In2 the heart of the Rainforests..

This topic was created by BanditLeader (
[Mon 3 May, 6:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

..but click on2 our website address first to see what u
might miss or not if ever u decide that you want to be
there, trek INTO and sleep UNDER the canopy of the oldest
living and endangered environment in the jungles. And, like
in the past... if you ever decide that you'd like to be a
jungle guide... email us. Perhaps.. we could teach you a
trick or 2 of safe trekking in the malaysian jungles.
Perhaps in the next millenium, the first robotic bird will
pull out the first plastic worm from the artificial grass
but rest assure... perhaps you have already made your trip
into the natural rainforests b4 it disappeared and was
replaced by all thing thatre artificial! Jumpa lagi....

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Mon 3 May, 6:08]

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