The following article was written by Ray Keller, director of OSIRIS (Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society-- P.O. Box 882., Hilmar, CA 95324). Keller released the article in April of 1994, before the "malfunction" which supposedly prevented the probe described herein from carrying out it's entire mission. This is nothing new, since nearly a quarter of a century after we successfully landed men on the moon and returned them to earth, and following the incredible technological advances of the past quarter century, the best "NASA" can do is to send out faulty unmanned probes to nearby planets. Russia's space program has had two miserable failures with the loss of their two PHOBOS Mars probes. There was the Hubble Telescope failure, then the Mars Observer failure, and now the "failure" of the CLEMENTINE probe mentioned by Keller, following it's mapping of the Lunar surface. There are three possibilities for this string of "failures". We will leave the reader to judge for themselves which possibility or possibilities are the most likely: 1. Just plain scientific incompetence 2. Alien intervention and disablement 3. Government suppression of information 4. Combinations of the above "EBE'S 3 -- NASA 1", by Ray Keller: "The extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) have taken the upper hand in 1994, taking out the Canadian Telsat communications satellite on Saturday, 15 January 1994. And now it has come to our attention that two more satellites have been blown up just seconds after their launch vehicle blasted off! "OSIRIS sources in South America were on hand in Kourou, French Guiana, to watch the launching of an unmanned Ariane rocket lofting a Turkish and European satellite into space on Monday, 24 January 1994. According to these witnesses, A NARROW BUT INTENSE BEAM OF GREEN LIGHT PIERCED A LOW CLOUD COVER AND ZAPPED THE ROCKET as soon as it had cleared land and was gaining altitude over empty seas. This was the first failed launch of the Ariane rocket in nearly four years, although NASA has warned ESA (European Space Agency) that the EBEs might launch some kind of surprise attack either on one of their satellites in orbit or at this particular launch. OSIRIS has been informed that NASA operatives maintain a strong presence at Kourou, and also at a top secret Brazilian satellite launch site manned by Chinese technicians somewhere in the vicinity of the Venezuelan border. Also, Guillermo Aldunati, editor of the noted UFO journal SEARCH and ANTICIPATION in Argentina, has told us that NASA scientists and Argentine military escorts have been sighted at the scene of an intense UFO flap in the Argentine Entre Rios province, about 80 miles north of Buenos Aires. "In any event, NASA was quick with a response! While the joint DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE / NASA "CLEMENTINE" probe wasn't schedules for launch until late March 1994, President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore were alarmed at the UFO attack on the Ariane rocket. Clinton grabbed the red phone and immediately put all our aerospace forces on RED ALERT that night. He also ordered the Vandenberg Air Force Base commander out in California to get that Clementine airborne as "expeditiously as possible!" "The CLEMENTINE I is the first lunar exploration mission launched in over twenty-one years. The head honchos up at NASA felt it was time to bring in the military because the EBE shave been having so much success in sabotaging or completely annihilating everything the space agency can put up there. The Clementine probe will be the first (that we know of) to use a sensor array built according to Department of Defense specifications for missile defense and to do a photo recon of the farside of the moon, where many believe the EBEs have established their offensive staging area. NASA inside sources have said that the probe is also equipped with the latest in SDI/Star Wars technology, i.e. a PARTICLE BEAM DISINTEGRATOR! Wow! --three cheers for NASA, and isn't it about time?! (Some "Non-Interventionists" in the past have stated that the Grays are being closely monitored by the "Federation" for any signs of Intervention not condoned by Earth governments. True, the Nazis brought their past interactions with the Grays into the United States through their Bavarian fascist Trojan horse CIA. In a sense Americans are to blame for allowing this "enemy within"to gain a foothold in U.S. Intelligence. HOWEVER, this does not mean that other nations -- South American nations for instance -- have "agreed" to the Intervention of Gray Empire forces within their own borders. We would say that an attack on Terran craft such as the one described above would be a definite case of unprovoked INTERVENTION. But then again, if one were to carefully study the history of the reptilian-gray 'intervention' inhuman affairs, they will see several cases of unprovoked attacks upon humans who did not give their alien tormentors permission to interfere with their lives - - or in a worst-case scenario -- to be used as a source for genetic experiments, secretional "formula", implantation, etc. The reptilians think they can get around this