Schools social audits

Alec Dickson

'Every college of further education, every polytechnic and every university could apply their skills and knowledge to human needs and the solution of community problems'

Every secondary school, every college of further education, every polytechnic and every university could encourage its students, as an integral part of their curriculum or course, to apply the skills and knowledge they are acquiring to human needs and the solution of community problems. Here and there one can point to individual lecturers who are doing this - but only one single institution - Coventry Polytechnic - is making a serious attempt to do so as an institution. In effect it would entail institutions of education developing an extra dimension as resource centres of help to their region, as the Land Grant Colleges in the U.S.A., established under Lincoln's Presidency have striven to do.

One technique - so simple that it can be grasped by a senior class in any school (although it could be applied to a factory just as well) - is to demonstrate how to undertake a Social Audit. Were it to be a college of education, one would start by listing under 'Assets', the qualifications, backgrounds, hobbies and possessions of every staff member, starting with the Principal: his academic speciality, his National Service with the Royal Engineers in the Korean campaign, his particular interests, his car(s) ... and so on with every single member of staff. Bravo, it is better than Unesco! Then what the Americans would call the 'plant': the labs, workshops, transport, swimming pool, cafeteria, gymnasium, library, orchestral instruments, stage, etc. Astounding: a veritable Aladdin's Cave! Now the students - their linguistic capabilities, sporting and musical talents, academic specialisations, artistic gifts. Incroyable! Add all this together - and these are the institution's assets. As for the 'Debit' side of the column, a survey of human needs and social problems in a one mile or five mile radius will reveal what cries out to be tackled.

'One would start by listing under 'Assets', the qualifications, backgrounds, hobbies and possessions of every staff member'

Can the books be balanced? A Social Audit will probably indicate that the institution possesses the skills, talents and equipment to make a contribution to 80% or more of the local needs. And the sad conclusion will be reached that most of our institutions are contributing only 5% of their social potential.

Alec Dickson, 19 Blenheim Road, London W4 IVB (tel 081 994 7437).

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