Travel Coincidences

This topic was created by Lawrence
[Sun 12 July, 0:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

The world is a small place (not original but truer every
day). People often experience interesting and wonderful
travel coincidences. I offer an example from my experience.
In 1976 I travelled to Bombay where a woman I met at a
small dinner party encouraged me to spend some time at the
Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherri (sp?). She had grown up
there in the Ashram. I spent a couple of weeks at the Ashram
on that trip. Ten years later (1985) in Canada I was filling
out a form at a government office in the prairie city where
I was living. The woman who served me asked me about the
Indian style bag I was carrying. She indicated that she was
from South India. When I asked her where, she told me I
wouldn't know the place. It was small not-well-known town.
Inquiring further, I learned it was Pondicherri. She, too,
had grown up there. She was the sister of the woman I met 10
years earlier in Bombay.
I'd appreciate hearing about other ætravel coincidences'
people have experienced. (And, in your opinion, was the
experience fated? Or can it be explaining on the basis of

[There are 41 posts - the latest was added on Sat 8 May, 9:33]

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  1. Trekking in Burma Added by: Gary
    [Timestamp: Mon 13 July, 14:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was trekking up in the hills in Burma and we came across
    a small group of Western trekkers. In the group was a guy I
    went to school with who was then living in London and a guy
    that serves me coffee in my favourite cafe. Considering
    these were the only New Zealanders I had come across in 3
    months I was pretty shocked to find I knew 2 out of the 5
    in the group.

  2. Coincidences Added by: Sue
    [Timestamp: Wed 15 July, 19:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did a Graphics degree at Leicester polytechnic and one
    of the course assignments was to design a campaign logo to
    ban mining in a nearby beauty spot. When completed I sent
    them a copy but never heard any more. Five years later I
    was sitting in a backpackers hotel in Calcutta and in walked
    a traveller wearing a faded old T shirt with my design
    plastered over the front. I never did get royalties.

  3. Coincidences Added by: Arlene
    [Timestamp: Thu 16 July, 2:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am an expatriate in Singapore from the States. As part of the experience of living and working in a different culture and in a different country, I expected to encounter lots of exotic, foreign and exciting things. But never did I expect that when a friend (whom I had met via another friend) told me that she was going to introduce a new friend to me, that it would be my elementary school classmate who had moved away when we were 12 years old and whom I had not since seen for 15 years!

  4. And another... Added by: Rick
    [Timestamp: Sat 18 July, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When traveling in Belgium in 92, I met two great guys from
    Aldershot, England. A few weeks later, in Prague, I heard
    someone shout out my name. Since I knew no-one in Prague, I
    decided it couldn't be for me. A moment later, I got a tap
    on the shoulder, and sure enough, it was Alf and Andy. We
    got a good laugh at the coincidence.
    In 94, in Budapest, getting off the train, I saw them
    again. I keep waiting to see them here in the States....

  5. yet another Added by: giles
    [Timestamp: Sun 19 July, 19:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I went to a Canada Day celebration here in Seoul. I spoke
    to a man who had just arrived from Vancouver (my home),
    where he stayed for only a day. He did take a whole role of
    pictures and since I missed home, I asked to take a look at
    them, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ocean. Instead I
    caught a glimpse of a friend of mine who'd been standing by
    a funny bike that the man had taken a photo of! I couldn't
    believe that my friend had ended up in my hands in Seoul
    only a day after being photographed!

  6. and another... Added by: kat
    [Timestamp: Fri 31 July, 5:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was living in Vancouver Canada and started dating an Irish
    guy there for about a month and a bit before I moved back to
    Toronto. He decided to leave Vancouver, where he was
    living, and move to London, England. A year later, a friend
    of mine went to England and dropped in to visit with a
    cousin. She started chatting with the roomate, and he went
    to show her a book in his room and 'lo and behold, my
    picture was up on the wall - he was my old boyfriend! We
    have kept in touch and I got a very surprised letter from
    him and her, as they had never met. What a coincidence!

