Children's Alliance for Protection of the Environment (CAPE)

Ingrid Kavanagh

I was the original coordinator of the Adopt a Beach programme in Texas. In that capacity, and as honorary consul to Costa Rica, I introduced the concept of volunteer beach clean-ups in Costa Rica through a cooperative agreement between schoolchildren.

'I introduced the concept of volunteer beach clean-ups in Costa Rica through a co-operative agreement between schoolchildren'

The beach clean-up spread rapidly as a children's programme throughout Costa Rica - and was soon copied in Honduras. Seeing the potential for an international children's conservation movement that could encompass numerous environmental action programmes in addition to the beach clean-ups, I have formed an independent non-profit organisation called CAPE - the Children's Alliance for Protection of the Environment. We have established a partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme.

Children can join CAPE without charge, either individually or as part of a group, and a newsletter will be sent out. Other initial projects include:

- Expansion of the beach clean-up campaign
- Sponsorship of co-operative tree-planting programmes for children, to raise awareness of the global importance of rain forests
- Promotion of other community clean-up and beautification programmes by children.

'An International Beach Appreciation Day. On the date selected, children all around the world help clean beaches'

- Sponsorship of an International Beach Appreciation Day. On the date selected, children all around the world help clean beaches.
- Participation in a Global Clean-Up Party, in conjunction with World Environment Week. A manual describes how children can take part.
- Each national CAPE 'chapter' appoints an advisory board composed of children and is invited to send a delegate from this body to the annual meeting of the international board of directors.

Ingrid Kavanagh, CAPE, PO Box 307, Austin, Texas 78767, USA (tel 512 478 6728 day; 512 258 0557 residence).

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