This topic was created by Julian (
[Sat 27 March, 3:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Wondering if anyone else out there is planning to watch the
solar eclipse!
Cornwall would be excellent, but might be cloudy...
The only guaranteed destination is Iran with a 98% chance of
Otherwise, Transylvania or Lake Balkash in Hungary are good
options, though still only 70% chance of sunshine...
Any thoughts or plans?

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 7:46]

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  1. Turkey/Iran Added by: Candi (
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 5:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Julian
    I was originally planning to view the eclipse in Cornwall
    but have decided I really want to see it not be with a
    million other people staring at a cloudy sky! I am now
    intending to watch it in Turkey or Iran. Esfahan in Iran
    is the place most likely to have good viewing conditions. I
    have the addresses of several good websites detailing the
    path of the eclipse, if you'd like them please email me (I
    don't have them to hand at the moment). There was a very
    interesting article in the Big Issue this week about the
    eclipse which is worth reading if you intend to view it.

  2. Eclipse.. Added by: La-La (
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 21:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Me and a friend are planning on going to Romania to see it -
    I'm travelling around the Philippines at the moment but will
    be back in London in May - if you want more info or are
    interested in joining us let me know.

  3. Here come the Sun Added by: Mausgras
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 3:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Transylvania should be fun - the Vampires don't normally get
    out in daytime. I believe some private pilots are planning
    to fly along the line of total eclipse. Sounds rather
    dangerous. It has already had some coverage in Sky and
    Telescope magazine and I am sure they will really go to town
    in the July or August issue. I will watch it in the garden
    at home, not quite total but it will have to do.

  4. Romania Added by: MELITTA (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in Romania and the best place from where you can see
    the eclipse is NOT in Transilvania( which, btw, is a county
    of Romania, not a country as most know), but the south of
    the country. also, there are no vampires:) sorry to
    dissapoint you.. you could come and stay in Bucharest for a
    while, there are at least 10 clubs i am sure you would love
    if you generally like parties. i can give you some names.
    Then, is I were you I would go to Brasov, which is a small
    town at high altitude. gorgeous sights and you are in the
    land of vampires:)
    if you need info on Romania, email me at

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