture Field Program (July 1999)
    Phone: (608) 256-7611
    Rick Lathrop, Director, Global Service Corps
    Phone: (415) 788-3666 ext. 128

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 24 April, 7:46].

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  58. Studying Music?
    Created by: FreakyBB
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 6:30 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Has anyone studied music on their travels, or specifically
    travelled somewhere in order to do this? Or done field
    research in music (ie ethnomusicology)?
    Please share your stories... it's something I am definitely
    planning on doing soon... Javanese/Balinese gamelan and West
    African drumming are well-worn paths but I'm also interested
    in Taiko drumming (Japan) and conch shell orchestras
    (Sulawesi)etc. Does anyone else have any ideas for trips?
    Let's talk about it.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 28 April, 7:50].

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  59. AnYOne ...
    Created by: oYkU (
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 6:23 Wodonga Standard Time]

    ...who makes or is interested in documentary films pls write
    to me.I need to have an idea about where to begin and what
    steps to follow.If anyone wants to share her/his knowledge
    and experience with me about documentary film making,just
    follow the address above...
    Thank you in advance!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 27 April, 5:55].

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  60. Canadian Wilderness Adventures
    Created by: GORP
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 23:54 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Sea kayaking, canoeing and backpacking trips to Canadian Arctic, Yukon, and British Columbia. Small groups. Over 10 years in business.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 23:54].

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  61. internet
    Created by: jhon
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 5:48 Wodonga Standard Time]

    how to finance my travel ?
    Using internet is one solution. Check :
    Any other ideas ?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 5:48].

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  62. Challenge 8000
    Created by: Billy (
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 1:33 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Anybody interested in following the progress of world famous
    high altitude climber Alan Hinkes, can read his dispatches
    at as he attempts to become one of the
    select number of people who has summitted all fourteen
    8000m+ summits. He has four to go and at the moment is
    attempting MAKALU
    Suggestions for the site would be welcome also

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 21 April, 1:33].

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  63. Learning spanish anywhere....
    Created by: Jane
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 10:06 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I'm from the UK, and really want to improve my spanish on
    the cheap. I can speak it pretty well already but 3 more
    months would be perfect. Is there anywhere I can do
    voluntary work,(teaching English, helping wiht street
    children etc...)? I can afford about ú900. Any

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 4:13].

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  64. Where to go July or August
    Created by: Jennie (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 21:44 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I have some more vacation time coming to me and I'd like
    some suggestions as to where I should spend my time. I'll
    either go in July or August and don't want to spend over
    $2000. I'll be traveling solo and have already been to
    England, France, Grand Cayman, St Lucia, British Virgin
    Islands, Germany, Italy, Greece and Turkey.
    I'm going to Singapore in December, so I don't want to go
    there either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 0:19].

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    Created by: eerie (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 6:07 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Finnes det noen adresser til kurΘrselskaper i Norge?
    Does anyone know ant adresses to companie4s looking for

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 19 April, 6:07].

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  66. colombia
    Created by: peter
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 2:09 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Just to let you all know I've finally uploaded a new site on
    travel and working in Colombia.
    It will be worked on throughout the year, since I'm living
    in Medellin now, but there's already usefull info on:
    - diving in Colombia: get your certificate cheap!
    - riding a bicycle
    - travel safety
    - some quite nice pictures
    - how to get jobs here
    - the evil working visa
    - and loads more ...
    have a look at
    and tell me what you think!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Mon 19 April, 2:09].

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  67. 8 days in Czech and Slovak Rep.
    Created by: Marek (
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 22:35 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi there.
    We are university students from Slovakia, organizing a trip for students through Czech&Slovak
    Republic for 8 days in June and July. We are trying to get young travelers from different
    countries together to provide international atmosphere when traveling and partying in Prague,
    Bratislava, Kosice... for local prices. If you feel young, want to get to know the local off the
    beaten track sites, check out our website at
    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 18 April, 22:35].

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  68. 3..2..1..GO....BUT WHERE?
    Created by: 321
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 22:36 Wodonga Standard Time]

    3..2..1..GO....BUT WHERE?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sat 17 April, 22:36].

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  69. volunteer work
    Created by: Sheri (
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 22:51 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Anyone have any suggestiongs on volunteer organizations in
    South America or Africa that don't cost an arm and a leg,
    please send me a mail!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 20 April, 9:18].