  7. Small world indeed Added by: Laura
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 August, 19:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1.Wanted to share a taxi back from Buchenwald to Munich with
    a young couple who were also waiting for a bus taking a long
    time - turns out she worked in a hair salon above the shop
    where I worked!
    2. Ran into the librarian from the Newcastle Uni where I was
    a mature age student, in beautiful town Square in Lucerne,
    3. Railway station in Cologne - older sister of friend of my
    son from school.Realised my husband knew her too, but from a
    Uni course he had done!
    4......Shipboard romance nearly 40 years ago,when it cost
    100 Australian pounds to travel 5 weeks to London on the
    "Castel Felice". Paul was the best dancer in the world, but
    he was not "the one " for me. 25 years later, our eyes met
    across a crowded transit lounge in Auckland.He was taking a
    crowd of tourists to a Gem Show in Tuscon, Arizona. I did
    most of the talking about old times, then realised he did
    not have a clue who I was! Talk about a let down!

  8. And more ... Added by: Wyn (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 August, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Stranded in a southern Turkish town one day last December -
    it was census day and no one was allowed to be out and
    about - a bunch of us sat around on the pensione verandah
    chatting. There was a young South African guy there and
    being an ex-SA (I left in '69 and am a naturalised
    Australian) I was interested to know where he was from.
    Turned out he went to high school with my niece....
    Going back many years - travelling around the South Island
    of New Zealand by kombi, gave a ride to a guy from Canada.
    About a year later, walked into a small, dingy restaurant
    in Kathmandu - that's right, there he sat!!
    Happy travelling all.

  9. ein mehr.... Added by: juniper
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 August, 13:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I grew up in a very small town (pop. 2000)in the rural
    northeastern US. My highschool boyfriend's family had had
    two exchange students (siblings) stay with them from a small
    suburb of Hamburg, Germany. The following year I was an
    exchange student in mid-Germany but miserable with my host
    family. The organisation finally moved me.... to a small
    suburb of Hamburg. My first day in my new school, I looked
    up expecting to see a sea of new faces and there was the
    sister who had spent the previous year with my boyfriends's

  10. Island Surprize Added by: Erica
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 August, 15:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    BAck in the summer of 97 I took a vacation to the Turks and
    Caicos Islands in the British West Indies. On my second day
    there, I went to an island barbeque with my friends. I went
    on a run to the bar to get us cocktails. While waiting for
    the bartender I looked to my right and standing there was
    my brother. Neither of us knew that the other was going to
    be there because both trips were planned last minute. And
    because of our buzy schedules we dont get to spend much
    time together, so it was a great surprize. As an added
    bonus he was there with my niece whom I hadn't seen in
    about six months. It was a great coincedence!!

  11. and more Added by: andy (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 0:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Back in '96 I was traveling around Europe with 2 of my friends. We were in Prague, Czech Republic. It was about midnight and we were just wandering around, more or less lost. When out of the corner of my eye I spotted a person who looked like a friend of ours from the states. At first I thought to myself, Nah this can't possibly be Lara. As it turns out it was her and about 5 other friends that I hadn't seen in years. We got together at a local club and drank some "pivos" (beer) together and just caught up. About two weeks later we ran in to them Again in Budapest.
    What a small world!

  12. Wierd Added by: lucy
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 1:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My friend Christine travelled to Sydney 5 years ago. She met
    a girl in a bar in Kings Cross who gave her the come on.
    Christine explained that she was not gay but they quickly
    became good friends. During their first "what do you do,
    where do you come from" chat, Christine told her that she
    was from Brighton. Her new friend then explained that she
    used to date a bloke from Brighton called Kip. After a few
    minutes they both realised that not only had they both dated
    the same person but they'd both dated him at the same time!
    A few weeks later, Kip received a postcard from two angry ex
    girlfriends from the opposite side of the world!
    Kip is now my boyfriend and he doesn't go anywhere without

  13. The proverbial small world Added by: Mr. Moose (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 1:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I met a mountain biker in Budapest in 1993, we talked about
    biking in the evening and after a few days went our separate
    ways. Three years later I temporarily moved to Washington
    D.C. I went into a bike shop to browse and this guy who
    worked there kept following me around asking me various
    questions that didn't relate to biking. He asked me how it
    was going a few too many times. He finally said, "Don't you
    remember me?" I said, "No, I just moved to this town two
    days ago, so I surely don't know you." He blurts out,
    "BUDAPEST!" Three years later and 8000 km. away he
    remembered me. I'm not good at faces, but I remembered our
    conversations very well.

