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A Celebration of Women Writers

This plain but exhaustive site provides access through links to the rich history of women authors found on the Web. The principal feature of the site is an alphabetical listing of several hundred women authors from Abigail Adams to Marguerite Yourcenar. Click on an author's name and you are linked to sites devoted to that author, which may include the full text of novels such as Little Women, biographies, bibliographies, diaries and letters, or photographs. Other features include links to topical bibliographies (e.g., feminist science fiction, fantasy and utopian writing), sites on women in history (e.g., women in the American West), and specialty collections (e.g., literary women of the Left Bank). The developers hope to encourage many people to contribute texts and supporting information about women writers. New links are added one or two times each month.

Not available.

Mary Mark Ockerbloom

Indexes and Resource Lists, Literature

English and Literature

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