by gaining humans' consent through deception. For instance, it is entirely possible to hypnotize a man and give him a loaded gun, tell him its a squirt gun and to fire it at someone. The man may be "willing" to do this under hypnosis yet absolutely refuse to murder someone. So a person CAN be deceived in taking part in activities which they in full awareness WOULD REFUSE. The Grays use deception to motivate humans to carry out activities which they would not normally do -- such as carrying out acts of sabotage against their own race or country without realizing what they are doing because the entire context of their actions is based on a programmed lie. So the Grays/EBEs can and do violate human wills through deceptional motivation of human subjects -- abductees who would otherwise refuse to engage in certain activities if their "awareness" had not been violated and corrupted by the lies or misleading half-truths of the aliens - Branton) "After its photo recon of the saucer bases on the farside of the lunar surface (a project which WAS successfully carried out - Branton), the Clementine Will use the gravitational field of the moon itself to create a slingshot effect and push it forward on a collision course with the rouge asteroid known as GEO-GRAPHOS. A NASA official wishing to remain anonymous and working at AMES RESEARCH CENTER in Moffet Field, California, recently told (an OSIRIS) reporter, 'We know the grays have a base on Geographos. In the past six months IT HAS MADE TWELVE COURSE CORRECTIONS. And in December (1993) the so-called 'asteroid' suddenly sprouted what appears to be a moonoid, although it is not spherical but seems to be CYLINDRICAL in shape.' "He added, 'We're sick of these grays blinding and wiping out our satellites. Hell, I'm beginning to think the grays may have blown up the CHALLENGER. Anyway, we're going to throw up all our new defense technology at them and really give them a run for their money this time. The key instruments on that baby are five advanced sensors specifically designed to detect and track missiles. We got 'em for $75 million from the Defense Department's Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. We're definitely not going to miss this time around. Those sensors have such pinpoint accuracy they could surgically remove a mosquito off a horse's ass from 245 miles overhead. We're going to hone in on those Zetas (grays) and shove everything we got right down their throats!' "The Geographos 'asteroid' and its attendant moonoid are currently in the vicinity of Jupiter. The Clementine, by using the moon as a sling shot, will thus be able to attain enough velocity in space to rendezvous with the object sometime in July. Interesting, isn't it, that astronomers of the world have been fore-warning of 'asteroid collisions' on Jupiter about this same time, scheduled to cause quite an intergalactic fireworks display? Another NASA scientist at Ames said that each of the seven 'asteroids' to collide with Jupiter will make an explosion more massive than that which could be caused by a one-hundred mega-ton nuclear blast! Sounds like a smoke screen for the Star Wars armament sure to be deployed against the grays. Later, in July of 1994, Ray Keller and Elaine Douglass released the following information under the title, "CLEMENTINE PROBE FIZZLES". Keller begins with the following editorial comments: "...the probe was able to successfully recon the farside of the moon, but the data obtained thereby has been highly classified... The Clementine was the first probe equipped with a particle-beam defense system, and many in the UFO field believe its primary mission was to scout out alien bases on the darkside of the moon and to destroy Geographos, which they believe is an alien space platform. The same ufologists also stated a belief that the 'moonoid' was some kind of carrier ship attempting to dock with Geographos. "Defense Department officials were trying to keep the public announcement of Clementine's failure as low key as possible. But some in the UFO community believe that there is nothing wrong with Clementine and that it is proceeding on its mission. This supposed 'malfunction' may be nothing more than another smokescreen. Seems like a repeat of the Mars Observer episode." Following his editorial comments, Keller published the following article titled "HOW LONG CAN NASA KEEP THE BIG SECRET?", by Elaine Douglass, Organizer, Operation Right to Know/End UFO Secrecy Now., 1801 Clydesdale, NW., Suite 501.,Washington DC 20009. Some of the more interesting passages are reproduced below: "There are indications the space agency, NASA, is so pregnant with the UFO/ET secret it can hardly contain the secret much longer... For example, the former NASA director says point blank in the April INTERNATIONAL UFO LIBRARY magazine that the Mars Observer probe IS NOT DEAD, but it, in fact, is sending pictures back to NASA. Furthermore, says MAURICE CHATELAIN, some of these pictures will be published soon, 'despite the official cover-up.' "...In the meantime, the west coast edition of NBC-TV news broadcast this remarkable story on 3 May: the NASA-DOD mission now leaving the moon HAS BEEN DIVERTED TO MARS