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Sites which contain the word provides

221B Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes
The 50 States of the United States
57 Parques Nacionales
The Aboriginal Poetry Bibliography
Acid and Base pH Tutorial
Africa Web Links: An Annotated Resource List
African Writers: Voices of Change
AFRO-Americ@: The Afro-American Newspapers Home Page
@griculture Online
Air Canada
Albert Camus
Alegría The Mexican Folklórico Homepage
The Alexander Palace Time Machine
Alexander the Great
Alphabetical Spain
The Alsop Review
The Alternative Spanish Dictionary
Améliorez votre orthographe
The American Civil War Information Archive
American Film Institute
American Mathematics Competition
Anatomy of a Murder: A Trip Through Our Nation's Legal Justice System
Anniina's Amy Tan Page
Aperçu du Luxembourg
Apollo 11
Arbois Prêt à Tout
Argentine Embassy
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Project: Global, Regional, and Countries Virtual Libraries
Asian-American Theatre Revue
Ask Miss Grammar
Astérix, Le Site Officiel
Athena: Authors & Texts
Atlantic Monthly Poetry Pages
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Demographic Simulation
Atlantic Unbound The Atlantic Monthly
Atomium Brussels
Aux Frontières d'URL (X-Files en français)
The Aymara Page
Background Readings on Female Coming-of-Age Stories
Le Baobab Adansonia digitata
Basic Prose Style and Mechanics
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
Berkeley Lab Education
Bienvenidos a la Internet en Costa Rica
BookTalks Quick and Simple
British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
British WW 2, War Links of England
Calendar Land
California History Site
Carnac Bretagne Sud
A Celebration of Women Writers
Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
Charente Libre
Chemistry and Industry Magazine
Chernobyl: A Nuclear Disaster
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Chile Online
Chinua Achebe: An Overview
Chronologie de l'histoire du Québec
A Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
Cinescape on Line
Classic Chemistry Page
Clubs de Fútbol Internacional
CNN Interactive
La Cocina Mexicana
Les Codes Postaux des Villes Françaises
A Collector's Guide to Regency Romances
Coloria Hadas
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Conques de l'an mil à l'an 2000
Contemporary Culture (Mexico)
Coral Forest
The Cornell Law Library
Le Courrier
La Cuisine de la France
Cultura y Entretenimiento de México
Culture et Loisirs Ministére (Le Musée des Antiquités Nationales)
Cyber Astronomie
Cybrary of the Holocaust
Dartmouth's General Chemistry Study Guide
Destination Vaucluse Provence
Dictionary of Literary Terms
Directory of Ancient Egyptian Gods
The Discovery Center of Science and Technology
Disneyland Paris
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
The Dominican Republic Homepage
Le Droit (Ottawa, Canada)
Les Echos Les changes
Eclectic Writer, The
Edition Internet Le Devoir (Montréal)
Educatif les Nouveautés
Einstein: Image and Impact
Eisenhower Center
Embajada de España en Londres Consejerìa de Educación y Ciencia
English 102: Multicultural English Web Page
English Language Resources
Era of William McKinley
Europe Online
Exploring the Planets Cyber-Center
F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary
The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences
Fairy Tales: Origins and Evolution
Falcon Education Link
Federal Debt Clock
Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopia
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Festival International de la Louisiane
First Lines
For Young Writers
Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution in China
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
Freedom of Information Center
The French and Indian War
The Gallup Poll
The Gate of Heavenly Peace
Gateway to Latin America
The Gettysburg Address
A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
Gramática del Español
Grammar Safari
Grand Ecran Le magazine des salles Gaumont
Les Grandes Dates de la Langue Française
The Great Mexican Chile
La Grotte Cosquer
Guide to Theater Resources on the INTERNET
Hand-drawn Holograms
History of Costume
History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day
Homework Help
Hong Kong '97: Lives in Transition
Horticulture and Molecular Biology
Human Anatomy On-line
Human Development Report 1997
Human Rights
Hyperbibliography to American Poetry
Iles de l'Océan Indien
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
Indispensable Writing Resources
Inside China Today
Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections
Internet Resources in Literature
Into the World of Anthropology
Japanese Art and Culture
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
John Steinbeck
Journal du Jura
Joystick Onze Mondial
Judy Blume's Home Base
Kurt Vonnegut Corner
L'express Edition Internet
L'univers des Belles-Lettres Africaines les Femmes Ecrivains et les Littératures Africaines
Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics
The Latino Connection
Lausanne Antique
Learning Web at the U.S. Geological Survey
Letters Magazine
Librarians' Index to the Internet
Library of Alexandria
The Libyrinth
The Life and Works of Jules Verne