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  70. Looking for funny vacation stories
    Created by: RDR Books (
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 8:22 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Ever had a vacation go not quite according to plan? Found
    yourself in a unique situation? Thrown up your hands and
    declared the trip a pure "disaster"?
    We are a publisher of travel/humor books, and for our next
    publication we are looking for funny vacation "disaster"
    stories. If you have a funny story you would like to share,
    please send us your story or contact us for more
    Vacation Disaster Editor
    RDR Books
    4456 Piedmont
    Oakland, CA 94611
    Phone: (510) 595-0595
    Fax: (510) 595-0598
    Email: (no attachments please)

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 18 April, 7:42].

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  71. Horseriding summer 99'
    Created by: Aquilla (
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 4:17 Wodonga Standard Time]

    As the title suggests, I am keen to experience horseriding
    in other countries. Is it the same as riding in England,
    where I am from?
    I would like to stay with a family who speaks English, or
    someone male / female aged 19 - 26. Doesn't matter where
    as long as not England / Wales.
    Get in touch soon!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 11 May, 7:08].

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  72. Skiers
    Created by: Gemini
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 19:15 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Calling all skiers. Where is the cheapest place in Europe to ski? Where can one ski in Greece and how much does it cost in February. Hope you can help!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 14:14].

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  73. Shanghai to London by Bicycle
    Created by: shoredawn (
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 16:15 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi,everybody. I am a chinese,
    living in Shanghai,China. I plan to travel
    from Shanghai to London by Bicycle,If
    anybody feel interested in it, please
    contact with me. I plan to use 2-4 month to
    complete this tour. Do you have any
    suggestion for me? please e-mail me. My
    address is and please
    forward my message to anybody who would be
    interested in.
    Thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 21:15].

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  74. desert island
    Created by: Ilse (
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 4:51 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Me and a friend of mine want to spent some months on a
    desert island, anywhere if it is tropical. Back to nature a
    la "Blue Lagoon". Can anybody please help us find this
    oppertunity? Did any of you find a place where this is
    possible while travelling? Any ideas or suggestions are more
    than welcome, as we really need to do this. Thanks a lot,

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 11:24].

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  75. caught with my pants down...
    Created by: shod
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 21:22 Wodonga Standard Time]

    i was solo in my converted dodge van/house on wheels from
    michigan to colorado then to cali and back...i had never
    been through moab utah before and arrived late one night,
    couldn't see a thing...the next morning i awoke, started up
    my van, flipped the radio on and stepped out to
    stretch...out of pure travel habit (and still half asleep)
    i hit the power lock switch...when i looked up the amazing
    scenery caught my attention...i stared at the beauty in
    awe...and procceeded to shut the van door!!!!!!! totally
    secluded, bymyself, in moab, in my skivies!, with the van
    locked and running!!!!! talk about a rock and a hard
    place!! i managed to bravely approach some boyscouts (of
    all people) in my skivies mind you, and got a hanger to try
    to get to the lock....and by the grace of the almighty one,
    i got it open on the first try!!!! which is a difficult
    task in itself, what a morning in moab!!!! hope yall got a
    kick out of that :)

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 9 April, 21:22].

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  76. Eye laser therapy
    Created by: Blind as a bat
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 10:51 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I can't seem to get on TTYC so I am asking it here. This
    year I am heading off on my OE for a few years and because
    I wear disposable contact lenses I am thinking about
    getting the laser surgery that will correct my sight all
    together. Contacts lenses are a pain in the bum when
    traveling. Has anyone had this surgery? Good /bad

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:39].

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  77. TREKKING in Thailand, from Mae Hong Son.
    Created by: Tony and Frederique (
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 7:03 Wodonga Standard Time]

    If you're looking for a good trek, we can recommend Lin.
    We spent 3 days/2 nights, walking in the jungle,close to
    the Burmese boarder, visiting 4 different villages-
    completely unspoiled (no long-necks and no tourists at
    all). Lin, ou guide, was really good/ from Burma himself he
    knew everything about the language and the lifestyles of
    the different tribes. He knew the jungle very well and was
    very good at sharing this knowledge.
    We stayed in primitive huts/great people/great food- a trek
    to remember.
    You find Lin in his office at the cross-roads with the only
    traffic-light in Mae Hong Son, his shop is called
    "DON"Enterprise- Tour & Trek, and his sign says "Adventure
    plus fun. His phone-number is: 611362.
    Tony and Frederique, Denmark

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Fri 9 April, 7:03].

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  78. Jelly Fish
    Created by: Amy
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 8:45 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Just out of curiosity...have you been stung by a jellyfish
    and where did it happen? I was stung while scuba diving in
    the Arabian Gulf. Luckily i brought vinegar along with me.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 1:32].