  14. Bahrain Wimbledon, what's the connection? Added by: Lynn of Fleet
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 2:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Returning after 25 years to Bahrain in the Arabian Gulf,I
    went along to the church in Awali, the oil company town
    where I spent my very happy childhood. During the service I
    was aware of a lady looking over at me and although she
    looked familiar, I could not think of where I met her.
    After the service she came over to me and said, "you are the
    lady who kindly gave me strawberries and cream at
    Wimbledon ten years ago." It turned out that her husband
    had worked for the bank who employed me to organise their
    corporate hospitality marquee during the Wimbledon
    Championships and she called in to the marquee to visit and
    had a strawberries and cream tea with me. Her husband is
    now chief executive of a bank in the Gulf and is in charge
    of the Sunday school in Bahrain I attended as a child!
    The Lord works in mysterious ways!

  15. T.V. Programs Added by: Susanne Saponja (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 2:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Lonely Planet,
    Just a short note to say how much we like this show. We
    try to watch it every week. Our favorite host is Ian. Can
    you please have more shows of Ian. He is the best.
    Thanks for hearing me.

  16. Nepal into Tibet Added by: Emma Ridge (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 3:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wonder if anyone out there has any hints on getting into
    Tibet overland from Nepal? Has anyone tried this recently
    and could advise me?
    Another question I have is, can I obtain a Vietnamese visa
    in Hong Kong?
    Many thanks to anyone who can help with either of the above!

  17. The Paper Boy Added by: Heidi (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 3:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was at a party in Switzerland and a guy asked me to dance. While we were dancing, he asked where I was from. When I told him the city, he asked what part - and I told him I lived in the NE section. Then he asked my address - so I told him that too. Then he told me his address, two blocks away from mine, and told me my last name (which I had not told him) - he had been my families paperboy for 8 years when I was growing up, but we had never met until now.

  18. Warning to all travelers about the airplane from Rurrenabaque !!!!!! Added by: LΘon Beckand Verw
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 3:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Warning to all travelers about the airplane from
    Rurrenabaque !!!!!!
    When I left Rurrenabaque I went by plane. You have to take
    the airplane's from T.A.M. because they're the only ones
    flying there. You have to hand in your backpack two hours
    before hand. While you're waiting for the bus which take's
    you to the airport they searched my big backpack and stole
    stuff. The problem is that you don't see your bag till your
    back in La Paz and you're not going back to Rurrenabaque to
    collect it. The worst of it all is that I am losing faith
    in the Bolivian army who are the only ones who are flying
    to Rurrenabaque. They are exploiding there monopolic
    position and even robbing travelers. So all you Gringo's
    travelling there get all your valuables (they even stole
    candy) out of your big back and kick the old guy who's
    selling the plain tickets because he's my number one
    If you're able put warnings in the hostals in Rurrenabaque
    Leon Beckand Verwee

  19. it is a small WORLD! Added by: Jill
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 4:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In 1994, during the world cup, I was travelling with a Brazilian friend-roommate of mine around Brazil. We stopped in Salvador, Brazil specfically to see Olodum, a famously wonderful drumming group that preform in the Pelourinho (the old upper part of the city) free on Sunday and Tuesday nights. After one of their shows they invited some of the crowd to see a continuation of their show, informally, in a courtyard behind an old building. We of course were happy to go and we danced for hours. As we were dancing I noticed a familiar face on stage. It was our roommate from San Francisco, Ca.. I managed to get myself to the stage and sure enough it was Claudine. She had met one of the band members of Olodum in San Francisco when they were performing there at some of the World Cup games. It was a bigger suprise when the guy I had met from the band said later that night, "I want you to meet my best friend's girlfriend-she lives in the U.S. too"
    I told him when we met up with eachother later in a bar- she is my roommate Claudine!!

