Where should I travel?

This topic was created by Aquilla (aquilla79@hotmail.com)
[Sat 22 May, 4:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This website seemed the best place to ask this so here
I am free for 4 months, from now till August, I am a student
on a budget and within those 4 months have to earn a bit of
money someplace to pay my rent next year!
Ideally I would love to travel to Montana and stay on a
ranch. But anyplace apart from England sounds good at the
moment. If anyone is in the same sitution and looking for a
travel companion, I'll be happy to join them, providing of
course that they are real in their intentions.
So, what are you waiting for?!
Advice would be welcome, and answers to this post would be
even better!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 0:26]

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  1. good money Added by: good times
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 19:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    acquilla, you're english? if so, teach english in Korea or
    Japan for the summer. i'd reccomend seoul or tokyo. you
    could find something more quickly there (although you'd
    have to spend more quickly as well). that said, if you
    hustled to get a job or two asap, you'd probably do fairly
    well. another hint: vancouver, canada. it has a tourist
    boom in the summer and a lot of aussies, kiwis and brits
    get jobs in hotels, tour groups, retaurants and bars there
    durinf the summer. i should know, it's my home town. go
    to the student union building at the University of British
    Columbia, look for an office called "Joblink". they help
    students get summer jobs. in theory it's a service for UBC
    students only, but if you're really nice and desperate,
    they'll still help you out (i least i helped brits when i
    worked there, dunno about my successors). good luck!

  2. Greece or Nepal Added by: Glorine (glorine38@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello,I knew one woman in Greece last year.She was from
    Netherland.She goes to work every summer in Greece.On some
    little islands,the travel agents need the part-time(I mean
    "just in summer") tour guides. If you can speak in more
    languages,that would be better.
    Nepal is a good choice,too.It's very beautiful!And all of
    stuff are very cheap(except chocolate, pens)You can find
    some travel agents opend by English,they always hire English
    What's you decision?Don't forget to tell me!
    Bonne Chance!

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