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  79. language schools in south america
    Created by: Anke (
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 8:37 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I┤m planing a trip to soth america in summer and want to improve my Spanish there at a school of language
    Does anybody know a good school of language in Cuba , Venezuela, Equador or anywhere else in Middle or South America?
    Any information would be greatly appreaciated
    Please drop me a mail!
    Herzlichste Grⁿ▀e aus Heidelberg
    ( Greetings from H. )

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 15 April, 9:34].

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    Created by: kusi (
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 8:20 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am a 25 years old girl, originally from Peru, but Ive
    been traveling alot the last years. Right now Im in Sweden
    and Im looking for a work. Anyone has got any ideas about
    how to find a job? A job that that is possible to do
    without knowing any Swedish? I got a work permit and I
    speak good English and, offcource Spanish.
    I would appreciate if anyone could help me.
    PS Im living in Lund, Lund is in the south Sweden close to

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 8:58].

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  81. Missing you all
    Created by: Software Engineer
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 22:20 Wodonga Standard Time]

    My name is Patsy, and I live in Lortcreash. I am a software engineer, and I want to meet up with other software engineers to discuss problems that occur every day. I would prefer Gentlemen only to reply, with a possible relationship occuring after we stable our new discovered love. I also love to watch the computer at night, with all the lights off! and I work for a International company that's really sound.
    Looking forward to hear from all you mates out there.
    X. P

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 18:16].

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  82. Kipping Out
    Created by: Generous
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 22:11 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Good day to you one 'n all,
    I'm yer typical stereotyped Irishman who's currently
    renovating an old farmhouse out in the sticks. It should be
    finished within a few months so if there's any travellers
    out there needing to stay somewhere anytime for a few days,
    feel welcome to drop in.
    I can guarantee a bit of the ould craic and a few tipples
    of the black nectar before sending you on your way to fall
    down a few of our famous potholed roads and soak in our
    summer showers.
    So just add a topic with your email and I'll get back. I
    don't want any of these spoofers replying, so create your
    own temporary hotmail (etc) one if you're afraid I'm not
    the full monty either !!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 20:01].

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  83. The Activity of Travel Writing
    Created by: Sean (
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 12:32 Wodonga Standard Time]

    We are looking for travel writers from various parts of the
    world. This is a fun gig so if you feel you can write, or
    at least have fun, apply at

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 12 April, 2:48].

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  84. Travelers Wanted
    Created by: Jeremy (
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 5:35 Wodonga Standard Time]

    We have a new web site at and
    need your help.
    The site is aimed at travelers who would rather spend a
    month anywhere in the world than a night at the four
    seasons for the same price.
    We are looking for video and stories relating to "life on
    the road". If you have a video of your travels we would
    like to stream it live on our site for free.
    We are also looking for stories on travelers who have done
    it the hard way. If you have or know someone who as cycled,
    walked, sailed, rowed or driven then we would love to hear
    from you.
    Even if youÆre not an aspiring writer or producer you can
    still enjoy Underground Travel.
    Many Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 7 April, 5:35].

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    Created by: Julian (
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 3:22 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Wondering if anyone else out there is planning to watch the
    solar eclipse!
    Cornwall would be excellent, but might be cloudy...
    The only guaranteed destination is Iran with a 98% chance of
    Otherwise, Transylvania or Lake Balkash in Hungary are good
    options, though still only 70% chance of sunshine...
    Any thoughts or plans?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 7:46].

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  86. adventure travel website
    Created by: Lea Smith
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 4:30 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am creating an adventure travel website where you get
    asked a few Questions such as where you want to travel,
    budget, when, activities etc etc. The site will then
    return the available itineries and companies to go with for
    all the details you entered. (not running yet). We need
    to know, if you, the traveller would use this site before
    you booked your trip, and whether you would prefer to book
    through us, and us make the booking to the tour operator,
    or if you would prefer to be given the details of tour
    operator, and book directly with them. (we wouldn't
    upgrade the costs of trips whether you booked with us or
    Thanks for any replies

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 0:35].

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  87. New Years Eve 2000
    Created by: corey
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 23:53 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Can anyone suggest some of THE Ultimate places to travel to (ie parties etc) for the NYE 2000!!!! What are you planning to do ?

    [Posts on this topic: 17. Latest post: Sun 18 April, 3:01].

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  88. Goa: 5 star hotels
    Created by: aloy (
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 14:54 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am thinking of visiting Goa (India). Can anyone give me information about the best 5 star hotels there. What are the facilities available in those hotels? Which travel agency should i contact?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 15:45].

