Favourite "Lonely Planet" host

This topic was created by Tim
[Fri 24 July, 18:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Who is your favourite host on the Lonely Planet travel show. My choice is Ian Wright.

[There are 164 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 12:01]

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  1. I agree, Added by: Shawnne
    [Timestamp: Sat 25 July, 5:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with your choice, Ian was the best, then Justine.

  2. Favorite host Added by: Erica
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 August, 15:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My favorite, hands down is Justine Shapiro

  3. IAN!! Added by: d girl
    [Timestamp: Sun 30 August, 11:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I love Ian, he is just the cutest. Is he still travelling
    around the world? Does anyone know? The shows I see are
    dated 1994, 1995. He won some awards for his show on
    Justine Shapiro is also very cool. I love the way she'll eat
    or drink just about anything, though she balked at guinea
    pig. Not that I blame her.

  4. Swollen Added by: Thirse
    [Timestamp: Tue 1 Sept, 14:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine makes my cajoles heat-up.

  5. IAN Added by: TINA
    [Timestamp: Thu 3 Sept, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  6. Think they rules Added by: RapRover
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Sept, 6:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think both Ian and Justine,rules
    they are pretty cool and also
    they are like the only ones that stay
    permanentely on the show...
    Q: Why all of them have to eat anything to the point
    that they all has vomit???
    see U

  7. Ian all the way! Added by: Veg-Girl
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Sept, 11:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've seen most of the LP episodes and I think Ian is sooo
    funny and entertaining. Justine is second best and the
    others are forgetable. just my two cents.
    What is your favorite episode?

  8. double the fun Added by: wacker
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Sept, 9:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How about a trip with both Justine & Ian?

  9. justine or ian???? Added by: jester
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Sept, 17:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ian was a hoot in australia (my home)
    but..... how could you go past Justine's eyes
    SSSOOOOOOO deep ya could drown........

  10. SHE'S SO FINE Added by: CHARLIE (b50charlie)
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Sept, 14:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  11. justine is Queen Added by: fly on the wall
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Sept, 14:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is Queen

  12. Justdream Added by: Cal
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Sept, 13:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would like to go on an adventure with Justine.

  13. Turkish bath Added by: Marco (amontana@usa.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Sept, 15:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did you see Justine in the Turkish bath ? I don't know who
    was sweating more ?

  14. ian Added by: marcia
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Sept, 5:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  15. Justine, you're the best!! Added by: vivachile (fipolo@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 13:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is the best woman in the world, she's the most
    great woman in this world!!

  16. address!! Added by: Manolo (magarcia@netline.cl)
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 12:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Somebody know an address or e-mail where i can get in
    contact with Justine Shapiro or Ian Wright?

  17. Ian Added by: canadagirl
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 Oct, 23:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is definitley the cutest, wicked sense of humor, he should deifinitley come to BC. Justine is ok, a bit whiney sometimes though .

  18. Super Ian Added by: just someone
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 Oct, 17:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian, I heard you have started filming episodes for series
    4. I'll be waiting for it.

  19. St. Justine Added by: marco (amontana@usa.net)
    [Timestamp: Tue 3 Nov, 15:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All these pro-Ian posts are nothing but an insult to the
    sheer magnificence of Justine. P.S. Would she marry me if I
    built a temple for her that rivals the Taj Mahal ?

  20. Justime Added by: Malcolm
    [Timestamp: Sat 14 Nov, 1:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I dislike Justine; she's the stereotypical "ugly american.";
    ordering up strange food and then making faces, trying to
    pass things off to other people. What an insult to locals
    everywhere. It really peeves me that Lonely Planet would
    choose a host like Justine - Lonely Planet, I think, should
    *discourage* pouty, whiny behavior like hers.
    Ian, on the other hand, is great.

  21. Who is Justine? Added by: Hekla
    [Timestamp: Sun 15 Nov, 15:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Who is Justine? Ian is the greatest,he is GOD. He just
    kills me. He is just so funny, at least he thinks he is
    very funny and thats cool with me.

  22. justine is so gorgeous Added by: pere lachaise
    [Timestamp: Thu 19 Nov, 10:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but I end up laughing so hard once she opens her mouth & uses every cliche you can think of

  23. Ian is great! Added by: Rafael
    [Timestamp: Thu 19 Nov, 17:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You know, Ian is great!... but JUSTINE is the best, Ithink that she's so cool, she's a great woman, I really like her... oh, plus, she understands spanish, she rules!

  24. Justine Added by: Paulo
    [Timestamp: Sat 21 Nov, 16:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The first time I saw Ian hosting "Lonely Planet" I was so
    disappointed I kept on zapping... and the second time...
    and the third... I don't recall watching more than five
    minutes at a time and that for the scenery alone.
    Justine has my vote wholeharted. I would like to see her
    hosting a travel show to Brazil. Since diversity is a
    constant in her trips, there can't be a better place to
    find it.

  25. Just(ine) rules! Added by: Roberto Wertman (wertman@ax.apc.org)
    [Timestamp: Wed 25 Nov, 23:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, Ian is ok, but Justine is the real show! Gorgeous,
    inteligent, smart and cute.... May she host our Lonely
    Planet for years to come.
    (By the way, if you don't want this planet to be lonely
    anymore, I'll be waiting to hear from you...)

  26. Ian! Added by: Jason
    [Timestamp: Thu 26 Nov, 8:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian, hands down is the
    funniest traveller I've ever
    watched. I don't mind
    Justine, but did you see the
    episode she travelled
    through her home when
    she stayed at a hostle that
    required her to do chores
    for the room? She started
    whining about it so much, it
    really turned me off. At $14
    a night, why bitch?

