Paul Schneider.txt - 21506 Read this startling expose' about our Government.
LawUFO.txt - 8570 UFO Law is still on the books!
Carter.txt - 4741 Governor Carter's account of UFO sighting.
WrightP.txt - 1614 Wright-Patterson's Heritage.
Sighting.txt - 27962 Astronauts and UFO's.
Wright-p.txt - 3680 What you should know about Wright AFB
CUFON.txt - 5327 NASA's taping of a UFO?
Ballarat.txt - 2018 1995 Ballarat, Australia sighting.
Learlttr.txt - 17707 Personal letter from John Lear(Jets) on UFO's.
JohnLear.txt - 31870 Statement made by John Lear DEC 29, 1987.
Pilots.txt - 21451 When Pilot's see UFO's?
Russian_.txt - 2360 Rueters reports UFO's over Russia!
Col_mar.txt - 3823 Russians "Phobo" gets pics of UFO?
ufos_and.txt - 10241 Discussion on SDI (Star Wars).
Crash_co.txt - 2346 Crashed UFO is videotaped.
MUFON_co.txt - 6344 PSI TECH, Psychic's, and UFO's.
Soviet.txt - 18979 UFO's over the Soviet Union
The Sear.txt - 8829 The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
The unit.txt - 37402 Section of AF Manual about UFO's.
CIA1.txt - 18309 Covert CIA does it again? - 56409 Complete Military Manual
Answers.txt - 11158 What the aliens (Grey's) are all about!
Cog.txt - 38453 Dulce & other underground bases & tunnels.
MIB-1.txt -23421 Who are the "Men In Black"?
MIB-2.txt -12312 Who are the "Men In Black"?
MIB-3.txt -15718 Who are the "Men In Black"?
MIB-4.txt -11517 Who are the "Men In Black"?
Krill01.txt - 30290 Complete Krill papers
Krill02.txt - 19760 Complete Krill papers
Krill03.txt - 36005 Complete Krill papers
Krill04.txt - 42597 Complete Krill papers
Krill05.txt - 42591 Complete Krill papers
Dogon.txt - 22992 Dogon Tribe worships Space Travelers
Dreamland.txt - 41621 What is happening in the Dreamland Wars?
12story1.txt - 27723 A Chilling Story of a Daylight Abduction?
12story2.txt - 17182 A Chilling Story of a Daylight Abduction?
12story3.txt - 22176 A Chilling Story of a Daylight Abduction?
PE1.txt - 24114 The Philadelphia Experiment. A Coverup?
PE2.txt - 23917 The Philadelphia Experiment. A Coverup?
PE3.txt - 22031 The Philadelphia Experiment. A Coverup?
Phobos.txt - 12530 Mars Moon "Phobos" What did the Russians learn?
Alien.txt - 38213 Governments Classification of Aliens?
NATO.txt - 10344 Inside The US Government Underground.

The following are also known as the These were written by Branton, an anonymous UFO researcher. The files with White Diamond in front can be viewed on notepad.

