Yoga in schools

Rosemary Owen

All schoolchildren from the age of five onwards should have regular, timetabled sessions of yoga exercises.

'All schoolchildren from the age of five onwards should have regular, timetabled sessions of yoga exercises'

Yoga is a good way of helping children to develop an awareness of their own bodies and feelings. It has an exhilarating and calming effect, and could lead in later life to a marked reduction of stress, postural and blood pressure problems and nervous disorders. New evidence also suggests that it may be helpful in preventing diabetes.

Yoga can be adapted for all children, including the physically impaired and the overweight. It does not need to be presented as a religious practice, nor does it conflict with any religion.

Rosemary Owen, 12 Vicarage Close, Billesdon, Leicestershire LE7 9AN (tel 0533 755 750).

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