Computer programming holidays

Allen Carter and Peter Tilsley

Computer Park is a specialist computer holiday, with nine computer supervisors, for forty beginner or advanced participants of all ages from 10 to adults, although mostly patronised by teenage boys aged 13 to 17. Based in a splendid Queen Anne mansion in Northamptonshire, it is run by enthusiasts brought together from a wide range of computing backgrounds - education, industry, research and development, and we as the directors have a great deal of experience in education and training. Computer Park is for two weeks in August each year, costing about L325 per week, all in.

Unlike computer holidays which, when you read between the lines, only allow a couple of hours 'hands-on' experience per day, our computer rooms are open from 9am to 9pm every day and have more computers than people using them.

What makes Computer Park special to many people is the atmosphere. The staff are very friendly and helpful and there is never any regimentation - everything is optional, with you deciding what you are going to spend your time doing. Many participants come back for their fifth or sixth consecutive year.

Activities listed in the brochure include: numerous programming competitions, introductions to various programming languages, games techniques, graphics, computer games, group projects, a daily desktop-published newsletter, a barbecue, swimming in the pool and table tennis. Computer Park, 25 Bridge Street, Rothwell, Kettering, Northants NN14 2JW (tel 0536 712627).

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