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  89. Caving Expedition
    Created by: Mr.Wiggles (
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 8:56 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am forming an expedition to explore a recently discovered
    cave. I am a pig farmer and own 212 acres of land in the
    Blue ridge Mountains of West Virginia. Recently, my prized
    sow "Kate Moss"(I name all my sows after super models)
    escaped from her pen during a horrendous thunderstorm. She
    roamed the hills for two days before I found her. She had
    broken through the crust of an elaborate cave system and
    wedged herself in crevice about fifty feet below the
    surface.Well sir, she was quite dead by that time and I had
    to rappel down to retrieve the carcass. When I got to the
    bottom of the opening I relized Kate's body was wedged in
    there to good and I wouldn't be able to return her for a
    proper burial.This apparently wasn't the first time this
    had happened to our unweary four-legged freinds for there
    were bones scattered every where on the cave floor.I then
    noticed that the chamber I was in had several different
    passage ways leading in all different directions. I
    explored one of the passages about 500 ft. before I was
    over taken by noxious gases and just barely made it back to
    the cave entrance.I have checked with the State of West
    Virginia Geological Survey and there is no record of this
    cave system in their files. Since the only known entrance
    to the cave is on my property, I own it and would like to
    turn it into some sort of tourist attraction like Dollywood
    or something.I am in search of a qualified Speologist and
    also a Cave Cartographer to join me in my expedition. I
    can't pay you but you can camp on my pig farm for free and
    my wife makes a mean roast possum with squirrel meat

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 18 April, 5:18].

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  90. the route to santiago
    Created by: holly (
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 8:21 Wodonga Standard Time]

    i am planning to do the route to santiago this summer
    starting in spain, trouble is i don't know where to start
    or how long it takes (i've heard 30 days!?!). does anyone
    have any helpfull hints about this pilgrammage?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 24 March, 2:39].

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  91. Route combination help?
    Created by: Louise Johnsson (
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 5:15 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Does anyone know of books or some internet website or other
    sources where I could get info about good travel routes.
    Like what would be a good combination say if I started in
    Pakistan and went east and wanted to stay out for 6 months
    or if I went west or north or south or Australia/Asia or
    Europe north Africa Central America/ South America etc.
    ThereÆs a billion of things out there and it is a bit over
    whelming some times. I get so excited about some places and
    I donÆt want to eliminate anything yet I have the feeling I
    would never return back home if I tried to do the whole
    world at once. But then again, maybe thatÆs the pointà.
    Anyways, of course this all depends on factors such as
    money, what one is specifically looking for, time,
    experience etc. But I am mainly looking for combination
    info or tips on good routes.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 20 March, 6:55].

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  92. Euro summer employment?!?!
    Created by: Kristin Kinstetter (
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 9:55 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hello everyone!!!!
    I am a 24 year old female college student at the
    University of WI Green Bay. I took a year off to make
    some $$$ (know the feeling? - college is expensive after
    all...), and am in search of summer employment in Europe.
    I love to travel, am ambitious and energetic, but what's
    up? How come I have such problems finding/locating
    employment abroad? Has anyone ever did this and/or has
    some "secrets"??? Fill me in!!!
    Thanks a mill.!!!
    Kristin -

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 17 March, 14:12].

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  93. The "MUST DO'S"
    Created by: Rat (
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 Feb, 8:36 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am trying to figure out the absolute best things to do in
    the world. The greatest places to go, the greatest things
    things to see, the greatest things to do, where the
    greatest parties are, and what are some of the better
    "backpacker friendly" towns for atmosphere i.e other
    backpackers and work. Esentially what I am looking for is
    the "absolute must do's" of different countries. I have
    traveled to Australia, so I will use it as an example of
    what I am looking for:
    Things to see and do: Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef,
    Climb Ayers Rock, check out the 12 Apostles, Myall Lakes
    National Park; unbelievable sand dunes, Jeep safari through
    Kakadu National Park, Canoe the Catherine Gorge, Visit Port
    Arthur; definitely go on the Midnight Ghost Tour, Jeep
    Safari Frasier Island, Sail the Whitsundays, Trek the
    Daintree Rain Forest, trek anywhere and everywhere in
    Tasmania, climb the Blue Mountains and relax in the warm
    fresh water pools, etc, etc.
    Towns and cities with a good groove and atmosphere that you
    don't want to miss: Byron Bay, Perth, Surfers Paradise,
    Airlie Beach, Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns. These places are
    inhabited by loads of backpackers and are great places to
    party, and sometimes, if your lucky, get work.
    Parties and/or cultural events not to be missed: Gay and
    Lesbian Mardi Gras (Sydney), Darwin Beer Can Regatta, New
    Years in Byron Bay, a good game of Aussie rules football
    (preferably in Victoria), a trek into the backcountry to
    have a beer at a Pub in a one horse town that you would
    rather not be in.
    These are some of my "must do's, must see's, and great
    places to hang and party". I am sure you have your own
    ideas of what would compromise your list. That is what I am
    most interested in.... your opinion. And not only for
    Australia, but for any country or countries in the world
    you would like to tell me about. By getting a consensus
    from a # of different travelers hopefully I can get an idea
    of what to skip and what is a "must do". Thanks !!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 46. Latest post: Tue 20 April, 9:58].

