Transendental Meditation

This topic was created by Yogi Prabahta
[Fri 28 August, 18:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am a Yogi and teach meditation. We have a lovely site on the Island of Ko Tao in Thailand. Is anyone interested to come to my compound and study this ancient art.
My wife and I always welcome new comers and the board is very cheap. Just $5 US per day.

[There are 14 posts - the latest was added on Sat 6 March, 21:56]

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  1. sjm Added by: sjm (
    [Timestamp: Fri 28 August, 22:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry I tried to send you an earlier email and I dont think it worked!
    Anyway I saw your piece in the lonely planet and was interested in receiving more information etc.
    for example:-
    where is the island of Ko Tao?
    how would I reach the island?
    and what is the cost of say a 1/2 week stay?
    I am living in London at the moment and would like to get away from the hustle and bustle before I start back at university in early October....
    I look forward to your reply

  2. Interested from Seattle Added by: David Ridley (
    [Timestamp: Sat 29 August, 5:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would like to learn more about your instruction, your location, resources for visiting etc.

  3. Where is Ko Tao ??? Added by: Yogi Prabahta
    [Timestamp: Sat 29 August, 17:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ko Tao is in the Gulf of Thailand and is north of Ko Pha Ngan and Ko Samuii. It is mostly known these days for its teaching of the scuba diving and the snorkelling.
    You can travel to the island from Chum Pon on the mainland or from Ban Don or Surat Thani by a connecting bus/ferry. A half a week stay would cost you the princely sum of about $20US , not too much in this day and age I think.
    My teachings are biased towards trying to mentally remove yourself from the incredible daily pressures of life in the late 20th century. I teach you to live in the world of pressure but not to build up mental pressure. I will demonstrate that by being mentally calm , you will be physically better and also more of a blessing to those around you because they will see the difference in you.
    We are basically vegetarian at our compound. By that I mean we do use eggs and occasionally, fish. But the many people who have been here never complain about the food. In fact Thai cooking is very good. And I mix it with my wifes Indian cooking and the result is fantastic.

  4. What is a day like? Added by: nadda
    [Timestamp: Mon 31 August, 1:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am very interested and am curious about what a typical at the compound is like? What is the schedule and what are the acticities? Is there exercise, such as yoga, or strictly meditation? Would a stay at the compound correspond with travelling before and after around the region, and if so is that anything that you assist with, or are travellers on their own? How much meditation happens per day and what happens in the other hours? Are there ever "excursions" to other areas of Thailand? Thank you!!

  5. Many Activities Added by: Yogi
    [Timestamp: Mon 31 August, 14:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, we have many activities other than the mental! During the day we direct people to the various dive schools and walking trails. A healthy body is all important to having a healthy mind.
    There is also swimming and general exploration of the island.

  6. You didn't answer my question. Added by: Naddi
    [Timestamp: Tue 1 Sept, 14:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You didn't really answer my question. What is a typical day like? How much meditiation? What other activities? Please read over my question again. thank you.

  7. more info please Added by: Nancy (
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Sept, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Do you have a website for your place?
    What is the compound like? What sort of facilities have you got, what sort of accomodations (kindly describe), amenities, etc.
    I'd also like to know more about your schedule of activities, if there is a set/definite program. By this I mean for example, every 9 am, meditation, 4 pm yoga, etc. That sort of thing.
    Is there good snorkeling at the island itself or does one have to go elsewhere?
    For the others who seem to be interested in Mr. Yogi Prabahta's place.....check out Malapacao Island Retreat in Palawan, Philippines.

  8. retreat Added by: george(girl)
    [Timestamp: Wed 9 Sept, 0:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sounds like you all (including myself) could do with
    chilling out. Ko Tao is easy to get to by boat from Ko
    Samui and or Koh Pha Ngan it is or rather was alot quieter
    than the latter islands - less partying more relaxing. i
    only stayed on the island for 1 night whilst i was diving
    but my sister stayed there for over a week so i'm sure that
    if you've had enough of meditating that there are other
    places to stay in. the diving is brilliant whilst we were
    diving (being chased by a rather viscious titan trigger fish
    called warned!) the other divers were
    goggling at a beautiful whale shark!!!!!! oh yes, coming
    from bangkok is easy buses are regular can't remember
    exactly how long but it is painless.

  9. More info... Added by: swarnee
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Sept, 14:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know if the Yogi is still out there but I am also curious about what a typical day is like at your retreat center and would be curious about Nadda's question. Thank you in advance for answering.

  10. Yoga Teaching? Added by: Ananda (
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Dec, 15:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Yogi Prabahata,
    I teach yoga (and dance) myself - atlhough I really only have experience in hatha yoga (ie: physical yoga). I plan to travel around the world next year and hope to support myself by teaching yoga. I was wondering if you were interested in adding hatha yoga to your program that you offer your guests? Email me if you're interested and we can discuss the idea further.

  11. Coming to Ko Tao in May... Added by: Laura (
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 3:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'll be in Ko Tao in May and am a regular yoga goer...can someone come just for the day? Do you do Hatha yoga classes? Please email more info at
    Sounds great.

  12. Thankyou Added by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 23:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many thanks for your posting, it's so nice to see people actively advertising services such as your own that really epitomise a journey to your part of the World. Personally, I would be very grateful for any information on where you are and how to get there as I will be in Thailand next year.

  13. Coming Back Added by: Peter (
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 2:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I is facinating to read other peoples mail from what is
    obviously an idylic place. I am trying to come back to TM
    and Yoga in the UK where I have a stressful life running a
    small company. After 2 heart attacks I am trying to get my
    head back on track.
    I wish you well. Who knows, maybe I will visit one day with
    my family.
    Kind Regards

  14. In Koh Tao soon Added by: Diane (
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 21:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Greetings..I will be in Koh Tao late April/early May
    (hopefully for about 2 weeks) and would be interested in
    checking this out.. Is it possible to visit and do some
    programmes yet not actually stay there? Looking forward to
    chilling out! Di

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