caught with my pants down...

This topic was created by shod
[Fri 9 April, 21:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i was solo in my converted dodge van/house on wheels from
michigan to colorado then to cali and back...i had never
been through moab utah before and arrived late one night,
couldn't see a thing...the next morning i awoke, started up
my van, flipped the radio on and stepped out to
stretch...out of pure travel habit (and still half asleep)
i hit the power lock switch...when i looked up the amazing
scenery caught my attention...i stared at the beauty in
awe...and procceeded to shut the van door!!!!!!! totally
secluded, bymyself, in moab, in my skivies!, with the van
locked and running!!!!! talk about a rock and a hard
place!! i managed to bravely approach some boyscouts (of
all people) in my skivies mind you, and got a hanger to try
to get to the lock....and by the grace of the almighty one,
i got it open on the first try!!!! which is a difficult
task in itself, what a morning in moab!!!! hope yall got a
kick out of that :)

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Fri 9 April, 21:22]

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