School pupils earning used bikes

Adapted extract from Wisconsin State Journal (USA), by Denise Sanders, monitored for the Institute by Roger Knights.

An innovative 'Earn-a-Bike' programme at Marquette Ele-mentary School in the Williamson-Marquette neighbourhood (Wisconsin State, USA) allowed primary school pupils to win used bikes, donated by the community. They 'earned' the bikes by gaining 100 points, based on completed tasks and good behaviour.

The idea came from a parent whose son's bike was stolen as part of a rash of bike thefts in the area, involving an increasing number of younger kids.

Parents had to sign contracts to say whether or not their child could participate. 65 kids signed up for the 10-week project. 62 received bikes at an awards ceremony.

Steve Meier, a co-ordinator with the police department, taught the pupils bicycle rules and safety procedures, and Trek Bicycles donated helmets. Carolyn Stanford, the head teacher, said she might consider repeating the programme in the future.

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