  27. Who's the other guy ? Added by: Stuck in Vancouver
    [Timestamp: Wed 2 Dec, 13:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What about the scottish guy ?
    I really like Ian... he personifies the Lonely Planet
    writting in the guide books. Justine reminds me of a ditzy
    Canadian Video show host called Erica Ehm... Yuck, Yuck,
    Yuck. Thank god somebody brought this subject up... I'd
    been meening to send LP a message for ages... the shows are
    pure drivle when Justine's in charge (granted she may also
    have a bad producer/camerman/editor (benefit of the doubt).
    But who is the guy who did the episode in Pakistan & India ?
    Does nobody else think that he's funny (cool voice & accent)
    ????? They should also interview other travellers that they
    meet, that are using the LP guidebooks.

  28. justine is for me Added by: Christopher Cadlum (cads@mailexcite.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 22:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    jeez...justine is one of the reason i even watch the
    show...check out her dreamy eyes...yet ian...comes second
    with his sarcastic humour

  29. JUSTINE RULES! Added by: Lily
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 16:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Without a doubt JUSTINE is the B.E.S.T. in all the world !
    She's so cool and nice, what else can I say about her?
    Oh, yeah... the programs are so much better when she is hosting,
    and Ian is just TOO BRITISH !!!

  30. All of them but... Added by: debi
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 12:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really wish Ian would learn some Spanish and Justine,
    stop having animals killed if you're not going to eat or
    drink it(the snake, the guinea pig, etc.).The australian
    guy is pretty cool too. I also like the Travellers, a small
    group of North American people that go all over on Dicovery
    channel. The Tourist, a new show, sucks. The host is a real
    idiot, no class!

  31. Justine Added by: Norm
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 9:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is the best. She comes across so genuine and real.
    Her facial expressions alone are hilarious. The way she
    reacts to some situations may not be script perfect, but
    this I find endearing.
    I must look at her eyes a little closer!!

  32. to LP Added by: someone
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 9:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why have they lately been giving that Johnathan guy all the
    jobs, Ian and Justine are so much more talented and make
    the experience so much better.

  33. spiritual Added by: andrew (caligula43@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Dec, 18:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really enjoyed your show with the presenters Ian and
    Justine. I found these 2 very watchable and inspiring. You
    should do more of these programs because people enjoy this
    real experience instead of the usual superficial TV stuff.
    I would like to know how do people get involved in this sort
    of industry because I find it interesting!!
    I have many ideas as to what things you can do (hasn't
    can I get an e-mail address to contact Ian or Justine

  34. Ian's the man Added by: Debs
    [Timestamp: Thu 24 Dec, 7:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I vote for Ian! He slays me with his humour and his great
    attitude towards everything he encounters. Sheep eyeballs!
    He is my hero.

  35. gender gap here? Added by: alex
    [Timestamp: Fri 25 Dec, 18:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It seems as most of the men love Justine and the women love
    Ian. Well, as a woman, I will have to continue the trend!
    Justine is good, but I just adore Ian. My dream
    destination is anywhere with Ian.

  36. IAN's adventures Added by: Katrina
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Dec, 13:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lonely Planet is always an enjoyable show, but Ian's
    positive and humorous perception of different countries has
    inspired me to travel the world. He will always create
    excitement about other countries in the viewers which is why
    he must be kept as a traveller on the show!

  37. No Doubt About It! Added by: Brian (techfan@mindspring.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Simply put, Justine rocks!!!!!

  38. Just Ian Added by: Dana (violetstar_98@yahoo.com.au)
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 20:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Unfortunatly i havnt had the opourtunity to see Justine, we
    only seem to get Ian's travel experiences down here, not
    that i'm complaing seeings as hes such a hilarous spunk!!
    Totally inspiring!

  39. King Ian Added by: Angel (fromage69_@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 4:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The man rules...cracks me up!
    Justine though, whadda ditz.
    Best episode: Ian in Morroco
    Worst: Justine in Turkey

  40. Justine!!! Added by: Laura
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've always adored both Ian and Justine, but in a horrible
    world where I would be forced to choose between the two,
    I'd have to go with Justine. She's so intelligent and
    articulate - and she'll talk to anyone, and try anything.
    My hero!!

  41. Justine baby, yeah!!! Added by: Brian (gobottz@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 10:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is by far the grooviest and most shagadelic of all
    the hosts!!! Ian is a fab cool cat and all, but

  42. Gum on Tuesday Added by: Jefferson Nash (microscoper@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 14:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine, Justine.
    Justine is such a fetching minx, I find myself gazing at
    her and never really learn anything about the places she
    visits. Her looks almost make you forget how bright and
    funny she is. Her eyes *are* mesmerizing!

  43. ----------------> Added by: Finoula
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 8:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think both hosts are very good. But if I had to choose one it would have to be Justine. Ian is enjoyable to watch, to be sure, but often his antics tend to deviate towards the buffoonish. While Justine on the other hand has a decidedly more intellectual and spiritual approach towards her travel experience.

  44. Neil and Ian Added by: Erin (sailordoom@headhunter.lightstream.net)
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 15:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is definetly #1 but Neil Gibson is #2!!!! Who is Neil
    Gibson you ask? Why, he's that Scottish guy that everyone
    sort of briefly mentions. He's great, I really love the
    episodes that he hosts. Of course, Ian still must get my
    vote. And if you're an Ian fan go to
    (if you want).

  45. Justine #1 Added by: Guppy (mfischer@westaim.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 17:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine has got to be number 1, and Ian is #2. Both have
    the best jobs in the world regardless. I am envious of both
    of them. Some day......

  46. justine Added by: fernando puerta (jfpuerta@emcali.net.co)
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 17:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    pense que yo era el unico enamorado de justine , su forma
    de ser y de decir las cosas la hacen una excelente presentadora ,. ademas de ser una persona muy atractiva.
    ian tambien hace que los programas sean entretenidos y joviales.
    cada uno le coloca un toque propio al programa.

