John A. Keel, in his book "OPERATION TROJAN HORSE", confirmed that news records of that time reveal that a large-scale "UFO flap" did take place in April of 1897, covering about five states. Many of the witnesses reported the strange or hideous type of occupants as described by Hamilton, and Keel reports that these creatures "made a real effort to hide from the witnesses who stumbled upon them accidentally..." Could it be that these creatures were deliberately attempting to hide reptilian features, fearing that if the witnesses knew of their true nature the largely God-fearing residents of this part of the country might put two and two together? Another prominent person - one of the many government- military-industrial members who are now coming forward with the truth of the existence of a non-human alien race - is veteran flying ace John Lear. John is the son of William Lear, the original founder of the "Lear" Jet Corp. He has for several years been a captain with a major U.S. Airline and has test flown over 160 different types of aircraft. Once a die-hard skeptic, Lear the son has made a complete reversal. It all began several years ago when a close friend of his in a high-level position in the military told John that he was witness to a UFO landing which took place at the Bentwaters Air Force Base in England, and during which several small, alien "gray" type creatures were seen. Lear decided that he would check into the subject in greater depth, utilizing his many contacts in the Intelligence community. Largely due to the fact that he had flown top-secret missions for the CIA and other governmental agencies in the past, he had gained the confidence of several high-level Intelligence workers. He took advantage of these contacts and began to pry into the U.S. Government's own knowledge and experience with the UFO phenomena. Although bits and pieces of the scenario were learned from different sources (some of whom knew only PART, but not all of the scenario), Lear was amazed to find that all these pieces of information fell together into one big overall picture, and a FRIGHTENING picture at that. One thing which kept coming up over and over when he probed his Intelligence contacts for information, was repeated references to a small town in northwestern New Mexico known as 'Dulce,' where some very strange and "alien" things were allegedly taking place. Lear learned three basic facts from the many CIA and other Intelligence sources: 1) The U.S. Government has, since the end of World War II, retrieved several unidentified objects, mostly disk-shaped, which had crashed in different regions in both the United States and overseas. The occupants retrieved from these various crash sites were both humanoid and reptoid in nature. A few from each group were allegedly recovered alive (and many of these died within a few years after recovery), but most of the occupants were deceased when found. Many of the occupants and objects were taken to a secret hanger in Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, while others were transferred to various other bases throughout the country. Most of the occupants were of the reptilian or saurian "gray" type. Other 'entities' were found to be some type of bio-synthetic automaton apparently constructed in part out of organs taken from mutilation victims. There is no indication of what might have animated these other creatures since they were found to possess a sponge-like consistency all the way through instead of reptilian or human organs. Some however had suggested, based on various findings, that this third type of entity might have been animated-used as physical "shells" by non-physical entities desiring to utilize such constructions in order to work and operate in the physical dimension. Some of the technology retrieved from these objects were later used to develop top-secret aerial craft of Military construction, while other objects were found in-tact to the point that they could still be test-flown by military personnel. After one of the first such crash/retrievals which took place near Corona and Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, President Truman assisted in putting together a top-secret committee consisting of some of the most prominent scientists, economists and political scientists in the nation in order to analyze the phenomena and make determinations. 2) Certain segments of the government, desiring to get possession of the super-advanced technology utilized by this alien race, attempted to make contact with them, since these creatures usually passed themselves off as benevolent extraterrestrials. Actually, it was later determined that these entities are neither benevolent, nor (originally) extra- terrestrial, although they may have established outposts on other planetary bodies according to certain sources. There is evidence that the Government and the Intelligence Community is beginning to realize this, but due to certain concessions which they had made in the past with these creatures without public consent, they have unfortunately and unknowingly forced themselves and their people (the U.S. citizens) into a position which they cannot presently escape from, unless something miraculous takes place. 