Missing you all

This topic was created by Software Engineer
[Wed 7 April, 22:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My name is Patsy, and I live in Lortcreash. I am a software engineer, and I want to meet up with other software engineers to discuss problems that occur every day. I would prefer Gentlemen only to reply, with a possible relationship occuring after we stable our new discovered love. I also love to watch the computer at night, with all the lights off! and I work for a International company that's really sound.
Looking forward to hear from all you mates out there.
X. P

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sun 16 May, 18:16]

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  1. JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS!!! Added by: Joydeep (joydeep@medicine.med.um.edu.my)
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 18:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Are youinterested in friends or software engineers.If it is
    friendship you want than I a doctor currently in
    Malaysia.You could get in touch.

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