One caller who phoned in to KTKK (K-Talk) radio in Salt Lake City, in August of 1991, made some rather startling claims concerning high-tech 'Philadelphia' type experiments that had allegedly been conducted at the Top Secret Labs in or below the Nevada Military Complex. The caller referred to a 'Shawn Morton' who had allegedly visited 'Area 51' and talked to a man who said that most of the technology depicted in the first 'Star Trek' series of the 1960's is now in the possession of the 'Secret Government'. Morton also was told that (possibly prior to the 'Philadelphia Experiments') top scientists who were tied-in with the secret government succeeded in 'teleporting' a china plate and that they were surprised that the object materialized in 'reverse image', including the lettering! After some time they reportedly worked out the bugs and attempted to teleport a human being. The first human being to be teleported (apparently after several successful experiments with animals, etc.) was the man known among some New Age groups -- and several conventional/secret government go-betweens such as Bush and Gorbachev who met with him at the 'Malta' conference -- as 'Maitreya'. This guy, if we are to believe Morton, was eventually 'teleported' and made to materialize in front of a stunned African tribe as an 'experiment' to determine how successful they (the Secret Government) could be in future attempts to pass-off 'Maitreya' OR OTHERS LIKE HIM as gods or divine entities in order to manipulate the religious passions of the unknowing masses towards their (the secret government's) own ends. Apparently the Illuminati -- which actually intended from its conception to recruit the most intellectually advanced minds in the world to help establish their technocratic dictatorship -- is using such extremely high-tech knowledge to bring to pass their own agendas of absolute control, rather than use this super-technology to help the diseased, poverty-stricken and starving masses of the planet. One need only read their 'Global 2000' report to see why they will do nothing of the sort, since these 'National' Socialists believe that the world population must be kept at a CONTROL-LABLE MINIMUM!