Children and Education

Best Ideas

  1. Negakids
  2. Childless By Choice
  3. Childshare by shareparents
  4. Transmitting family noises to babies
  5. Engineering company reports for five-year-olds
  6. Children not teachers asking the questions
  7. The no blame approach to bullying
  8. Puerto Rico's vouchers attractive to schools
  9. A meeting place for home-educated children
  10. Paintbrush Diplomacy
  11. Teaching entrepreneurship
  12. University of the First Age
  13. A video history of Britain
  14. A bioregional multimedia template for schools
  15. Students using creativity to improve university
  16. University credits earned by community service
  17. A time tax on undergraduates
  18. Software revealing student plagiarism
  19. The interactive computer university of the future

Social Inventions

  1. Ambulance run by teenagers
  2. Marking children on their integrity
  3. Send primary teachers to France
  4. News from the Institute and The Natural Death Centre
  5. Girls to start school year later than boys
  6. 80 universities whose students tutor at schools
  7. TV watchers must put on show
  8. Paying pupils to learn
  9. Videos get kids to eat healthy foods
  10. Software to help children with dyslexia
  11. Contingent teaching works best
  12. All books accessible to all students by computer
  13. Star teachers only on video or cassette
  14. Spelling is a social invention
  15. Alternative Thinking Fellowships

Book of Visions

  1. Chanting in pregnancy and childbirth
  2. Prenatal University
  3. Dolphin midwives
  4. Planning for small children
  5. A directory of mothers' rooms
  6. Together time
  7. Magic Circle to enhance children's self-esteem
  8. A cassette for uncomfortable feelings
  9. Co-parents
  10. The British Organisation of Non-Parents
  11. The Parent Network
  12. Toughlove
  13. The Friendship Trust
  14. Bringing hobbies into the school curriculum
  15. Children's courts for school bullies
  16. Children's Ombudsman
  17. A school with its own money, courts and taxation
  18. Schools as model states
  19. UK Youth Parliament
  20. Contract between teenager and parents
  21. Sex education without fuss
  22. Children taking responsibility
  23. Pupil- run businesses at school
  24. Schoolchildren designing own curricula
  25. Pupils pacing themselves
  26. Badge for social responsibility
  27. School pupils earning used bikes
  28. Earning points for adulthood
  29. Forum Theatre - a new way to resolve children's fights
  30. Studying peaceful societies and tribes
  31. Schools social audits
  32. 320 hours per year of community service
  33. Tutoring - of students by students
  34. Homework TV Hotline
  35. 'People They Laughed At' book
  36. School Social Invention Workshops
  37. Innovations Counsellors for teachers and parents
  38. 'O Level' Social Inventions
  39. Voluntary Service Computing
  40. Computerised maths exam centres
  41. The Computer Whizz Kids Club
  42. Computer programming holidays
  43. Unisim
  44. A database of students' best work
  45. Mouth organs for every child
  46. Pathfinder Club
  47. Yoga in schools
  48. Label-challenging games
  49. Student loans repaid by National Insurance contributions
  50. Education on a human scale
  51. Adopt-a-Planet £1,000 competition
  52. Children's Alliance for Protection of the Environment (CAPE)
  53. Højskole High School
  54. The world does not need successful people

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