Researcher Paul Bennewitz sent out a letter on June 6, 1988 describing 'PROJECT BETA', which referred to the alien base in New Mexico consisting of type 'Grey' aliens. NASA CIR film had allegedly aided in locating this base and revealing US Military involvement with the 'Greys'. Another group called the 'Orange' is said to be based below the west slope of Mt. Archuleta near 'the Diamond'. Some suggest that the 'Orange' are a so-called' hybrid' race with PARTIAL reptilian-like and even androidal features yet possessing human-like reproductive organs. It is possible that they consist of hu-brids and re-brids being that some or most of them may possess a human soul-matrix and therefore may be 'human'. The 'Orange' have also been described as being involved in the scenarios taking place in the tunnels below the Nevada Military Complex as well.