  20. longing to visit Espana Added by: mary louise (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 4:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is there anyone out there who loves Spain as much as I do?
    I hope to visit someday and possibly even teach English as a
    Second Language. Soy yo mas o menos bilingue. Tengo la
    licenciatura en Ingles y 10 anos experiencia como maestra de
    ESL. Tambien trabajo como interprete educacional en las
    escuelas publicas. Cuanto queria saber mas de la tierra de
    mis antepasados.

  21. Senegal Added by: Gert De Buck (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 August, 7:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello everybody,
    I'm Gert from Belgium and I'm planning to go on a trip to Senegal one of this months. As I have no intention to stay in chique hotels, I'ld like to know some do's and don'ts about Senegal. What should I be aware of, what are the best places to sleep as cheap as possible, what about public transport,...
    If you have any experience at trekking in Senegal, please let me know by e-mail. I'm looking forward to your replies. If you wan't to know anything about Belgium, don't feel shy, just ask me!!
    bye for now

  22. More small world Added by: Jan
    [Timestamp: Fri 28 August, 15:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Here's a few coincidences.
    1. I taught English in Japan for 6 years. After leaving, we
    travelled through Asai. In a Beijing dept. store a voice
    behind me said "Janet sensei??" - a student from my earliest
    teaching days who I'd not even seen in Japan the last few
    2. Partied in Yangshuo, China on Dec 31 1994 with 2 English
    girls, Rachel and Alex. When they left one freezing day in
    early Jan. we parted with "See you in Australia in April!"
    We made it to Oz by July and at Poste Restante in Sydney in
    Sept. a voice said "You took your time getting here" -Rachel
    picking up her mail...
    3. On a dolphin watching trip here in Hong Kong, a 20
    something woman from Omaha, Nebraska, realised that one of
    the other people on the boat was her high school art
    teacher- he and his family had just flown in the night
    before and made a last minute booking for the boat; the
    teacher and student hadn't met since high school. OMAHA,
    NEBRASKA?? And the girl was visiting another high school
    alumni, who had been a one year foreign exchange student. I
    think this must be fate... I guess they all went out to
    party that night....

  23. The goingaround, comingaround Added by: Cosmo
    [Timestamp: Thu 3 Sept, 13:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Budapest, summer '89: On the advice of a brandnew copy of
    Frommer's Eastern Europe guide (hadn't excovered LP yet),
    for supper we sought out a Hungarian student dive called
    Bohemtanya. The author said they wouldn't understand
    English there, just order *this* and *that*... Place was
    mobbed, we were standing talking waiting for a booth to open
    up; young woman w/ bearded man in one booth (for 4) began
    beckoning toward us. Yes she meant us; we walked over; she
    said something like, "You are speaking English? Please join
    my husband and I." Then she wondered how we'd ever found
    the place. I told her it was in my guide. Which guide? I
    took it out of my rucksack & she got this strange little
    smile. "May I see it for a bit?" After a few minutes she
    made a comment about the author. It turned out we were
    dining with Rita S. of the Hungarian National Tourist
    Office--who was the one responsible for bringing the
    guidebook author there in the first place. (We found his
    "grateful acknowledgement" in the intro.) The meal was fine.

  24. A few things Added by: Phiona
    [Timestamp: Thu 24 Sept, 7:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. Met an old friend from home (Scotland) up a mountain in Bolivia.
    2. Friend (EFL teacher) taught multilingual groups in the UK then got a job in Poland. The person sent by the school to meet her off the plane was one of her old students, the only Pole she had ever met before.
    3. Friend was pissed up and asleep on a bench in South Africa when a friend from Cambridge sat down next to him.
    4. Met an old school friend of my (Canadian) cousin's on an Italian train. Worked out the connection because of an anecdote about their town's name. I've never been to Canada and I only met this cousin once, when I was 13.
    5. Bumped into a guy from Uni in Delhi station.
    6. Was showing photos to a class of language students, getting the to deduce where it might be because of what it looked like. One student says "It must be Russia" and she's right and I ask her how she knows. And she knows because her Muscovite grandmother is in the background.

