Route combination help?

This topic was created by Louise Johnsson (
[Fri 5 March, 5:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anyone know of books or some internet website or other
sources where I could get info about good travel routes.
Like what would be a good combination say if I started in
Pakistan and went east and wanted to stay out for 6 months
or if I went west or north or south or Australia/Asia or
Europe north Africa Central America/ South America etc.
ThereÆs a billion of things out there and it is a bit over
whelming some times. I get so excited about some places and
I donÆt want to eliminate anything yet I have the feeling I
would never return back home if I tried to do the whole
world at once. But then again, maybe thatÆs the pointà.
Anyways, of course this all depends on factors such as
money, what one is specifically looking for, time,
experience etc. But I am mainly looking for combination
info or tips on good routes.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Sat 20 March, 6:55]

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  1. Going Added by: Liz (
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 10:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go wherever you are drawn to. What places seem most
    interesting and which cultures intrigue you most? The best
    routes are not formulated in distance and time; go for what
    grabs you! The rest will follow.

  2. Idea Added by: Anna
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 6:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Heard of fella called Michael Pallin? He seems to do this
    sort of thing often (but he gets paid for it by the BBC) He
    has a few books out that may be of interest, along the
    lines of "around the world" and "north pole to south pole"
    and that kind of stuff. That may give you ideas/routes to
    go where you think would be fun - but the whole world at
    once ???!!!!

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