This topic was created by Ann
[Tue 7 April, 17:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I plan to go to the pacific mainly to dive..havn't narrow my choice yet..Awaiting inside infos..anyboby 've been to Truk and Yap?

[There are 14 posts - the latest was added on Sun 28 March, 3:01]

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  1. No. 1 Added by: Peter (
    [Timestamp: Thu 9 April, 8:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello Ann,
    I haven┤t been to Yap and Truk, but I can recommend some
    very nice wreck-diving just one hour west of Manila by
    plane. Busuanga Island and Coron Island were my favourite
    places for diving in the Philippines. I spent one week in
    February 97 and one week in November 97 sailing around
    between the islands around Coron and had a wonderful time.
    Prices for diving, food and accomodation were very
    reasonable. The following descriptions are part of a dive-site
    description you find in the internet:
    These are the wrecks of Coron:
    Japanese refrigeration ship, displacement 9,570 tons, lenght
    about 200 meters.
    Position: Coron Bay
    Quite intact, big wreck body. Big groupers, shoals of tuna and
    yellow fins, Lion fish & scorpion fishes living around this
    Max. depth: Deck level 28-35 meters. Recommended
    education level: Advance Diver, specialty Deep Diver,
    specialty Wreck diver.
    Japanese freighter about 120 meter long, lying on its
    starboard side.
    Position: Coron Bay
    A beautiful wreck dive site where you can observe big
    Groupers (Lapu Lapu's), Sweetlips, many times turtles and
    even sea snakes. Hard corals cover the port side which
    is only 14-18 meters below the surface. ATTENTION !!, many
    scorpion-fish around the wreck area. Keep your eyes open and
    be well bouyant !! The big cargo rooms and the engine room
    allows an easy penetration of this wreck.
    Max. depth : 25 meters, average about 15 meters.
    Recommended education level: Advance Diver, specialty
    Wreck diver
    Japanese tanker, about 200 m long.
    Position: Busuanga Island, 2 sm. of Concepcion
    This wreck is totally covered with beautiful corals and offers a
    large variety of marine life
    Max. depth: 26 m. The deck is between 10 m and 16 m and is
    good for wreck dive beginners. There are many penetration
    possibilities for advanced wreck divers as well. ATTENTION
    !! Strong tide currents often affect this wreck. Recom.
    education level: 1. Diving outside the deck with no strong
    current. Open Water Diver 2. Penetration and / or current.
    Advanced Open Water Diver, Wreck specialty Diver.
    Japanese freighter sitting upright with a length of approx.140
    Position: Coron Bay.
    A very good dive spot with a variety of marine life. Large
    shoals of Banana fishes, Giant Batfishes and giant
    pufferfishes, especially around the mast, bow and stern. Easy
    penetration at the cargo rooms. It offers a good opportunity to
    discover wreck diving.
    Max. depth: 28-30 m, Deck level 18-24 m. Recom. education
    level: Advanced Open Water Diver, Wreck specialty Diver
    Japanese Seaplane Tender. She is about 140 m long.
    Position: Between Culion & Busuanga Island, near Manglet
    The AKITSUSHIMA is a real big warship and lies on her
    starboard side. She was hit amidships and had sank
    immediately. The flying boat disappeared. Impressive is the
    Crane who was lifting the seaplane in the water. This big Metal
    construction is lying on sandy bottom and attracts shoals of
    giant Batfishes and Barracudas. Let you show from our guides
    the AA-guns. A fascinating dive where you can see giant
    groupers, shoals of barracudas, tunas and yellowfins.
    Max. depth is 36-38 m, average about 26-28m. Recom.
    education level: Adv. Open Water Diver, Wreck specialty
    Diver .
    Japanese freighter, about 160 m long, lying on her starboard
    Position: Coron Bay
    In the large cargo rooms, you can still see loaded construction
    materials, a cement mixer and even a bulldozer! On the deck
    anti-aircraft weapons can still be seen. In certain places, the
    wreck is easy to penetrate. On the port side there are many
    corals and varietie of fish life. Many Grouper (Lapu-lapu)
    living around the wreck.
    Max depth: 34 m, average 24-26m Recom. education. level:
    Adv. Open Water Diver, Wreck specialty Diver.
    Japanese Tanker approx. 40-50 m long, sits upright on sandy
    Position: Close to the Black Island Beach, in front of the
    stranded vessel..
    This dive site is perfect for a wreck dive beginners and
    underwater photographer. It is a beautiful dive in most clear
    water. You can witness plenty of Scorpion and Lion fishes,
    Trumpetfish, Groupers, Batfish and ... and ... and ... It is also a
    great night dive.
    Max depth: 32 meters. The wreck starts in 21 meter deep
    water. Recommended education level: Advanced open water
    Diver, Wreck specialty Diver.
    The Gunboat (at Tangat)
    A small gunboat or U-boat Hunter. Approximately 35 meter
    Position: Close to the Tangat Island.
    This dive site is good for wreck dive beginners and underwater
    photographer. It is also a lovely dive between deeper wreck
    sites. The wreck starts at only 3 meters down so even
    snorkellers can see the shape and explore the bow of the ship.
    Max depth: 18 meters. Recommended education level: Open
    Water Diver.
    The Gunboat at Lusong Island
    A Gunboat or U-boat Hunter. The stern breaks the surface at
    low tide.
    Position: In front of Lusong Island.
    This wreck is great for snorkelling. It starts on the surface
    with a maximum depth of 9-10 meters. It is nicely covered
    with hard corals and offers a nice variety of fish live. The are
    also good opportunities for wreck dive photographers or as a
    "dive between dives".
    Max depth: 9 meters. Recommended education level:
    Skindiver, Open water diver.
    Japanese freighter approximately 160-180 meter long.
    Position: Northeast of Busuanga Island.
    This is a beautiful wreck dive experience. More or less intact,
    this huge sunken ship usually offers good visibility of
    about 20 meters and ideal diving condition. In the cargo rooms
    Japanese staff cars and trucks are can be found.
    Max depth: 40 meters on the bottom. The deck level lies
    between 22 and 28 meters. Recommended education level:
    Advanced Diver, Wreck Specialty Diver.
    The fishing boat
    Location: Coron Island
    A recently sunken fishing boat; approx. 35 meter long at
    Coron Island, near the entrance of the Cayangan Lake. An easy
    wreck dive site for all beginners or/and in combination with
    the Coron drop. It is also a very interesting night dive site.
    Max depth: 16 meters. Recommended education level: Open
    Water Diver.
    There also is a so called äBarracuda Lake" on Coron Island.
    Two fresh-water layers of cold water are divided by a saltwater
    layer with very warm temperature (38 degrees C). You have to
    climb over a rock with all your equipment before you reach
    the lake.
    As Busuanga Island is situated in the South Chinese Sea, my
    advice might be wrong for you this time, but maybe you keep
    it in mind for the next trip.