  25. yap small world Added by: chili
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 22:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in a very small town in Finland, and it seems that
    every time a friend of mine travels, they meet someone who
    knows me. Must be traumatic.
    My choir went to Italy without me and when they got back,
    they said they had met a girl on the plain who had been
    sitting next to me on a plain to London a few years earlier.
    I don┤t remember her though.
    A friend of mine went to Germany as an exchange student and
    met a Venezuelan guy there. Turns out the guy knew one other
    finnish person of the 5 million of us, and guess who it
    turned out to be! I had known him during my exchange student
    year in Venezuela.
    I went on my second language course abroad, to the US and
    realised there was this guy on the same course that had been
    on the first course a few years earlier in England.
    I just found out that one of my best friends, who graduated
    last spring and went away to university, is studying with
    this girl, who I met in the US (she is finnish though).
    Funny, huh? So if you ever met a Finn, chances are they are
    good friends of mine, or at least know me. Be sure to tell
    them to say hi to me :)

  26. Strange Added by: mra (
    [Timestamp: Thu 5 Nov, 11:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In 1988 at Carlos O'Briens in Puerto Vallarta Mexico I met
    a fellow Cal State Chico Alum whom was a brother of a
    friend of mine. 1 year later in the Plaza Bolivar in
    Porlamar Venezuela I ran into the guy again. 18 months
    later at Tivoli in Copenhagen there he was again! And to
    top it off - 3 years ago I was woken up in Bob's youth
    hostel in Amsterdamn by some very loud snoring - When I woke
    the guy up to get him to stop.... You guesed it!

  27. Dangerous Highway Added by: Rod (
    [Timestamp: Sun 15 Nov, 23:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Ollantaytambo, Peru in 1977 I was talking to a French
    guest and noticed he was wearing some Indian (as in Goa)
    clothes. I asked him when he had been there and he gave me
    a date. I then asked him if he knew a friend of mine and he
    said he did and in fact had lived with this friends brother
    in Minali. He told me he had been with my friend on this
    particular New Years Eve but what he didn't know was that
    my friend disappeared that night and was found murdered the
    next day.

  28. odd meeting in mobidick's nz Added by: nicolas (
    [Timestamp: Mon 16 Nov, 4:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nearly one year ago, while i was in New Caledonia, french island bewteen Australia and the fiji islands,i diecied to go on holidays by myself in New Zealand. After some days, i went to a youth hostel called mobidick's where i met a french guy, who was travelling round the world for 2 years. Because i was reading a french guide, we introduced one another and we started to question about which country, which area, which town we both came from. In the end, we realized that we lived only 200 meters from one another!
    We travelled for a while together afterwards!!!

  29. Magnetic Is. Qld. Added by: Shaggy
    [Timestamp: Thu 19 Nov, 13:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Several years ago I was hitch-hiking on Magnetic Is. (Qld.
    Australia) and was picked up by a guy driving a hire-car.
    We got talking, I told him where I came from and what I did
    for a job. He asked if I knew a certain lady, who I
    actually worked with. He then told me that she was his
    wife, and he was just driving back to the hotel to pick her

  30. doesn't everyone have one? Added by: Jo
    [Timestamp: Sat 21 Nov, 3:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Here's mine.
    5 years ago I went to S-E Asia on my own, and fell in Love
    with someone . We spent 5 months living together in
    Thailand. Eventually, it was time to return to England, and
    we went up to Bangkok (I should mention we are both
    English), and spent our last few days together in a hotel
    in Bangkok. It didn't work out, but we remain good friends
    today. About two years ago he phoned me up and said he was
    going travelling indefinately and said goodbye. Ten months
    later, I went back to Thailand for the first time, since
    we'd been there together. I stayed at the same hotel, and
    was obviously thinking about him a great deal (memories
    etc.). I went out to eat in a place on the Kho san Road,
    and half way through my meal, for some reason, I got up and
    went to look at the notice board, the first thing I saw was
    a message to him. I couldn't tell if it was old or new as
    there was no date, so I went to check the hotel where his
    friend (who I also new very well) said he was
    staying....not there, so I figured the message was old, and
    forgot about it. I woke up the next morning, and I was
    getting ready to go to the airport to leave for Sydney,
    when I realised I'd forgotten something, and went back down
    to the shops, I'm walking along, and suddenly hear a voice
    behind me......... you can guess. The last time either of
    us had been there was with eachother 3 years previously, he
    was on his way back from Sydney, I was on my way to Sydney,
    and we were both only there for one day. We had no idea in
    the world where eachother were. I believe in fate.

