volunteer work

This topic was created by Sheri (s_bastien@hotmail.com)
[Thu 15 April, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Anyone have any suggestiongs on volunteer organizations in
South America or Africa that don't cost an arm and a leg,
please send me a mail!

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 20 April, 9:18]

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  1. Where are you from? Added by: Jay
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 9:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are various Gap year agencies in the UK, (GAP, SPW
    etc) who command large sums for placements. I payed a
    fortune to Teaching Abroad last year. They basically taxied
    me from the airport to a randon private school in a Mexican
    desert, and left me there with no support. I had a great
    time, but felt that I didn't really get my money's worth
    from the company. When travelling later, I found various
    teaching posts advertised, and I'm sure they would have
    welcomed a volunteer, but not over Summer, when the schools
    are closed.
    A friend of mine did SPW (schools partnership
    worldwide)-look it up on the web- and spent 4 months getting
    a well dug in Africa. I think that he got heaps out of it,
    and the tangiable nature of the project was more satisfying
    than teaching, (numerous stories of rampant children, no
    discipline and no respect as you're only a volunteer)
    There are hundreds of Christian charities out there
    rebuilding churches and schools - but think hard about the
    methods and morals of missionary work and preaching before
    you join them.
    Good Luck

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