  47. IAN is DA MAN!!! Added by: Trina (europafunk@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 5:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ian has got to be the greatest traveller ever!!! i'd want to marry him.
    i've never seen an episode with this justine gal, but if she's the one who talks about how it's too early in the morning to make fun of her pajamas, then poo-poo on her. ian doesn't need pajamas. ian is the bomb! he seems to really enjoy going around to all of these places and experiencing whatever he can, which is the essence of traveling. oh, and for those of you who think that ian should learn another language, well, how many people out there know every language there is and go out and visit all of the places he has?

  48. Ian Added by: Mima (mflores@vasia.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 18:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For me, Ian's the best. He obviously enjoys traveling and
    meeting different people with their unique cultures. Shows
    where he hosts are so funny and enjoyable to watch.
    IAN = FUN!

  49. Justine Added by: A traveler (f_sandor@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 7:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First Justine and then Ian....
    Both have
    the best jobs in the world regardless.

  50. +++++++JUSTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!+++++++ Added by: magato (magato@latinmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 16:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you read this message, please write me, I only want to
    converse with you, I only want to talk with the most great
    woman in this world

  51. JUSTINE SHAPIRO Added by: deo (deo20c@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 19:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the only thing that would complete me is when i get to meet
    Justine Shapiro, I've been taping almost every episode. my
    favorite was justine in south africa.

  52. JUSTINE is the best Added by: RHONDA (somewhere in texas)
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 3:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The funniest episode. Justine eats taffy candy a boy makes
    after beating it against the wall. Justine replys, "it's
    sweet and doesn't even taste like paint.Here is an example
    Justine can be as fun as Ian.What is the female travelers
    name that climed the mountain in Africa? Shes cool....

  53. ian for president Added by: spodawg
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 17:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  54. Ian rules Added by: arado234 (arado234@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is the best.
    He reminds me of myself

  55. The other brit chick Added by: jason
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 5:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What about the dark haired
    babe (I think she's british)
    that went to North Spain? I
    can't remember her name
    but she is a real cutie. Nice
    chest too.

  56. Miss Shapiro Added by: Mr. Underhill
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 13:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is far and away the most professional of the travellers, despite what others may say about whining. And while others pine for her dreamy eyes (and they are), it was her hypnotic voice that first drew me into the living room to see what woman owned such a sexy voice. I could wear a VCR out just watching her get out of the ocean in "South India". Ian is just a drunkard, the village fool. The others aren't memorable, although the Pakistan episode was well-done. And doesn't the swelling of Lonely Planet music at the end make you want to pack your suitcase?

  57. Justine Added by: K-ri
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 14:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    She's professional and cute. Ian always gets a hangover. Miss Shapiro has not only the sexiest eyes, but also the sexiest voice. And the Lonely Planet music rocks! 'Nuff said.

  58. Justine Added by: M'lissa
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 16:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine all the way! She's a cutie. She should grow her hair out more

  59. Justine Rules Added by: Admirer
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 16:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine has an obvious compassion and fascination for
    peoples of a variety of cultures. She is a joy to watch.

  60. The Travelling People Added by: ShaDoW6 (mackline@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 23:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine and Ian are equal in many ways but I would put
    Justine as my 1st choice cause she has that feminine side of
    her that is just...... also it's because I'm a guy.
    I do hope that either one of them can visit my home town
    where the highest mountain in South East Asia is located.
    I'm from the state of Sabah, town of Kota-Kinabalu and in
    the 3rd largest island in the world i.e. Borneo.

  61. IAN, IAN, IAN Added by: Trinidad (fitchner79@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 3:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ian is the best, because i feel that he is very
    approachable. all of his shows have involved him
    associating with very many local people. people of all
    backgrounds and means. justine seems to only associate
    with "upper-class" people.
    ian will do anything, taste anything, and hardly ever
    complain. he enjoys what he does, where he is, and it
    ian always really experiences places. he treks up all the
    way mountains and jungle to see a waterfall. i love that.
    i saw an episode of justine in argentina, and i dislkie her
    approach to traveling. she goes to visit eva peron's
    grave, goes to a tango bar, and then walks on an ice berg.
    yeah, sure, that looks like lots of fun. sure. ian does
    things that normal, every day people, like me would do.
    who cares about learning to tango!? geez. i never watch
    the show when justine is the traveler. she presents a
    different show that does not seem to deal with the
    philosophy of lonely planet. her shows are all boring
    too. she's always complaining. i hate that.
    ian has got my vote of lonely planet president and
    ambassador. his VP can be shilpa mehta. she's cool. way
    more interesting than justine. she hiked up a mountain in
    the bali/sulawesi show to drink coffee and attend a
    funeral. she's great. ian is FABULOUS!!! justine just
    plain out sucks.

  62. Ian Added by: Vanessa (vmcafee@attcanada.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 7:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    HELLLLOOOOO????? Can anyone say IAN? Like there's a
    choice? I think not! I can't wait for the day that he
    travels to Canada! He makes the planet not so lonely.

  63. I Grok Justine Added by: Justine's Slave (n1kif@ime.net)
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 8:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is the best, I remember the first time I saw her
    going up the stairs of a mayan temple, she had on a mini
    skirt and you could plainly see that she had on a tiny
    black thong underneath. Also, she goes braless many times,
    and that is also very nice. I have found some nude
    pictures she did for a French men's magazine and have
    posted them on a website, email me for the address.

  64. IMO Added by: spodawg
    [Timestamp: Thu 28 Jan, 16:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]


    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 13:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  66. Beautiful Brunette Added by: Lew (LBWells@webtv.net)
    [Timestamp: Sat 30 Jan, 15:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Who is the brunette with the British accent? She hosted a show in Spain and recently I saw her in the South Pacific. Or maybe it wasn't the South Pacific. I was so mesmerized by her that I sort of lost track of where it was.Whoever you are, I would follow you to the end of the Earth. Eagerly awaiting the next show you host...Lew

  67. I would like to.... Added by: Yan Yun-Chia (d6225@ms18.hinet.net)
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 2:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would like to go on an adventure with JustineíI

  68. Coming to Phoenix? Added by: Tony (Number68@Speedrules.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 12:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The vote in our house is that Justine is the better traveler. She needs to travel in the US, and come to Phoenix.