instead of going to an asteroid, as previously planned. This information was NOT broadcast on the east coast. Mars researchers who phoned a video clipping service for copies [of the broadcast] were first told copies were available, and then told they WEREN'T. NEXT DAY, the NEW YORK TIMES reported that due to 'budgetcuts,' DOD is trying to kill the Clementine mission entirely. " looks like NASA is in a struggle with ANOTHER agency. For example, there were two attempts to SABOTAGE the Mars Observer camera before the Observer left (were the "Alternative Three" agents behind these sabotage attempts? -Branton). Astounding! [Richard] Hoagland brought this story out. Trash was twice dumped inside the camera's lens [QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE MARS MISSION, Winter 1994. 122 Dodd St.,Weehawken, NJ 07087]. "Seems like somebody was screaming a big 'NO!' to NASA about going to Mars at all, and indeed they might -- because it is the fallout from the 'failed' Mars Observer mission that has accelerated NASA's loss of control over the BIG SECRET (In a similar manner, a mysterious "someone" had contacted the Russian Space Agency before it sent out its PHOBOS probes and warned that the probes would not be allowed to carry out their missions! - Branton) "If NASA hadn't gone back to Mars last year, the agency could have kept a lid on the controversy over the anomalous land-forms on Mars (the Cydonia 'face' and associated structures). But once in the air, NASA came under intense pressure to re-photograph the face. Speculation is the unexpectedly strong pressure and reason why NASA decided to claim the mission was lost. And just before the loss was announced, a new element for NASA to cope with had arisen -- the formidable Stanley McDaniel. "Some people think the McDANIEL REPORT on NASA and the Cydonia landforms drove NASA to take its desperate step. A report may not sound like much, but that's only until you read the McDANIEL REPORT [Copies of the McDANIEL REPORT can be ordered from N. ATLANTIC BOOKS., Box 12327., Berkeley, CA 94701 for $22.50 each]. It is a devastating critique of NASA and also exposes Carl Sagan as a disinformation agent. Why haven't Mr. Lichtenstein, Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Bigelow, Mr. Andrus or Mr. Hall funded this high quality academic report for distribution to Congress? "IF NASA HAS LIED ABOUT THE LOSS OF THE MARS OBSERVER, IT IS THE MOST AUDACIOUS ACT OF POLITICAL DECEPTION IN THE CENTURY. McDaniel, whether decisive or not, added to the heat on NASA. One NASA spokesman went on TV showing signs of stress, and ten minutes later NASA announced the Mars Observer was lost. Right away the leaks began. Hoagland, McDaniel, Bob Oechsler and others RECEIVED CALLS SAYING THE ANNOUNCEMENT WAS A COVER STORY. Now former NASA Director of Communications, MAURICE CHATELAIN, has PUT IT INTO PRINT. "Some people who work at NASA are acting strangely.For example, they meet with relative strangers in crowded public places and speak in loud voices about the TOP SECRET deception. NASA scientists are accompanying some ET researchers on UFO-watching expeditions and seeing UFOs with them. "When the interview with Gordon Cooper comes out in which Cooper talks about back-engineering alien craft, the cover-up will surely be near its end. And the astronauts have been sidling up to this for a while. "...[Richard] Hoagland says that people who are talking to him have been offered jobs to shut them up. 'COME ANDWORK FOR US ON THE DARK SIDE', Hoagland says they weretold. "Instead of Mars, Hoagland is now focusing on the moon. There are artificial structures on the moon, he claims, and so does Maurice Chatelain. In his article, Chatelain casually drops the bombshell that the Apollo mission found 'several mysterious geometric structures of unnatural origin' on the moon. And, in fact, some sort of startling new picture book has just been pub-lished: EXTRATERRESTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY, by David Childress [ADVENTURES UNLIMITED PRESS, PUBLISHERS'NETWORK., Box 74., 303 Main St., Kempton, IL 60946 -- for$21.00 each]... (Note: Richard Hoagland presented a stunning lecture at Ohio State University wherein he revealed, among other things,the following: NASA was originally established with a charter that encouraged full public access for all information received. However, a BROOKINGS INSTITUTE report that was written shortly after its inception warned that alien "artifacts" discovered by the space program may shatter the social balance, frighten "religious fanatics", and upset scientific and engineering establishments, and therefore such discoveries should be kept hidden from the public. In short, keep the masses in the playpen and don't let them 'see' what's going on 'out there', for they are not mature enough to handle the truth without going into a panic; The closest point of the lunar surface to earth -- and the exact center of the lunar disc as seen from earth -- is near the crater UKERT, which just so happens to contain a remarkable and seemingly perfect TRIANGLAR or TETRAHEDRON like design fit perfectly into the 'circle' of the crater. The Tetrahedron geometry is very similar