  2. Okinawa Added by: Andy
    [Timestamp: Tue 21 April, 19:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try Tumon Bay in Guam and Maida Point in Okinawa. Definitely worth your time!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Coron again Added by: Oonagh
    [Timestamp: Wed 22 April, 17:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Busuangas and Coron are good, but the villages are not very
    attractive. There is a great place to stay up there near
    Coron (one hour or so away by boat) called Andy's place on
    Senget Beach - there's an ad for it at the airstrip in
    Busuangas and you could probably find it through a travel
    agent in Manila. Or just go there and hire someone to take
    you there. Andy's a diver himself (English) and has about
    six big huts, the food is whatever's fresh from the
    market,and it's the most laid back place I've stayed in

  4. Go the Great Barrier Added by: Tagore (
    [Timestamp: Tue 28 April, 17:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are going to be in the South Pacific, you must check
    out Australia's Great Barrier Reef. It is by far #1 spot to
    dive in the world.
    Although it will be cheaper to go a less developed country
    first to obtain your PADI certs. if you don't already have
    yours. Also, you will get a lot more dives for your money,
    as well as cheap travel, accomadation, and food, plus the
    chance to absorb some culture while having access to all the
    luxuries of the first world.
    If hopping to different places, save the Great BArrier Reef
    for last, for everything after it will be dissappointing.

