Hiking trail suggestions

This topic was created by Wolfgang (mokuti@tsumeb.nam.lia.net)
[Sat 18 April, 7:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi there,
I will be in Europe during August / September 98 and would like to walk a couple of hiking trails. I am thinging of northern Scandinavia, Island, Greenland or maybe somewhere in the Alp region or along the Mediterranean.
Any suggestions? Thank you.

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Fri 5 Feb, 23:26]

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  1. Swedish mountains Added by: Anna-Stina (succumbtome@ibm.net.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 22 April, 0:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are some nice hikingtrails in the Swedish mountains
    ie.in Harjedalen and Are.Check out Lonely Planets info. on
    Sweden at this homepage.icon(destinations)

  2. Iceland above all Added by: Steve (stephen.reid@lineone.net)
    [Timestamp: Thu 23 April, 3:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I went to Iceland two yearsd ago and trekked in the North of the Island. The landscape ranges for moon-like surfaces, desert, mud pools (boiling), sulphur everywhere, and it is outstanding. Although the country is expensive, a round the island bus ticket is about ú140 stg. and lasts for a couple of months. You can live fairly cheaply if you camp and eat out of supermarkets. Beer will cost you about ú5 stg. per half litre. That is the only drawback.
    Visit Myvatn in the north and you will love it!

  3. Iceland or bust Added by: Kev Sheard
    [Timestamp: Tue 28 April, 2:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Steve's not far wrong! I travelled round Iceland in 95 and
    visited Myvatn, Jokulsargljufur, Skaftafell, Landmannalaugar
    & Reykjavik. Excellent place! Take a look at an article I
    Saying that, I'm going to E. Greenland this year, which also
    looks excellent - though more remote & expensive. If you
    haven't done either before, try Iceland.

  4. suggestions Added by: olivier
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 May, 21:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Iceland has indeed a lot to offer, though it is expensive. I
    enjoyed it a lot: did more or less like Kev.
    the french alps offer very nice sceneries, but are a little
    bit crowded in August. It should be better in September. Why
    not trek round the Mt Blanc ?
    A friend of mine did the GR Mare e Monte in Corsica (GR
    means grande randonnΘe: hiking trail). He came back really
    happy. Mare e Monte= sea and mountain.
    Something that I have done by parts but never in a row:
    GR's around Bretagne. Must be nice in September.

  5. Northern Norway Added by: Helen
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 June, 1:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    By September it could well be snowing in northern Scandinavia.

  6. Iceland Added by: Brekka (brekka@my-dejanews.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 19 July, 5:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For the best hiking I think that Norway and Iceland are much
    more attractive and exciting than the Alps.
    Iceland has the biggest icecap outside the polar regions and
    see volcanic landscape so wild that it was used for training
    astronauts prior to the moon landing.
    I recommend you have a look at this site if you want some
    real glacier experiences :

  7. finnish lappland... Added by: chili
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 21:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Come to Finland! Does it get any more exotic than that? :)
    Look for KilpisjΣrvi on your map there, it┤s beautiful
    unspoiled nature and there┤s this spot where you are
    standing in three countries at the same time (Finland,
    Sweden and Norway). And after a long day of hiking you can
    go relax in a sauna... There are wilderness cabins up there
    as well as hiking trails I think. Find out about it, I┤ll
    try to find a net page and post it later.

  8. GIS Jobs in Norway? Added by: Kieron (ynot4me2@yahoo.ie)
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 23:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Does anyone have any info. on the potential for getting
    work in Geographic information systems in Norway as I hope
    to go there during the summer. Any cartographic type work
    would be of interest,
    Thanks a lot.

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