to the mathematical layout of the 'Monuments' in the Cydonia region of Mars, which in turn is based on the exact mathematical and geometric formulas as the pyramids of GIZA in Egypt; Hoagland showed slides of lunar photographs, some which were public domain and others which were previously suppressed from the public yet obtained through good fortune and ingenuity. These included multiple views of an area west of UKERT where there islolated a 'shard' which rises a mile and a half above the horizon and widening out from a narrower base. Beyond and to the left of this 'shard' is another huge 6-7 MILE HIGH tower with a tripodal base and a cubical array atop which is over a mile in diameter.Appearing like a huge air traffic [or space traffic?] control tower,this crystalline structure appears to be suspending a huge "dome" with an enormous geometric web-like grid-system, although the dome and the 'twin towers' themselves appear to be partially smashed and twisted by either meteoric bombardment or possibly even an ancient nuclear attack. These structures are clearly visible in computer-enhanced photographs which Hoagland has succeeded in releasing to the public. Hoagland believes that the Surveyor 4 probe which disappeared in this area may have smashed into one of these towers. In fact, according to Hoagland, one tower in the same region nicknamed the "castle" reaches an incredible 30 MILES into the air from the 1/6th earth gravity environment of the lunar surface; An eminent geologist, a Dr.Cornett, "freaked out" when he saw one of the formerly suppressed photographs of the area in question, referring to one area outside of the dome as "Los Angeles" since the geometric patterns could not have been natural and in fact resembled the ruins of a huge city that had been devastated by some kind of ancient catastrophe; One formerly suppressed Apollo 10 photo, #4822, showed an incredible array of artificial lunar constructions. Hoagland and his associates successfully obtained different prints of this same photograph from various space research agencies, and SEVERALOF THE PRINTS HAD BEEN ALTERED -- through airbrush tampering? -- from the original, while others were overexposed or underexposed so that the alien artifacts could not be detected. Also, Hoagland stated that NASA believes that glass would be a perfect building source for an arcology or 'artificial ecology' bio-sphere on the moon because glass is profuse throughout the lunar dust and in an airless and waterless environment the structural integrity of glass approaches that of steel - Branton) "Chatelain says he's going to reveal what happened to the astronauts on the moon in a forthcoming article... "Whoever in NASA put the two Viking pictures of the face on Mars into the open record 17 years ago is an unsung patriot. >From what I've heard, however, not all of the interesting pictures were put out. Here's what Mars researchers Vince DiPietro and John Brandenburg told me had happened a few years ago. A graduate student at Louisiana State University phones DiPietro excitedly several times and described a numbered NASA Viking photo of Mars on display in the department. The Martian surface photo SHOWED A GROUP OF SIX FACES. Each looked just like the Cydonia face. When DiPietro tried to get the photo, a professor told him it was 'lost'... "UFO researcher Linda Howe says a military officer told her he's hearing reports of 'SOME KIND OF WAR IN SPACE. 'Could it be? Naw... "A friend of mine called NASA recently and cajoled a press officer into a confidential conversation. According to my friend, the press officer said, 'NASA is very fragmented and many people in NASA want the truth.' And then added, 'NASA IS NO LONGER RUNNING ITSELF. A MAJOR INTELLIGENCE GROUP IS NOW RUNNING NASA.' "...NASA is now in a power struggle with this other group (Note: Researcher Anthony Kimory states that neo-Nazi S.S.rocket scientists such as Wernher von Braun and Kurt Davis were installed in high positions in the space agency early on, with the help of CIA-PAPERCLIP agents. Could this "other" intelligence group be tied-in with Bavarian Intelligence branches such as the CIA, NSA, MJ-12, AQUARIUS, WACKENHUT, PAPERCLIP and so on? - Branton). The two groups violently disagree on how to run the Mars Observer and Clementine missions, and evidence of this conflict broke into the open. "In the ranks of NASA there are several sources of discontent. People who want to run a CIVILIAN space program are at odds with those running intelligence operations. There are people angry at being shut out of the BIG SECRET, but these must still tell lies to the public. And there are people worried they could be indicted and sent off to jail for their roles in maintaining the BIG SECRET. "Even though the ruling groups disagree, they are still determined to maintain their hold on the BIG SECRET. But the ranks of NASA are breaking and the ruling groups are losing control over the ranks. It's about time!" (Note: This article was completed BEFORE NASA AND DOD announced the failure of the Clementine probe due to an accidental loss of fuel. "What a coincidence!," notes author Elaine Douglass. "Yes, a coincidence INDEED!" -- Ray Keller)