Crim001.txt - 3918 Cosmic Conflict and the Da'ath Wars.
crim002a.txt - 19062 The Grand Deception.
crim002b.txt - 26571 The Grand Deception.
crim002c.txt - 20733 The Grand Deception.
crim002d.txt - 32899 The Grand Deception.
crim002e.txt - 29513 The Grand Deception.
Crim003a.txt - 24588 The Cult Of The Serpent.
Crim003b.txt - 24671 The Cult Of The Serpent.
Crim003c.txt - 26660 The Cult Of The Serpent.
Crim003d.txt - 19048 The Cult Of The Serpent.
Crim003e.txt - 23054 The Cult Of The Serpent.
Crim004a.txt - 26324 And There Was War In Heaven.
Crim004b.txt - 26576 And There Was War In Heaven.
Crim004c.txt - 31200 And There Was War In Heaven.
Crim004d.txt - 30232 And There Was War In Heaven.
Crim004e.txt - 30538 And There Was War In Heaven.
Crim004f.txt - 31627 And There Was War In Heaven.
Crim004g.txt - 16135 And There Was War In Heaven.
Crim005a.txt - 26647 A Covenant with Death.
Crim005b.txt - 28487 A Covenant with Death.
Crim005c.txt - 28199 A Covenant with Death.
Crim005d.txt - 33905 A Covenant with Death.
Crim005e.txt - 29085 A Covenant with Death.
Crim005f.txt - 29210 A Covenant with Death.
Crim005g.txt - 27617 A Covenant with Death.
Crim005h.txt - 21291 A Covenant with Death.
Crim006a.txt - 32615 Crash Go the Chariots.
Crim006b.txt - 32677 Crash Go the Chariots.
Crim007a.txt - 28426 Caverns, Dungeons, and Labyrinths.
Crim007b.txt - 32138 Caverns, Dungeons, and Labyrinths.
Crim007c.txt - 25908 Caverns, Dungeons, and Labyrinths.
Crim007d.txt - 35391 Caverns, Dungeons, and Labyrinths.
Crim008a.txt - 22560 The Underground Empire.
Crim008b.txt - 29576 The Underground Empire.
Crim008c.txt - 24911 The Underground Empire.
Crim008d.txt - 25500 The Underground Empire.
Crim008e.txt - 27463 The Underground Empire.
Crim008f.txt - 28110 The Underground Empire.
Crim008g.txt - 14531 The Underground Empire. - 32514 Invasion of the Mind Wreckers. - 57626 Out of the Dragon's Lair. - 36114 Casualties of a Cosmic War. - 63353 Battles beneath the Earth.


coscon01.txt - 4601 AI-Triad and underground bases.
coscon02.txt - 884 Project Beta and Gray aliens.
coscon03.txt - 1979 Alien quotes from prominent sources.
coscon04.txt - 1775 When you know too much.......??
coscon05.txt - 5415 The Chupas...UFO horror stories from Brazil.
coscon06.txt - 2826 Apocalypse now.....
coscon07.txt - 2125 Contactee's and Reptoids.
coscon08.txt - 5281 Mind Control and Assinations.
coscon09.txt - 21473 NASA's failures and UFO's.
coscon10.txt - 4398 Implants and our government.
coscon11.txt - 1915 Dulce and Underground Bases
coscon12.txt - 6041 Operation Paperclip and Maurey Isl. UFO Case.
coscon13.txt - 10292 Jason Bishop's Dulce Report
coscon14.txt - 2190 Evademic and Draconian Species
coscon15.txt - 1008 Asteroids Around Earth
coscon16.txt - 2185 Greys, Orions, and Giza
coscon17.txt - 13053 MJ-12 Interrogation
coscon18.txt - 1320 Linda's Abduction
coscon19.txt - 1584 Linda and Doty - MJ-12 Documents
coscon20.txt - 2777 Discovery of Ancient petroglyphs and mutilations
coscon21.txt - 2288 Teleportation
coscon22.txt - 20954 John Lear and the underground
coscon23.txt - 7575 Military Abductions and Interrogations
coscon24.txt - 956 Implants
coscon25.txt - 1135 Gray and Nordic confrontations
coscon26.txt - 472 Nevada test site
coscon27.txt - 547 Other solar systems
coscon28.txt - 5701 Abductors and abductees
coscon29.txt - 2290 Seti - its problems
coscon30.txt - 2004 A strange letter to Valerian
coscon31.txt - 880 Dr. Otto Strove, Astrophysicist
coscon32.txt - 1324 Shurula Dux, resident of Telos, Mt Shasta
coscon33.txt - 10060 Vladimir Terziski; Nazis and the Grays
coscon34.txt - 14018 Dulce base security officer speaks out
coscon35.txt - 2563 UFO sighted, Alien down
coscon36.txt - 13301 Another covert operation

Secrets of Mojave

Mojave01.txt - 88779
Mojave02.txt - 90435
Mojave03.txt - 86628
Mojave04.txt - 93212
Mojave05.txt - 88306
Mojave06.txt - 85092
Mojave07.txt - 76476
Mojave08.txt - 98026
Mojave09.txt - 95069
Mojave10.txt - 98604
Mojave11.txt - 96510
Mojave12.txt - 89249
Mojave13.txt - 97069