Schools as model states

Nicholas Gillett

Extracts from a proposal.

There is an evident need for people to understand the unwritten British Constitution and the conventions of fair play which make it work. It would be useful if schools, or failing them, classes, formed model states to carry out some of their business. At least an outing could be arranged. In the case of an outing, the Foreign Secretary would be responsible for making contacts with the institutions to be visited, the Chancellor of the Exchequer would raise the funds and supervise payments and one can easily envisage roles for the ministries of Food and Agriculture, the Environment and so on.

'It would be useful if schools formed model states to carry out some of their business'

The Cabinet would meet and ministers would have to obtain the approval of both the elected House of Commons and the House of Lords, the latter being appointed by the head teacher or the teacher. An opposition to improve the 'legislation' could easily be formed and a major issue might divide the pupils into parties.

Mr Heath once commented that of all the needs for inventions, the greatest was for ways of producing democratic citizens.

Nicholas Gillett, Oakcroft, Cross o' th' Hill, Malpas, Cheshire SY14 8DH (tel 0948 860 213).

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