  31. 3 times in 3 weeks Added by: Bizarre
    [Timestamp: Tue 1 Dec, 14:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Has to be Fate. Started my journey in Dahab in Egypt where I briefly spoke with a girl from California. A week later we ran into each other again at Tabasco's Hostel in Jerusalem, totally unplanned, and the next week, it again happened in Olimpos,Turkey. Three times in three weeks in three different countries is no coincidence. She has just recently come to Australia and we spent a fantastic month together, and are now totally in love. More than just a coincidence.

  32. London & Bahia Added by: Ever (
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 2:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In 1993 I was walking in Hyde Park, London when I met two
    brazilian ladies from UberlΓndia , Minas Gerais, about
    700 km from Campinas , Sπo Paulo where I live in Brazil.
    We walked together for one hour taking pictures and she told
    me her cousin was the director of the Philarmonic Orchestra
    of Campinas . He is a very popular person in my city and a
    professor in my university.
    Two years later , I was drinking a beer with a friend in
    Trancoso , Bahia , when it suddenly started to rain and we
    decided to get in the bar. There were two ladies also
    having a beer and they entered the bar too. As i look at
    the lady , I said "I know where we met before ... remember
    hyde Park in London ?" That was a big surprise and a nice
    The owner of the bar was enjoying the fact saying "my bar is
    famous ... people met up in London and set a date to come
    over to drink here :-) "

  33. Small world, indeed Added by: Sylvia
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 19:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I grew up in the rather smallish town of Eugene, Oregon,
    U.S.A. In 1973, when I was 18, I took my first-ever trip to
    Europe with a group of students. In Rome, we met up with
    some other Americans at a restaurant, who, hearing I was
    from Eugene, promptly asked me if I knew the H-----s. I
    did! They lived right up the street from me, and I had gone
    to grade school with the youngest daughter. In Paris, a few
    weeks later, we were having a late-evening coffee in a cafe
    after a ballet performance. Seated at the table next to us,
    was a girl I'd gone to high school with....a cheerleader I'd
    often seen at games, who was a few years ahead of me. She
    was with a pal, doing the Europe thing. Earlier that
    evening, someone stole the ballet posters I bought. Kathy
    offered to buy some duplicates for me (as we were heading
    home soon), and delivered them to me after her return.
    Coincidence or fate?....

  34. Yep, I've got one too! Added by: Kerrie
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 11:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1) My husband and I were in America (we're Australian) and
    had just left an organised tour to do our own thing. On
    the spur of the moment, we decided to go to a clothing
    warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The hotel doorman
    radioed for a mini-bus which dropped people off at several
    of them - we climbed inside, sat down, and I heard a voice
    call my name. Thought - 'it can't be me they want',
    eventually turned around, and saw the parents of a girl I
    went through school with!
    2) My sister was travelling in England and got chatting to
    another Aussie. It turned out that she knew our Mum!