Life of Pablo Neruda
The Literary Gothic
Literary Resources Ethnicities and Nationalities
Literature from Many Countries
Lords of the Earth
Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
MagNet Le Premier Quotidien Français d'Informations Générales On-line
Maine Solar House
The Manhattan Project
Les Marquises (Tahiti)
Martin Luther King, Jr., Directory
Mary Shelley and Frankenstein
Math League Help Topics
Maya Angelou Pages
Medal of Honor
Medieval Drama Links
Mercator's World
Météo France
Metropolitan Museum of Art Education
Mexican (Chat Room)
The Michigan State University Celebrity Lecture Series
The Middle English Collection at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
MidLink Magazine
Model Essays
Montreux, Switzerland
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
Musée Acadien de l'Université de Moncton
My Virtual Reference Desk
A Naguib Mahfouz Page
Nahuatl World
NASA History Office
NASA Kennedy Space Center
The National Budget Simulation
The National Gallery of Canada La Galerie Nationale du Canada
National Weather Service
Native American Authors
Nautical Archaeology
Neptune's Web
The New York Public Library Home Page
Newspaper Archives on the Web
Newton's Apple
Nîmes, 2000 Ans d'Histoire
NM's Creative Impulse
The Noam Chomsky Archive
Nouvelliste On-Line
La Olla Latinoamericana
On-line Books Page
On-line Mathematics Dictionary
OnLine English Grammar
Oz Project Home Page
OzLit@Vicnet Australian Books, Australian Literature
Página de la Lengua Castellana
Pagina de la Lengua y Cultura Hispanas
Panoramic Maps: 1847-1909
Paper Folding Fractals
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
The Particle Adventure
Passion Cuisine Le web gourmand
Le Pays de Neuchâtel Vous Accueille
Petit Dictionnaire Franco-Suisse
PHRASEOLOGY: A Catalogue of Multilingual Resources on the Internet
La Piste Amérindienne
The Plain People
Poetry Archives, The
La Poste
Practice (French)
Premier Ministre et du Gouvernement
Prensa Libre
La Prensa Web
Prevline: Prevention Online
Progress of Nations
Project Bartleby
Project Vote-Smart
Propuestas desde Nicaragua
Proyecto Sherezade
Public Domain Modern English Search
La puerta del mundo hispano
Quechua Language Homepage
Radio France Internationale
Reading By Teens For Teens
Reading Strategies for Web Activities
The REAL McCoy African American Phat Poetry Book
Reef Resource Page
Reference Shelf
La Région Aquitaine à la Carte
Republic of Colombia
Research Paper Page
Resources for American Literature
Restoration Drama Homepage
Revue de l'Océan Indien Madagascar
Revue de la presse française
Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie
Right Side of the Web
Riviera Magazine Côte d'Azur
Ron's On-line ESOL Classroom
The Rosenberg Communiqués
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
RTBF: Radio Télévision Belge de la Communauté Française
Russia Today
Saigon.com: The Refugee Experience
Salman Rushdie
Samuel Beckett
Schauwecker's Guide to Japan
ScienceDaily Magazine
Selected Civil War Photographs
Service d'Information de l'Atlas National/National Atlas Information Service
Shediac, N.B., Canada
Short Course in Trigonometry
The Sikhism Home Page
Le Site Internet Fransaskois
Site Officiel de la Ville de Genève
Site Officiel du Gouvernement du Québec
SNCF: Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français
Solar System Live
Le Soleil de Québec Le Quotidien de la Capitale
South Asian American Literature
Southern Poverty Law Center
Spa Francorchamps (Belgium)
The Spanish Homepage
Spanish Language, Spain, and Spanish America
Spanish Resources for Spanish
Spanish Resources on the Web
St. Petersburg Times
The St. Thomas More Web Page
Statistics Canada
El Sur del Sur Web Site
Susie's Place The Word Games Page
Sylvia Plath
Tahiti Web Le guide Internet des sites web de Tahiti et ses Iles
Tambora y Guira
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Teen Court
Texts and Contexts
Theater Sites
Theory of Learning Games
El Tiempo
Time Warner's Pathfinder Network
Timeline of the Civil War
Toros en México!
The Tourist Office of Spain Homepage
TransWord© Foreign Language Crossword Puzzles
TransWord© Foreign Language Tests/Exercises
Treasure Island
The Tree of Life
Trésors de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France
U-boat Net: The U-boat War 1939-1945
UCLA Center for Clean Technology
The Ultimate Collections of News Links
United States Capitol
University of Victoria Writer's Guide
Uruguay, Paîs de Encuentro
USA Today
Valais, Bienvenue en
The Versailles Treaty
VIA Rail Canada
La Vie Politique en France
Le Vieux-Port de Montréal
Vincent Voice Library
Visite guidée du Val de Loire autour des châteaux de la Loire
Visite Virtuelle du Musée de la Publicité
La Vitrine Mondiale de la Wallonie
Voici l'Ontario
A Walk Through Time
Watergate 25
Waterloo 1815
Le Web de l'Ifop
WebCrawler Guide:Arts:Literature
Welcome to the Planets
Welcome to the White House
What is Culture?
Where's That From?
The Whirlwind War
Willa Cather Page
Window on Korea
World African Network (African Diaspora)
A World History to 1500
World Population Figures
The World Village Project
Writing Black
The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau
Yahoo Spanish Page
Yellow Wallpaper, The
Young Adult Librarian's Help/Homepage