From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranormal,sci.skeptic Subject: FILE: MUFON article on Ed Dames and Roswell Message-ID: <1993Feb11.040009.7582@bilver.uucp> Date: 11 Feb 93 04:00:09 GMT Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL Lines: 106 (6066) Sun 24 Jan 93 17:38 By: John Komar To: All Re: Informational News-Wire St: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @MSGID: 88:88/0 2B5C3CAF MUFONET-BBS GROUP - MUFONET-BBS NETWORK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INFORMATIONAL NEWS - WIRE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD? OPERATION RIGHT TO KNOW - FORUM Newsletter - Winter 1992-93 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PSI TECH: NEW ENIGMA ON THE UFO HORIZON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Elaine Douglass Associate Editor/FORUM - MUFON State Director/D.C. Some readers of the FORUM will recall news accounts during the Gulf War of the use of psychics by the UN to find Saddam Hussein's hidden biological weapons. Fewer readers will recall that PSI TECH was the name of the company which provided the psychics to the UN, and that Major Ed Dames, Retired, US Army Intelligence, is the president of PSI TECH. And probably no readers are aware that PSI TECH and Ed Dames have anything to do with UFOs, and as for the UFO community, Dames has a message that could split the community down the middle. What's the message? UFOs are real. Roswell isn't. Dames said that for nearly 10 years he and his colleagues in PSI TECH have used a psychic technique called "remote viewing" to gather information on the UFO phenomena. Remote viewing was developed in the 1980s by psychic Ingo Swann at the Stanford Research Institute. While he was in the military, Dames studied remote viewing with Swann and trained others in the technique. In 1989 Dames founded PSI TECH, which offers remote viewing services to industry, governments, and organizations. Dames says PSI TECH consists of a team of 8 remote viewers, 6 of whom are "present duty or active duty Army intelligence or Army special operations officers." The team works on projects like finding Iraq's hidden weapons, locating Mozart's grave, and determining the fate of the passengers of Korean Airline 007. But PSI TECH's major project has to do with UFOs. PHI TECH's major current project, according to Dames, is to provide "scientific validation" of an "operational UFO site" he says he's located in Northern New Mexico. Leading scientists will announce the results to the public no later than April, 1993, says Dames. There is much about ed Dames that will deeply interest the UFO community. A former Major in the United States Army, Dames is talking openly about UFOs. No deep throat, the Major, no anonymous source. And not a cryptic commentor either. Dames is speaking volumes. He says UFOs are real. The abductions are real. The greys are real. The hybrids are real. The bizarre strangeness is real. But what is not real is the single most important case developed by the UFO research community. What is not real is the case whose multitude of witnesses and meticulous documentation is so impressive it can be presented anywhere to any public forum including the U.S. Congress. That case is not real, and the U.S. Government has no pieces of a crashed flying saucer in it's possession, Dames says. What was Roswell? According to Ed Dames, Roswell was a fictitious event staged by the alien, something Dames calls "brain wave entertainment," something he says he found out about through remote viewing. "Truck drivers frozen at the wheel" and "white spheres all over the place." That's what Dames says the Roswell site actually looked like in 1947, even though "the participants will go to their graves swearing it was real." In repudiating Roswell, Ed Dames puts himself at odds with the UFO community even as he gives that community something it desperately wants: public confirmation of the phenomena from a high level government source. This surely is a prescription for an uneasy relationship between the UFO community and Ed Dames. FORUM staff have been studying Dames and his allegation. More information will be forthcoming in the next issue. =END= @DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY --- FMail 0.92 * Origin: 012 MUFONET-BBS Network 210 901-785-4943 (88:88/0) @PATH: 123/26 -- <*> Don Allen <*> 1:363/81.1 - Fidonet #1 - Homebody BBS dona@bilver.uucp - Internet 1:363/29.8 - Fidonet #2 - Gourmet Delight 88:4205/1.1 - MUFON Network 1:3607