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  94. If you had $20,000,where would you go
    Created by: xina (
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 17:16 Wodonga Standard Time]

    If you had 1 year and $20,000 US, where would you go? Pls
    tell me the top 10 places that you highly recommend on a
    Around the World Trip??

    [Posts on this topic: 37. Latest post: Fri 9 April, 20:10].

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  95. Natural Wonders of the World
    Created by: Dazza (
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 15:22 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Can anyone body tell what the Nautral Wonders of the world
    are? I know the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) is one and
    the Grand Canyon (USA) is another. But what else is?

    [Posts on this topic: 32. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 9:35].

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  96. Everyone please post...
    Created by: Mechiras (
    [Timestamp: Fri 27 Nov, 11:19 Wodonga Standard Time]

    What's your hands-down FAVORITE TRAVEL DESTINATION? Just wondering....

    [Posts on this topic: 22. Latest post: Mon 5 April, 22:01].

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  97. To Hell and Back
    Created by: Dean
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Sept, 3:24 Wodonga Standard Time]

    What's the dirtiest, grungiest, most uncivilized, or crime
    ridden place you've ever been. Whether it's Medan, Jakarta,
    Sao Paulo, Cairo, New Delhi, or even New York. What
    experience did you have there and lived to tell about it?

    [Posts on this topic: 57. Latest post: Sat 24 April, 8:08].

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  98. Where is everyone from?
    Created by: aka Rita
    [Timestamp: Thu 10 Sept, 2:57 Wodonga Standard Time]

    What country do you live in? America here.

    [Posts on this topic: 65. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 6:53].

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  99. Transendental Meditation
    Created by: Yogi Prabahta
    [Timestamp: Fri 28 August, 18:39 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am a Yogi and teach meditation. We have a lovely site on the Island of Ko Tao in Thailand. Is anyone interested to come to my compound and study this ancient art.
    My wife and I always welcome new comers and the board is very cheap. Just $5 US per day.

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Sat 6 March, 21:56].

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  100. FAT travellers
    Created by: dora
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 August, 12:30 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am an otherwise attractive woman who weighs over 200 pounds and I love to travel. In the past I have been in beautiful/amazing places (the jungles of Guatemala, an island in Greece, the Carribean, etc.) and have been very uncomfortable with people's stares/responses to my weight. I love to swim in the ocean but often locals and/or other travellers look at me as if they are offended that I would dirty their beautiful view by showing my body in a bathing suit. Have any large woman travellers been in a culture/country where no one made them feel uncomfortable about their bodies and where you felt free to swim, frollick, walk around, without getting stared at all the time? I'd love to hear about it -- perhaps I'll visit there next. Also, it seems to me that the more Westernized otherwise accepting cultures become (i.e. the Mexican Carribean) and the more used to tourists, the more judgemental those cultures become too, importing standards about beauty that they probably didn't have. What do you think?

    [Posts on this topic: 62. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 8:52].

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  101. London Marathon 1999
    Created by: Aussie Mark
    [Timestamp: Fri 24 July, 21:50 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I am planning to run in the London Marathon in April 1999. Can anybody help me out with some logistical advice about accommodation and transport difficulties due to the huge number of runners and spectators. As I am coming over from Australia I will be planning to stay somewhere near the start or finish for a few days before and after the race. Any suggestions?

    [Posts on this topic: 31. Latest post: Sun 18 April, 8:23].

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  102. Favourite "Lonely Planet" host
    Created by: Tim
    [Timestamp: Fri 24 July, 18:48 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Who is your favourite host on the Lonely Planet travel show. My choice is Ian Wright.

    [Posts on this topic: 164. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:01].