  69. Justine has my admiration! Added by: Alan I. (thesquif@webtv.net)
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 13:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is far and away the consumate traveller. A traveller does NOT operate in a vacuum. Their reactions to places they visit is certainly tinged by upbringing, education and socio/economic conditions. Given the fact that I(& my children) have a background generally similar to Justine's, I find her travels to be quite remarkable. It is quite important to know something about the traveller's background to use as a frame of reference when watching the various. The traveller is as important as the travel.
    Anybody know of a Justine fan club. If yes, please e-mail me: thesquif@webtv.net

  70. Vote for Justine From Chile Added by: Fernando Cabezas (cabezu@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 14:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm depply in love with Justine. She's absolutely wonderful.
    Ian is Good too, but Justine is the most attractive woman on
    earth. My vote to her.

  71. Just-In(e) Time Added by: Marc DuBois (mldubois@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 4:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Every time I throw my T.V. out the door, it crawls back in
    with a program the gets me fumbling with my VCR to ensure
    I never miss an episode. Justine has it going on where it
    counts: Heart and Head and as so many others have noted -
    it shows in her eyes. Thank you Lonely Planet and Pilot
    for realizing that there are Gen-X'r, red-blooded American
    males who are disgusted by the popularity of Bay Watch and
    its assumption that T&A equals ratings. (This comment
    given with the express permission of my wife, who agrees
    with my taste in women!) Peace Justine!

  72. ian vs. justine Added by: spodawg
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 16:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'M WATCHING ...... BOB

  73. Ian vs. Justine Added by: George
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 23:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is the best. Ian is good, but I find that he
    exaggerates his accent too much which I find grating at
    times. I am originally British and I am certain he doesn't
    speak like that in real life. Justine on the other hand
    comes across as completely natural.

  74. IAN Added by: manilagirl
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 18:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I truly enjoyed watching LP episodes which featured Turkey
    and Chile/Easter Island. Ian is a wonderful host. I'd love
    to go to these places. My vote goes to Ian Wright. He's the
    ultimate host.

  75. Justine's Slave- please post Added by: ben
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 9:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the site for the Justine Shapiro nude pics..please!

  76. Justine or Ian? Both! Added by: Marco
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 11:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine: sensibility. Ian:fun.

  77. IAN/JUSTINE Added by: Tom (tmig@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 15:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is a really funny guy. Justine is also very good.
    I would like to see them TRAVEL TOGETHER on a few trips.
    That would really spice things up and probably boost the
    ratings.......Think about it producers

  78. Justine, "Shirpil" Added by: Lawyer
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 2:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine gets the pick. As for the "British" girl in the South Pacific, wasn't her name something like Shirpil Mehta. Please forgive me if I've mangled it. She was quite stunning.

  79. IAN! Added by: Sandy
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 18:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Best LP host is definitely Ian and he's got a couple of
    awards (Ace Cable) to prove it. I wish all episodes were
    hosted by dear Ian.

  80. Travel Host Added by: Mike Lanier 7'6" (Magbond007@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 4:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would like to the first tall guy traveling with Ian
    Wright! His Attitude is great!

  81. I A N Added by: Sandy
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 19:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I love the episode on Iceland/Greenland. And Ian makes it so
    much exciting. You're great, man. Hope you do lots and lots
    more episodes for LP.

  82. Justine All the Way Added by: Justine Worshipper (I.Love@justine.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 5:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is THE *BEST*!
    She's so compelling in her story-telling, with her sexiest
    of voices...
    I don't care about the little quirks she has and some of you
    so pathetically seem to hate.
    Justine exhudes raw sexuality and must be the most beautiful
    women to grace television.
    Does anyone have a list of all the LP episodes Justine
    hosts? Are there pages dedicated to her, I can't find any!

  83. Justine - Online fans? Added by: Bill Tusch (webmaster@rednet.net)
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 5:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We should create an Online-Fanclub of Justine!
    With schedules of airings of Lonely Planets with her
    starring, pictures, captures, videos and whatever we can
    find of this Goddess!
    I can supply all the webspace and bandwidth we need, just
    come up with the warezz!!
    Who would crawl on his knees through broken glass in
    dog-shit from China to here just to kiss the ground Justine
    walks above.
    She is the only woman who can make me complete, she is my
    PS Do any others here have a little shrine dedicated to her?
    I have her voice sampled in MP3 format and constanly play it
    on my stereo or walkman.

  84. Luv'em Both!! Added by: Marge
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 12:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I like the way Justine speaks Spanish and tries to speak a
    few words in other languages. She's fun but professional at
    the same time (without being stuffy.)
    Ian is a hoot! He's lots of fun, irreverant, but good for a
    lark. He's professional but loose.

  85. Take a shower Added by: Crash (Crash@rknet.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 16:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mr. 84,
    You need to get out more Bub

  86. You mean 83 Added by: Hamhead (ham_t@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 15:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To Crash
    I am sure you mean Bill Tusch Number 83

  87. what kind of shoes is justine wearing? Added by: what? (deo20c@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 21:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    let me know

  88. theworldsmostbeautiful.com Added by: tommie (skink@sutherlandphoto.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 7:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    justine, justine, justine, justine, justine, justine....!!
    ....is there any other host....

  89. JUSTINE Added by: F.S. (idem A traveller) (f_sandor@hotmail.com or milvus@netsoft.ro)
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 23:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree the most opinions of 82th fan.
    She's the best of the best!

