A cassette for uncomfortable feelings

Phyllis Peterson of Illinois has made a sensitive and enjoyable cassette story called 'Louis, the Giant, Invisible Turtle', aimed at helping children aged 7 to 14 to handle difficult and uncomfortable feelings. Louis Timothy is a turtle suffering from giantism - 'angry feelings stuffing him to the point of explosion,' and he has become invisible because he is 'afraid to show people what he thinks and feels.' A stork doctor shows him how to share his sad or bad feelings, how to be angry with what others have done to him without hating these others themselves; and helps Louis Timothy to 'share who he really is, to be real and to feel.'

'Louis Timothy is a turtle suffering from giantism - angry feelings stuffing him to the point of explosion, and he is afraid to show people what he thinks and feels'

Peterson believes that many parents teach their boys particularly to 'stuff their feelings', with messages such as 'be a big boy,' 'don't cry' or 'don't be afraid.' This cassette helps counteract such messages. The voices of the turtle and the doctor have a fine humorous edge to them, and the cassette holds the listener's attention.

Peterson writes: 'This story is my gift to the world and any one who wants to help distribute it can buy their own 90 minute blank audio cassette tape and send it with three International Reply Coupons from the post office (or two dollars in cash notes) to cover postage, and a self-addressed envelope; my colleague Ken Heral will send out a copy, which can be copied in its turn.

'I have started a campaign to have people copy it and donate it to schools, churches, support groups, programmes for runaway children, groups that work with prostitutes, social service agencies, drug addiction support groups and others. It is currently being used by Wisconsin Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, the Greater Milwaukee Parents Anonymous, Martin House in Rockford, Illinois and Parents Anonymous of Pennsylvania.'

Phyllis Peterson and Ken Heral, 2308 Maple Avenue, Loves Park, Illinois 61111, USA (tel 815 633 0492 h; 608 365 6641 w). This scheme was highly commended in the 1989 Social Inventions Awards.

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