Children's courts for school bullies

Extracted from two pieces in the Times and from material from Kidscape.

Kidscape was founded in 1984 by Michele Elliott, a teacher and educational psychologist. Her survey of 4,000 children found that more than two thirds had been bullied at some time and 38 per cent were being regularly bullied. Elliott devised the 'bully court', a forum in which bullies are tried and sentenced by their peers. The idea has been tried already in 30 primary schools and will be extended to any secondary school that wants to try it.

'Her survey of 4,000 children found that 38 per cent were being regularly bullied'

Two of the court's four members are elected by classmates and the other two are appointed by teachers. A teacher sits as chairperson to ensure fair play. Punishments have included bans on school trips and on using playgrounds and tasks such as tidying classrooms.

Kidscape also issue a sheet of suggested ways of breaking up bully gangs and for dealing with gangs from outside the school - in the latter case, Kidscape advises 'take photographs - they tend to run away when they see a camera.'

Kidscape, 82 Brook St, London W1Y 1YG (tel 071 493 9845).

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