AnYOne ...

This topic was created by oYkU (
[Fri 23 April, 6:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

...who makes or is interested in documentary films pls write
to me.I need to have an idea about where to begin and what
steps to follow.If anyone wants to share her/his knowledge
and experience with me about documentary film making,just
follow the address above...
Thank you in advance!

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 27 April, 5:55]

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  1. Learning about documentaries... Added by: FreakyBB
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 5:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The best way to find out about documentary film is to find
    out if someone in your area is making one and offer to work
    on it for free. Another important thing is to see as many of
    them as you can -- sometimes libraries have good
    collections. Also, most big bookstores have a film section
    that offers introductory film books, including books on
    documentaries. And some cities even have bookstores devoted
    to film. One last suggestion would be to try to take a night
    class or extension class at a local university or community
    college. Good luck!

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