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  103. Eloping...
    Created by: Morgan
    [Timestamp: Sun 12 July, 7:32 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Need advice on good places to elope. Would prefer to go to a
    place where I could get a Roman Catholic or Anglican priest.
    I've heard Scotland, Hawaii, Nevada are all good places, but
    I need more info.

    [Posts on this topic: 33. Latest post: Thu 25 Feb, 15:01].

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  104. Travel Coincidences
    Created by: Lawrence
    [Timestamp: Sun 12 July, 0:05 Wodonga Standard Time]

    The world is a small place (not original but truer every
    day). People often experience interesting and wonderful
    travel coincidences. I offer an example from my experience.
    In 1976 I travelled to Bombay where a woman I met at a
    small dinner party encouraged me to spend some time at the
    Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherri (sp?). She had grown up
    there in the Ashram. I spent a couple of weeks at the Ashram
    on that trip. Ten years later (1985) in Canada I was filling
    out a form at a government office in the prairie city where
    I was living. The woman who served me asked me about the
    Indian style bag I was carrying. She indicated that she was
    from South India. When I asked her where, she told me I
    wouldn't know the place. It was small not-well-known town.
    Inquiring further, I learned it was Pondicherri. She, too,
    had grown up there. She was the sister of the woman I met 10
    years earlier in Bombay.
    I'd appreciate hearing about other ætravel coincidences'
    people have experienced. (And, in your opinion, was the
    experience fated? Or can it be explaining on the basis of

    [Posts on this topic: 41. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 9:33].

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  105. over-50's
    Created by: msmarg (
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 May, 18:11 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Are there any backpacking travellers out there who are a bit older than most of the people who contribute to the Thorn Tree? I'm a 54-year old Australian woman who has travelled extensively over the years - backpacked and worked all over Europe and the UK years ago, and over the past 10 years or so have travelled around India, Nepal, Thailand, Bali and a bit of Java - as well as spending a month touring on both the East and West coasts of the USA with my son and daughter. Have also been to New Zealand, Fiji and more .... I'm planning another solo trip later this year to Sumatra if things are OK in Indonesia. At this stage I'd just like to get a feel for how many 'mature-age' people there might be who like the Lonely Planet lifestyle and who might read this?? Please reply if you'd like to share travel experiences etc.

    [Posts on this topic: 33. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 9:54].

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  106. Should I take my guitar as well?
    Created by: Yuvy (Groovy Yuvy) (
    [Timestamp: Sun 10 May, 19:52 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Leaving from Israel to India-Australia-N.Z. and wondering
    1. Should buy a 3/4 guitar in Dehli, have you any prices?
    2. Take my classic from here?
    3. Travel with a guitar at all?
    Did you take yours, how was it? Any tips/chords?
    Toda (thanks)

    [Posts on this topic: 21. Latest post: Fri 30 April, 22:51].

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  107. Hiking trail suggestions
    Created by: Wolfgang (
    [Timestamp: Sat 18 April, 7:14 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi there,
    I will be in Europe during August / September 98 and would like to walk a couple of hiking trails. I am thinging of northern Scandinavia, Island, Greenland or maybe somewhere in the Alp region or along the Mediterranean.
    Any suggestions? Thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Fri 5 Feb, 23:26].

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  108. Scenic Preference Travel Survey
    Created by: Tom (
    [Timestamp: Wed 8 April, 2:55 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hello Everyone,
    I am a graduate student in travel & tourism at
    Clemson University doing research on landscape preferences
    and leisure activities and was wondering if you would help
    with my research project.
    It's a questionnaire on a Web page at:
    It's pretty much all point-and-click to fill out,
    and only takes a few minutes. It's mostly
    rating 30 photographs. It will be e-mailed to me,
    with total anonymity for anyone participating.
    I appreciate your help very much. Thank you.
    Tom Rourke
    Clemson University

    [Posts on this topic: 16. Latest post: Sat 3 April, 6:07].

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    Created by: Ann
    [Timestamp: Tue 7 April, 17:55 Wodonga Standard Time]

    I plan to go to the pacific mainly to dive..havn't narrow my choice yet..Awaiting inside infos..anyboby 've been to Truk and Yap?

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Sun 28 March, 3:01].

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  110. Australain Surfing life
    Created by: surferman
    [Timestamp: Tue 7 April, 14:06 Wodonga Standard Time]

    Hi I was wondering if anyone out there knows of fantastic
    surf spots around Australia.

    [Posts on this topic: 32. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 12:39].

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