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The Alexander Palace Time Machine

A fascinating collection of information on the last Czar, his family, his possessions, and his palaces. Numerous excellent graphics provide a virtual tour of the palace at Tsarkoe Selo and the surrounding village. The family's collection of Faberge eggs and the Czar's collection of toy soldiers provide an insight into their personal interests. The lives of members of the Czar's entourage are also summarized. An account of the Romanov family's murder at Ipatiev House by the Communists can also be read here. Information is provided on attempts to save the palace from the ravages of time. This site provides a vast amount of information on the lifestyle of the Romanovs in the years before their downfall.

Has received many awards, including Medal of Excellence, MSN Pick of the Week, Internet World Exposition 1996, POINTCommunications Top 5%, and Russian Best of the Web.

Bob Atchison

Art, Art History, Reference (General), World History

Social Studies
