Want to volunteer in Kenya this summer?

This topic was created by Jessica Goldberger (jgoldber@ssc.wisc.edu)
[Sat 24 April, 7:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Interested in an exciting volunteer opportunity in Kenya??
Applications now being accepted!! Read on...
July 5, 1999 - July 31, 1999

This summer Global Service Corps (GSC), a project of Earth
Island Institute, is initiating a Sustainable Agriculture
Field Program in Eastern Kenya. Global Service Corps first
began offering Kenya village-based programs in 1994 by
teaching biointensive agriculture (BIA) to community members
in the Mumias area of Kenya's Western Province. GSC is now
planning to replicate this highly successful program in the
Kibwezi area (in Kenya's Eastern Province) and is looking
for participants with an interest in small-scale sustainable
agriculture and local community development to assist with
the development of this program.

The program begins with a two-day orientation and tour of
Nairobi. GSC participants then travel to Kibwezi and attend
a three-day biointensive agriculture training workshop.
After the training, volunteers will be placed in homestays
in Kibwezi for three weeks. Participants will have the
opportunity to visit local sustainable agriculture and
development projects, as well as numerous self-help and
women's groups in the Kibwezi area. The program will
conclude with either a final celebration in Nairobi or a
trip to one of Kenya's many celebrated game reserves.

Participants must be at least 20 years old. The cost of the
short-term program (July 5 - July 31, 1999) is $1,795 (not
including airfare). An internship option is available from
July 5 - September 13 (cost: $2,520). In addition,
long-term placements are possible.

To receive more information, please contact:
Jessica Goldberger, Coordinator
Kenya Sustainable Agriculture Field Program (July 1999)
Phone: (608) 256-7611
Rick Lathrop, Director, Global Service Corps
Phone: (415) 788-3666 ext. 128

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