  90. Justine Added by: fs
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 23:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Who knows Justines birthdate?
    Please email to me at f_sandor@hotmail.com

  91. JUSTINE HE 10 Added by: CJT (cjtaufer@pro.via-rs.com.br)
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 11:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    JUSTINE VOCE HE 10, 100, 1000,.........

  92. ENCHANTING Added by: JIM
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 6:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I thought Justine was my secret. You guys are too sharp!! I
    find her Mesmerizing, beautiful and ENCHANTING>

  93. Question! Added by: Justine
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 7:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What about my question?

  94. hun? Added by: somebody
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 13:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Re: #95. Justine is that really you? Or did 92 just screw

  95. Justine is great!!! Added by: Tello (xavier@mail.internet.com.mx)
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is a cool guy, but Justine is great!!!
    She's got a nice background, she's been educated at Europe, she speaks English, Spanish and French, and she's allways communicating in the local language with her frase-book.
    What I like most, may be, is the natural touch she adds to her work....
    Just lovely.

  96. I'm flattered... Added by: Justine Arlin (I don't think so!)
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 1:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But don't get too carried away, please!
    J :)

  97. Ms. Shapiro - So money! Added by: Dave (dlw131@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 11:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd have to say Justine is the most interesting and engaging
    host of the series. What a lovely, smart, and cultured
    honey! And of course, that Turkish bath bit.... And we do
    get to see what she supposedly looks like when she gets up
    in the morning (Southern Italy episode). I'd say the lass
    sleeps in the buff, but she did sport some cute PJs one time
    (Israel / Sinai episode) Most of all, I find her voice
    beautiful and soothingto the soul.
    Incidentally, who is the third host (pretty gal of east
    Indian descent) that I've been seeing? I believe she was in
    an episode on Vietnam or another southeast Asian country.

  98. VARIETY IS THE BEST POLICY Added by: Eve Simone
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 14:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is hysterical, I have split my sides laughing at his antics across the world, he is smart as a whip, but probably uneducated...he is just open to the world with a fabulous sence of humor.
    Justine is probably more educated than Ian and certainly is articulate. She is the girl next door, an attractive, intelligent traveller who is very approachable. She can be funny at times too (admittedly, not as funny as Ian) but she gives another flavor to the show, equally entertaining, but different.
    Then there is Neil Gibson...a darling Scottish man, very smart who shows a real respect for the countries and people he visits. He is enthusiastic with alot of positive energy! I really like him alot.
    AND YOU DUMB DUMBS OUT THERE Struck by the pretty and intelligent british girl with dark hair who was in Spain and THE PHILLIPINES. I can't believe you guys were so mesmerized by her that you forgot the country she was visiting. Lovestruck you guys are but not too smart. She is a wonderful host too, though. Ian, Justine, Neil and the woman who has not been on Lonely Planet long enough for people to remember her name yet (though they do remember her looks) are all wonderful hosts in different ways.
    The latest host, however, the guy in Amsterdam...I hate to give anyone a bad rap...but he really needs to find another job. He does not cut it. He is really not host material.

  99. Just Justine & Ian Added by: hopeles
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 18:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I say both Justine and Ian though Justine is by far the
    better looking. I have seen the episodes with other host
    and they just can't hold up to Justine or Ian. I hope
    Lonely Planet cuts back on the new hosts and sticks with Ian
    and Justine.

  100. I like Shilpa Mehta Added by: flyboy (rallgood@bhamintlairport.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 2:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian Wright and Justine Shapiro are fun to watch. I do,
    however, think Shilpa Mehta is by far the sexiest host.
    Does anyone have a bio on her?

  101. The best traveller is... Added by: Tony Rosendahl Frank (tony-rosendahl-frank@forum.dk)
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 22:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi everyone,
    I think that Justine Shapiro is the absolute best traveller
    on Lonely Planet. She has a great way of explaining even
    small details, and she shows us more of the people than Ian
    Wright does. She mingles with the local population, tries
    all sorts of things, and eats/drinks also all sorts of
    things. She isn't afraid of doing things. Also, she
    comments on everything in a funny and intelligent way. She
    is more down to earth than Ian is, and that's another
    feature I like about her. When it all comes down to the
    last drop, Justine Shapiro is the best traveller on Lonely
    Planet. I see the program every time she is in it (in many
    other cases I fall asleep), and I really feel that the time
    spend in front of the television (with Justine) is quality
    time as good as it gets!
    Commented with love by Tony Rosendahl Frank, Denmark

  102. Hmmm? Added by: Michael
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 16:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian makes the best from what could be the worst, humour is the best international communicaton ( Iran for example would not be so easy without getting people to laugh with you ). He accepts all culture and class with a warm sense of grace. The female host Nikki Grosse, comes in second because the one LP I saw her on was in Uganda and Zaire- she contracted Malaria and ticks while in the jungle ( Justine would have never made it, the Pygmy girl was picking the ticks from her hair )- it was tough, she was very pleasant through the worst. Nikki seemed very eager considering the difficulties, I would like to see how she is on future episodes. Shilpa Mehta- is very pleasant and well receives my votes as the best looking host. Neil, the Scotsman comes in next- he is a good sport, he gets into the history of the places. Justine, although a South African by birth, is too often too American and turns her nose up- the recent episode of her in Paris fit her style well- but in Turkey or less off the common travel beat places she whines, I dislike her "western" attitude, but she is a fox.

  103. Sensitivities Added by: SOGGI
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 19:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is excellent but should remember to eat with his left hand only when eating with Muslims. Shilpa seems more intent on showing off her jugs rather than anything else. Nice though they are, I think the locals would find them a bit much.

  104. Sensitivities Added by: SOGGI
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 19:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is excellent but should remember to eat with his left hand only, when eating with Muslims. Shilpa seems more intent on showing off her jugs rather than anything else. Nice though they are, I think the locals would find them a bit much.

