Looking for funny vacation stories

This topic was created by RDR Books (rdrbooks@lanminds.com)
[Thu 15 April, 8:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Ever had a vacation go not quite according to plan? Found
yourself in a unique situation? Thrown up your hands and
declared the trip a pure "disaster"?
We are a publisher of travel/humor books, and for our next
publication we are looking for funny vacation "disaster"
stories. If you have a funny story you would like to share,
please send us your story or contact us for more
Vacation Disaster Editor
RDR Books
4456 Piedmont
Oakland, CA 94611
Phone: (510) 595-0595
Fax: (510) 595-0598
Email: rdrbooks@lanminds.com (no attachments please)

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sun 18 April, 7:42]

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  1. TRY ME! Added by: joo (eerim0708@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 7:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had several tragic stories. Try to write me at my private
    mail adress. I will tell you how it is to get salmonella in
    Marrakesh with no more money, after hitchhiking from Norway
    in three days, with a girlfriend whose parents thought we
    were just in Denmark,
    Try to imagine this story in full: Me (girl) with three fat
    elderly men in Caucasian mountains. There are chechen
    soldiers, kalashnikovs, donkeychildren and homemade booze
    involved later....

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