  35. OK - just one more Added by: Alex
    [Timestamp: Fri 25 Dec, 18:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but it was wierd. I had run out of money in Ko Phangan in
    Thailand. My brother was on a business trip in Hong Kong.
    I hadn't seen family in months, so we were going to meet in
    Kuala Lumpur. A typhoon hit Ko Phangan and I couldn't get
    off the island for days. When the storm died down I used
    the last bit of money I had to phone my brother and make
    arrangements to meet in Penang, since the ticket was
    cheaper. I could only speak to him for about two minutes,
    as the phones kept going out. The last thing I said was
    "I'm taking the bus so I guess we'll meet at the bus
    station." On my way to Surat Thani, somehow I got on the
    wrong ferry and ended up stuck in Surat Thani overnight
    with no money while I waited for my transport to Penang at
    5am the next day. An Australian guy saw me wandering
    around and said "hey, I'm going on the same bus to Penang"
    He loaned me a few baht for a room and bought me dinner. I
    promised to pay him back when we met up with my brother at
    the bus station. Well, the transport to Penang turned out
    to be numerous mini vans. The Aussie was on a different
    van than me. On the way to Penang, our van was in an
    accident, so I arrived in Penang many hours late and at
    night and NOT at a bus station, but at the Swiss Hotel (I'm
    sure some of you know it). I didn't know what to do, no
    money, no idea where my brother was staying, no idea where
    I even was (I had no Malaysia LP). After wandering around
    town with my pack, I heard my name. The Aussie guy was
    having coffee at a cafe. I went over to him and as I was
    telling him what had happened I saw what looked like my
    brother's handwriting behind his head. It turned out to be
    a note my brother had left telling me that if by some
    chance of fate I should see this note, he was staying at
    the hotel around the corner!!! I never would have gone to
    that cafe if the Aussie guy who had loaned me money the day
    before hadn't been sitting there. I truly have a travel

  36. Been Around the World Added by: Quare
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 6:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was hitchhiking in Germany in October 93 with a Scottish
    girl and English guy (I'm Canadian). We were getting out
    of Munich which we had intended visiting for the beer
    festival but left after only 3 hours because we couldn't
    bear the pissed crowds. On a train to Rottendam-ob-der-
    Tauber we hooked up with a guy, fellow Canadian, and agreed
    to get a place together for the night.
    We were out having dinner (a luxury after a night spent
    sleeping cramped up in the seats of lorries with a kind
    Danish lorry driver) and were talking about where we'd gone
    to school. I mentioned that I'd been at Ottawa U. He
    asked which programme. I told him. He said he'd dated
    someone from the same programme. It turns out he dated one
    of my best friends who I'd lived with in Vancouver the
    previous summer. He was all she talked about!
    So we took a photo of ourselves and sent it back to Karen
    who got a bit of a shock when it arrived! Yes, it's a very
    small world.

  37. meeting on two holidays! Added by: Ann
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 1:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Holiday 98 in Dominican a nice couple from
    Edmonton..that stayed at our hotel
    Holiday 99 in the same nice couple from
    Edmonton...also staying at the same hotel at the same time!
    Holiday 2000...perhaps we'll meet again :)

  38. coincidences Added by: jojo
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 3:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. My parents twice ran into the same family while camping
    in Europe (once in '84, and again in ┤88).
    2. Kajuraho, India, 1996. I walk into a guesthouse and sign
    in, and find out that there is another Icelander staying
    there. India is not the most popular destination with
    Icelanders, and out of (possibly) 10-20 who MAY have been
    in this huge country at the time, the chances of meeting
    another one must have been 1 in a billion.

  39. fate is probable Added by: BlΣtzlesbub
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 6:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Grassi in Verona, stunning - when and where will we three
    meet again ?

  40. me too Added by: sally may
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 10:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When i was growing up in NE USA my mother always used to
    compare me to her friend's son who always did his
    homework, was top of the class, went to Hot Shot univeristy,
    became a nuclear physicist, etc. When i was late 20s i went
    to Japan to teach English. In the training class first day
    i met a girl from California. When i told her where i was
    from she asked do i know this guy. She said he had been her
    professor and was always sexually harassing her and was one
    of the biggest jerks she had ever met. i enjoyed that!!

  41. PARIS Added by: robber (
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 9:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    while in paris on my first trip abroad i met an Aussie who
    had not only been to my small home town for 5 days in
    wilkesboro nc but had lived on the beach i frequented for 2
    weeks on tybee island georgia...
    then a few days later i was drawing in the picasso museum
    and a girl stands directly infront of me. i cant see, so i
    look up to see who is so rude, and the girl gives a little
    scream! It turned out to be a girl from my college!

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