  105. CORRECTION Added by: SOGGI
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 20:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Silly me ... I should have said right shouldn't I? Right Wright?

  106. beautiful shilpa Added by: david (d@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 13:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think that babe named shilpa mehta is the bomb!!!!
    does any one have an email address for her?
    nice tits

  107. My Emailaddress Added by: Shilpa Mehta (smehta@jugs.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 6:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Here's my address! Please email me; I'd love to hear your
    thoughts on my tits!

  108. Shilpa's Jugs Added by: Donti Weesh
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 15:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, it appears that Shilpa Mehta & her camera operator
    intend to show off her jugs. Praise the lord! I don't care
    where she travels! Keep 'em up, Shilpa!

  109. Shilpa's Jugs Added by: Donti Weesh
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 15:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, it appears that Shilpa Mehta & her camera operator
    intend to show off her jugs. Praise the lord! I don't care
    where she travels! Keep 'em up, Shilpa!

  110. OOH...JUSTINE... I LOVE YOU Added by: M.KAYA (mskaya9@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 9:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]


    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 17:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First time I watched the show, it was Ian, with a
    heavy brit accent. I diddn't like him or the show.
    After I got used to him, I found his humor and
    cynicism refreshing and daring. Now every nite we want
    a little Ian in our lives, where is he???
    justine on the other hand, is a boring, predictable,
    whiny, inadventurous (thrown in adventurous places)
    jap!! Please get rid of this ugly American, and find a
    more original hostess. This is a huge country, the
    requirements can not be too rigorous, can they??

  112. Hooligan vs. Princess Added by: ELAINE
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 17:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian IS the lonely PLanet, heart and soul. His
    reckless sense of adventure and ability to communicate
    with every one is remarkable, especially as he only
    speaks English (and barely that). I understand that
    his rough British football hooligan persona may not
    work for everyone, but notice how he always hangs with
    the locals while Princess Justine hangs with English
    speaking tourists. Who else would start a story on
    Iran on a ski slope? Keep Justine and her preachy
    commentaries for college essays. BRING ON IAN!!!!!

  113. Hooligan vs. Princess Added by: HITCH
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 18:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian IS the Lonely Planet. His reckless sense of
    adventure and endless mingling with the natives
    defines the travel experience. Despite barely
    speaking his native language (he sounds like a
    football hooligan), he communicates with everyone.
    Unlike Justine, who mostly hangs with English
    speaking tourists, Ian immurses himself into the
    local scene, and always with a twist. Who else would
    start a story on Iran on a ski slope? Keep Justine's
    pious meditations for a college essay; Ian is the
    man. (By the way, where is he these days?)

  114. Muuy graave Added by: Mr. Sun
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 23:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Todo esto es muuuy graave. Justine or Ian? I don't know. Pero me parece muuy graaave. Wait for a moment, please. Well, they're fine, but Justine is ...Yes, Justine. Pero es gravaave de todas formas.Bye.

  115. The vs. mentality Added by: Dano
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 8:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why is it that for people to express their preference for
    one host over the other, they almost invaribly find it
    necessary to insult or take cheap shots at the host they
    prefer less? The fact that many of you feel you must tear
    down one host in order prop another up speaks volumes of
    the immature, hollow and petty souls you apparently

  116. yes, but Added by: yin yang
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 12:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are right, but what do you expect? About 50% of people
    are more petty than average. About 50% are less mature than
    average. 50% are more hollow than average. The math is
    inescapable. The internet is open to a lot of people.

  117. Justine... 8-))) Added by: Marcellus Wallace (mw@rednet.net)
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 1:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine is the only reason I watch Lonely Planet. With her
    on tv, I can ejaculate without even touching myself!
    Thank you, Justine, for bringing this great talent of mine
    to light!

  118. nikki grosse Added by: jeremy wells (victor@07.home)
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 12:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    love most every host,except for the host in amsterdam,he was
    (sorry to say)dreadfull.Nikki Grosse was adorable,much like
    many people i know.I don`t mean to sound pretentious but
    some of you people should really consider getting out of
    the house let alone out of the country!try it, you might
    meet someone you love for the right reasons .anyhow
    NIKKI,well done.

  119. Justine vs. Pervert Added by: Watcher
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 4:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Does anyone remember the episode in Southern Italy? In a train, a guy sitting next to Justine
    tried to fondle her leg, so Justine got up. I wonder why that guy did such a thing to her in front
    of a camera!

  120. ian (by a landslide) Added by: lucie
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 6:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Without a doubt is by far the best lonely planet host.
    however, keep an eye on neil gibson(the scottish guy) is
    not so bad himself!

  121. Lo maximo Added by: renee bravo (reneebravo@usa.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 9:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine you are so cute. When you get to Peru, dont doubt
    on contacting me. we can travel together around Peru, me
    as your guide of course. Dont bring Ian!

  122. ian wright Added by: sandy
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 23:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    my fave lp host is ian wright..his humor is outrageous..he
    really makes my day...with ian as the ultimate traveler,
    this wonderful, amazing planet is not lonely after all.

  123. Justine is my real best friend!! Added by: Jen (barthurhome@prodigy.net)
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 March, 4:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi! Guys,
    I was a bit surprised to know that Justin is so popular on
    this page. I was in the same class with her in high school,
    and she is one of my best friends! I will tell her how much
    you guys love her and her show. E-mail me what I've got to

  124. Ian rules Added by: Armchair Traveler
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 March, 6:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hands down, Ian is the best host. Even if he is gay

  125. Thumbs Up for Both Added by: Squire
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 13:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How you could pick one? Both are so entertaining to watch.
    Ian is a riot and Justine is hot.
    Nuff said!

  126. Hey Jen ..post#123 Added by: Sparkette
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 17:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You went to high school with Justine? Wow, what a
    coincidence. I went to the same high school she did, only
    many years after she graduated. Just so I know your on the
    up and up, what was the name of our high school?

