A directory of mothers' rooms

Susan Townend had great difficulty finding quiet and private places to breastfeed her baby when on holiday. Most stores or shops had no facilities for nursing mothers or for parents to change their babies. She was sometimes reduced to feeding her baby whilst sitting on toilets. She also knew mothers who were changing to bottle-feeding so that they could travel and shop more conveniently.

Townend was incensed by this lack of concern for parents, and on her return from holiday, she researched, compiled and published a directory of public places in the UK with 'mothers' rooms.' She was also instrumental in persuading Mothercare to open such rooms in over fifty of their larger stores.

Susan Townend, The Garden House, Back Lane, Allerthrope, York, YO4 4RP (tel 0759 304804). Townend's directory is available from her for L2.

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