Hojskole High School

Nicholas Saunders

The UK would do well to imitate the Danish Hojskole High School system. This was invented in 1820 by a man called Grundtvig, who was actually a vicar with rather radical ideas. Thanks to his connections with royalty, he was able to implement his scheme whereby every adult Dane has the right to spend three months at a residential course in order to study something for their own self-development, at any time in life.

'Every adult Dane has the right to spend three months at a residential course in order to study something for their own self-development, any time in life'

These high schools are privately set up and some are very loosely run. Some are just people wanting to have a good time, some are for serious study. Some schools are for the study of fashionable subjects like martial arts, peace studies or psychotherapy, some are for crafts and literature, and some are very political - the one thing that they have in common is that they are courses for self-development rather than training for work.

Nicholas Saunders, top floor, 14 Neal's Yard, London WC2H 9DP (tel 071 836 9404; fax 071 379 0135).

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