  127. Guess who? Added by: Gema Ning (gemalu@ms24.hinet.net)
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 2:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let me think..., well, I think every host is simply unique.
    I love everyone of them! REALLY!!!

  128. IAN and Me Added by: Roy (ssspulse@mb.kcom.ne.jp)
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 3:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Good guess, Ms. "armchair traveler"(#124). I went all the way with Ian!
    He was great! even off the travel.

  129. I don't believe you Added by: Thirza
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 10:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian's brilliant. I think he may indeed be gay, but I also
    think Roy is full of shit. :-)

  130. Ian's Lonely Planet Added by: Samantha (PR0T0KILL@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 18:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian has his original humor, while that Justine ditz appeals to men who are oh, so ready to help her. Ian is very resiliant in the most difficult situation. Does anyone else notice how many times he takes off his shirt? Ian gets my vote. I wish it would be Ian's Lonely Planet. Most of my family pefers him over any other host. He is so friendly with the locals. He is very amusing.

  131. Tough question Added by: Darren (dolson@vicomsask.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 2:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    !?!? I really like both Ian and Justine. As a guy, Justine
    is soooo cute, but Ian likes to party. They both have
    different shows, neither one better than the other. I
    would really like to see a show with both of them, and also
    one in North Central Canada, the worlds truly unexplored

  132. IAN VS. JUSTINE Added by: Slick
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 8:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian has his own style; kinda cool, kinda dorky. He does keep the viewers entertained at his own risk. On the other hand Justine is a informative girl and always lets you see the world through her eyes. All in all I think Ians better cause he knows how to have fun.

  133. Ian is the best!! Added by: Cathee (lbfang@wusnet.net.tw)
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 16:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ian is the best for the show. I am his fan. He is
    sooo cute. Does any know how old he is? Is he a gay or not?

  134. What's the problem? Added by: Ian Wright (iwright@mail.lonelyplanet.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 5:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey, folks, what's the problem if I am a gay. I am proud of that.
    Understand the spirit of Lonely Planet and be more tolerant
    of different values and attitude.

  135. I Luv Him! Added by: George (GMcCubbins)
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 March, 3:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine or Ian? Um...Hands Down, Ian. Yeah, He's gotta real
    nice butt! I love that boy!

  136. Justine... Added by: John Penn (JPenn@bridge.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 6:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    They're all great, but Justine (who is absolutely
    beautiful!) is the obvious choice. She's informative,
    intelligent, and spontaneous, and lives in Berkeley, one of
    the best places to visit that I know of.

  137. Planet Justine Added by: Evan Cortez
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 11:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All of us who Love & worship Justine should team up to make
    a Justine only website. A Shapiro shrine to the great Miss
    J if you will. One where we may be able to bow down before
    her grace and beauty, present offerings at her lovely feet,
    and sing Love songs to her all day long.

  138. #137, you are reading my mind! Added by: Justine Worshipper (presedent@justinefanclub.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 0:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And that of some other posters here, who also suggested an
    internet fansite to dedicate to our Goddess Justine
    I haven't left the house the last couple of days, I've been
    watching all my Justine-Lonely Planet tapes. Damn I'm happy!

  139. The best of...? Added by: Don (jarkko.honkanen@pp.inet.fi)
    [Timestamp: Mon 29 March, 6:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I enjoyed the episode where Justine were in africa.
    I think that Justine is the most interesting face in L.P. ,
    but of course I like Ian's style, he's kind of funny...or
    how you would put it??
    (They both good in they own way)

  140. Justine, Shilpa, Nikki Added by: Rod V.
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 23:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine Shapiro remains to be the show's top host followed by Shilpa Mehta and Nikki Grosse respectively. They're not only stunningly beautiful but also very adventurous. They explain things in a simple but informative way unlike Ian whose antics are irritating and annoying.

  141. Justine, Shilpa, Nikki Added by: Rod V.
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine Shapiro remains to be the show's top host followed by Shilpa Mehta and Nikki Grosse respectively. They're not only stunningly beautiful but also very adventurous. They explain things in a simple but informative way unlike Ian whose antics are irritating and annoying.

  142. Justine, Shilpa, Nikki Added by: Rod V.
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine Shapiro remains to be the show's top host followed by Shilpa Mehta and Nikki Grosse respectively. They're not only stunningly beautiful but also very adventurous. They explain things in a simple but informative way unlike Ian whose antics are irritating and annoying.

  143. Justine, Shilpa, Nikki Added by: Rod V.
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine Shapiro remains to be the show's top host followed by Shilpa Mehta and Nikki Grosse respectively. They're not only stunningly beautiful but also very adventurous. They explain things in a simple but informative way unlike Ian whose antics are irritating and annoying.

  144. Justine and Shilpa Added by: Vincent .
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 23:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Justine's eyes and smile are breathtaking. Shilpa's voluptous figure is marvelous. My favorite episodes? Justine in Turkey and Shilpa in the Philippines.

  145. supreme commander Added by: capt. john
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 3:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ian is definitely entertaining, but justine is exotic and
    erotic and my fave.

  146. justine 4 life Added by: R┼VEN (apopek@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 16:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    im sticking to the justine craze. unfortunatly i can't come
    up with a comment as hilarious as someothers have made
    before me. count me in on any justine fan page, or at least
    give me the address. icq me at 9684933. long live queen

  147. Justine's body Added by: R┼VEN (apopek@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 6:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't you think Justine has the best body ever? I mean, her
    face is divine, but how about those tits being squeezed when
    she lay in Turkey on that table, eh?