  5. FIJI Added by: K
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 May, 7:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    island of Kadavu (kan-da-vu)...dive the Naigoro Passage

  6. lakes Added by: aaron
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 June, 10:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't restrict yourself to the oceans. There are many great
    lakes in africa that are among the cheapest places to dive
    in the world and the tropical life in these lakes is

  7. Diving and chillin' Added by: tuba
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 August, 3:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you want to do some good dives and stay in a cool place
    try Sinai. Dahab has good diving and plenty of weed to
    smoke, further down there is Ras Muhammed, supposedly
    excellent. Shame that I didn't get there. I think my
    favourite diving though was in Fiji. Can't beat diving off
    of the Islands and then sitting on the boat eating fresh
    papaya, brightest colours I have ever seen were underwater
    Fiji - I'd sell a kidney to get back there!!!

  8. 2ND TUBA REC Added by: IMNAHA
    [Timestamp: Wed 18 Nov, 14:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have been to Dahab and Ras when it was Israel and then when
    Egypt. Last time I was there, traveled with an Oz-ite who
    was working in Indonesia where he dived extensively - plus
    back home on the GB. For a week he did nothing but rave
    about the Red Sea as being the best he has ever dived in.
    The water clarity is excellent to unreal.

  9. SIMPLE PARADISE Added by: Richard Ward (
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 8:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Coron, Philippines
    The wrecks,reefs,Cathedral,Baracuda Lake,hot springs,the
    people and the sheer beauty of all the islands makes this
    SIMPLE PARADISE. I stay at the Sea Breeze with Jim and Jenny
    Goll. They have a great dive operation and the hospitality
    is unparalled. I love it so much I am moving there.

  10. great dives Added by: kauff (
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 12:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you get to the Philippines, there is some incredible diving on Balicasag Island. It is located right off the coast of Pangloa Island (southeast corner of Bohol) where you should stay, a few nice places right on the beach. I stayed at the Alona Kew, have a san miguel at the flying dog bar. Balicasag is a preserve and the fishermen seem to respect it for the most part, the wall there is amazing.
    If you want the truly exotic head to Papua New Guinea, the diving in the Milne Bay region is probably the most biodiverse in the world. It is in the same area as Australia's barrier reef, but much less traveled.
    Tahiti has some good diving as well. Moorea is the place, dive a spot called "the Tiki" You will see more sharks at one time than you will ever see. O the day I went, there were at least 70 sharks. It is about a 60-80 foot dive. There are some great dives in the Bora Bora lagoon as well, plenty of moray eels, and manta and eagle rays. Hawaii on the whole is a let down if you are looking for spectacular dives. Cheers.

  11. 2 great places Added by: slinger
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 19:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1.The coral sea (better than great barrier reef in mho).
    Fantastic walls teeming with sealife!
    2.The Red Sea (Jeddah side)incredible 400ft visibility!,
    ship wrecks, great variety.

  12. Tonga Added by: B.J.
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 19:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Has anyone heard of Tonga??

  13. Sipadan Added by: Peter (
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 9:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I posted a message some time ago about my favourite place
    for diving in the Philippines: Coron
    Today I returned from Sipadan Island/Borneo. It was
    unbelievable. Schools of Barrcudas, Bumphead Parrotfishes,
    Whitetips and crowds of Turtles. For more info please check or send me a mail.

  14. Palau and Yap and Truk Added by: Janie
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 3:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    GREAT diving! Palau all around, Yap for mantas and Truk
    for wreck diving.
    Whoever posted Tumon Bay on Guam- No! No one dives there.
    There are a few good dives off Guam though.

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