Studying peaceful societies and tribes

The following item is from 'Tranet' newsletter (USA).

'there have been societies, such as the Tahitians, the Kung! and the Eskimo which did not know war'

Which societies have been the most affectionate and lived in the most peace? This is the topic for a course on the history of human relationships proposed by Art Rosenblum in 'Aquarian Alternatives.' Present history courses deal primarily with wars and the competition for power. But there have been societies, such as the Tahitians, the Kung! and the Eskimo which did not know war and which lived in affectionate relationships with one another. The proposed course of study would give us insights for developing a culture of peace and human kindness.

- 'Tranet', Box 567, Rangeley, ME 04970, USA (tel 207 864 2252).
- 'Aquarian Alternative', 5620 Morton St, Philadelphia, PA 19144, USA.

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