  148. Planet Shilpa Added by: Evan Cortez
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 10:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What?! Are you blind, man?! Yes, Justine has some nice
    knockers, but let's face it, Shilpa was blessed with a set
    of the most unbelievable cans on cable TV! Have you never
    seen a show with Shilpa? I cant believe you havent noticed!
    And I can't believe this discussion has deteriorated into
    this! Talking about the presenters' ta-tas like this, we
    should be ashamed of ourselves! You dont see the women talk
    about Ian's weener do you? Ladies, we apologise for our
    crass, and unsophisticated remarks. I apologize to Shilpa &
    Justine...Ive been a bad boy Justine & Shilpa...I think you
    need to spank me...please...?

  149. What's up with Shilpa Added by: Chargerman (dss14@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 4:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Does Shilpa have a boyfriend? Also are there any other
    episodes that she will be hosting in the near future? I am
    getting tired of seeing the same episodes with her, except
    for that beautiful face and figure she has. Shilpa, will
    you marry me? PLEEEEAAASEEEE!!!!!!!

  150. Shilpa Cortez Added by: Evan Cortez
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 8:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey, get in line, buddy

  151. Justines Page Added by: tm (tmig@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 18:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    justine has a web page!

  152. Comment on Justine's Website Added by: Vincent
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 0:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just can't believeit! Justine's 34 years old and already
    married? That Mexican sound recordist is a lucky guy!

  153. The Beautiful Babes Added by: Chargerman (dss14xes@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 5:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Shilpa and Justine are by far the sexiest and informative
    of the hosts. Justine has the nicest ass. Has anyone ever
    seen the episode where she is in Paris and Mexico City?
    Those jeans she wears makes my mouth drool...I can't believe
    that she is 34 years old!!! I do think she does carry a bit
    of an American imperialist attitude in her adventures. On
    the other hand Shilpa Mehta, now that is one sexy mama!!!
    What a gorgeus face, body, ass, and pair of melons she
    has!!! If I was the camera man I soley be focusing on that
    beautiful pair of melons. Does any one have an e-mail
    address for her? She really does make the show very
    interesting to watch. I must say the producers of the show
    have done a remarkable job in selecting some attractive

  154. Get out of the house once in a while Added by: Evan Cortez
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 10:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jeez Chargerman, why dont you put down your porn collection
    once in a while & go out & get a girlfriend willya?!

  155. To The Chargerman Added by: R
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 15:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looking for Shilpa Mehta's e-mail address? Just take a look at post # 107.

  156. So are you Evan Cortez! Added by: Chargerman
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let's be honest here. You're just as horny as I am when it
    comes to watching Shilpa and Justine on TV. By the way do
    know of any new episodes that Shilpa is going to be hosting?

  157. So are you Evan Cortez! Added by: Chargerman
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 13:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let's be honest here. You're just as horny as I am when it
    comes to watching Shilpa and Justine on TV. By the way do
    know of any new episodes that Shilpa is going to be hosting?

  158. Meet a brazilian boy that like you too much, Justine Added by: Gustavo Puerari (gpuerari@ccard.com.br)
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 22:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Justine, the best traveler!!!!!!!!!
    I would like too much if I ever chat with you or even talk
    on the phone or see you, here, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    (this last option would be the BEST!!!). I have never seen
    a Lonely Planet program with you in Brazil (actually, with
    Why? You've been to Argentina, but not Brazil.
    Please, e-mail me, or give me your e-mail , to I start
    comunication, because I like you a LOT. I LOVE you (as a
    far friend). please, please,please,please, e-mail me:
    Gustavo M. Puerari, the 14 bra. boy that is your fan!!!!!
    P.S: if you want, I can send you some postcards from Brazi.

  159. IAN, YOU'RE COMING TO RIO!!! Added by: Gustavo M. Puerari (gpuerari@ccard.com.br)
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 23:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    guide, to teach you some words and phrases in Portuguese
    (believe me, Spanish won't help you much here!!!)or to find
    new and unknown places (unknown till for Cariocas). I think
    you are, w/ Justine, the best traveler. You're funny and
    looks nice.
    E-mail me,please,
    Gustavo M. Puerari

  160. Why? Added by: Gustavo Puerari
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 23:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why my e-mail doesn't appear in this page?

  161. To Gustavo Puerari Added by: Michael
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 2:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Leave Justine alone.She's already married. Just check her website http://www.pilot.co.uk/shapiro.html

  162. Justine Is Perfect for A Biography Added by: Annie (creativities@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd love to write Justine's biography, if she would choose
    me to write such a book. Justine looks like I did when I was
    young and has similar interests. My major was creative
    writing for my master's, class of '64. As an armchair
    traveler, I watch all the Lonely Planet products and
    really enjoy them. Since I'm unable to physically travel
    and am quite old, I enjoy watching the videos. I can
    go around the world without leaving my home. Justine,
    want to write a book with me? If so, I'm in Sacramento.
    Sign me: Enjoying the travel videos, armchair anthropologist

  163. Justino-rama Added by: Chargerman (dss14xes@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did anyone have the chance to see the episode of Justine in
    Southern Thailand and Malaysia? My God has she got the body
    from hell!!! That guy she married must be one lucky guy. I
    want someone to comment on this issue I have. I think that
    Justine does have an American imperialist attitude? She
    does have some good perspectives on certain things, but her
    arrogance and ignorance about other cultures soemtimes
    seems to show. But her looks and incredible body make up
    for it!!! Don't you agree Mr. Evan Cortez????

  164. Justino-rama Added by: Chargerman (dss14xes@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did anyone have the chance to see the episode of Justine in
    Southern Thailand and Malaysia? My God has she got the body
    from hell!!! That guy she married must be one lucky guy. I
    want someone to comment on this issue I have. I think that
    Justine does have an American imperialist attitude? She
    does have some good perspectives on certain things, but her
    arrogance and ignorance about other cultures soemtimes
    seems to show. But her looks and incredible body make up
    for it!!! Don't you agree Mr. Evan Cortez????

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