Tutoring - of students by students

Alec Dickson

Every teacher in the States is familiar with the concept and practice of tutoring, whereby an older or abler pupil acts as tutor or mentor to a younger or less advanced child. It can be done on a one-to-one basis or with a small group; it can be done between pupils in the same class or school, but sometimes more effectively between, say, a high school pupil and an elementary school youngster; it can concentrate on difficulty in reading or in maths.

'An older or abler pupil acts as tutor or mentor to a younger or less advanced child'

In 1989, a high-powered conference, the first ever, took place at Imperial College, London, on the whole concept of tutoring, with sessions showing the many different forms it can take. Its director was Dr Sinclair Goodlad, who has pioneered the involvement of students of electrical engineering in helping pupils in comprehensive schools in Brixton and Pimlico with their maths.

Alec Dickson, 19 Blenheim Road, London W4 IVB (tel 081 994 7437).

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