3) It was found that certain "underground bases" existed, concentrated largely beneath the southwestern United States, with the largest of them being beneath the area of Dulce, New Mexico. The U.S. Government learned of these after years of surveillance and tracking of UFO flight paths, etc., which forced the "aliens" to make a "deal" with the government. This included the exchange of technology and the use of the UPPER levels of these underground "bases" if the U.S. Government agreed to consent to the alien-grays continued "scientific observation" of human subjects via abductions, and agreed to keep the existence of the alien presence from the American public. The U.S. Govt. also 'allowed' the aliens to jointly use some of their own underground bases. This was later turned out to be a BIG mistake. Although these creatures still maintained a facade of benevolence, they absolutely refused the majority of the scientists and government workers within these "joint" bases to enter the lower levels, much less know that they existed. The "security clearances" increased as one descended into these lower levels until such a point was passed when an individual learned "too much" about what was going on "down there". At this point the base workers would often turn up missing. But there have been reports given by individuals who have seen these lower levels which suggest that the story given by the aliens (i.e. that the "bases" are of recent construction, are of limited extent, and that the aliens themselves are of extraterrestrial origin) is not all true. Some of these descriptions suggest that these so-called "bases" are actually hundreds if not thousands of years old, and are underground systems which connect with ancient tunnel and cavern networks which literally undermine the American continent and beyond. Other sources with "inside" knowledge on these bases have stated that these underlying systems have for centuries been the abode of reptilian races native to planet earth, as well as other hidden human societies with which the saurians have been at war for ages - the knowledge of whom the reptilians have attempted to keep from those on the surface (divide and conquer strategy against the human race). The government, according to many sources, began to learn that these creatures were lying to them. Also, something began to happen to the minds of the "joint base" workers operating within these installations. It seemed as if some type of occult or mind-manipulating influence was slowly bringing these workers under it's control; and many witnesses who had been in these bases and were fortunate enough to live to tell of it were confused by the fact that most of the human workers appeared to be nothing less than mindless automatons carrying on their assigned tasks in almost zombie-like fashion. Many seemed to have lost all feeling and personality altogether. It is not known just how ancient some of these underground systems are, although some sources suggest that many of them were of antediluvian construction. Such activity as we've indicated has also allegedly spread to underground bases of government construction, such as the underground base network existing beneath the Nevada Military Complex. Some bases are of exclusively alien construction, others of human construction, while still others were found to have already been in existence since antediluvian times. Some of the bases such as the one below 'Dulce' N.M. are allegedly combinations of two or all three of these constructions - i.e. ancient underground systems which have been extended by modern alien and/or human occupation. The above three paragraphs are scenarios which were related not only by John Lear, but several other researchers as well. As the reader will see, most of the researchers involved (except for a few who have been exposed as disinformation agents intent on confusing the issue) have gathered information which fits perfectly and collectively into one large, overall and frightening scenario. John Lear was the keynote speaker at the 1989 MUFON conference which was held in Las Vegas. In his address, Lear showed portions of actual footage, narrated by Rod Serling, of a UFO fly-over and subsequent landing at Holloman Air Force Base. The film, according to Lear, was commissioned by the government as part of a mass-education program to inform the public of the alien presence in an official format. This was when they still believed that the (grey) entities were benevolent. These plans were dropped however when the "Horrible Truth" became known, namely that these sauroid "aliens" were not as benevolent as first believed, but were cunningly using the "space brother" approach to gain control over the minds of those they came in contact with. The top-secret MJ-12 committee and their superiors, the MAJIC committee, soon learned that hundreds of HUMAN mutilations were being carried out and that THOUSANDS of people were being abducted and were never seen again. MJ-12 ever since this time seems to have become a rather schizophrenic organization, attempting to "feed" and appease this 'beast' with one hand while at the same time attempting to develop the defensive and offensive technology needed to destroy it with the other hand. There are some who suggest that at least part of the MJ-12 committee and the allied organizations such as the Delta Group, the Jason Society, and the CIA et al. have at least been partially infiltrated by the alien influence via implantation and mind manipulation, especially among those members of the "secret government" who are associated with some of the more nefarious activities of certain "Illuminated" secret societies. Aside from the underground facilities of New Mexico, Lear also insists that the saurian grays have taken over the lower levels of secret U.S. government installations in Nevada as well (Groom Lake, Dreamland, S-4, Blue Diamond, Mercury, Nevada Test Site). Human workers there have also apparently come under their "spell". These alien creatures apparently know how to manipulate the human mind extremely well, as they have probably had thousands of years experience. Other sources indicate that these installations were infiltrated and taken over from BELOW and not from above. This would explain the LARGE NUMBER of saurian- reptilian entities which have allegedly been seen in the extreme lower levels of the underground systems beneath the Nevada Military Complex, as they have also been seen in the Dulce, New Mexico complex - and BOTH of these complexes according to Lear and others are allegedly connected subterraneously with each other! Apparently, during the deep excavations beneath Nevada, the U.S. government "broke-in" to enormous natural underground systems and encountered this "alien" race. This seems to have taken place unfortunately during the period when the so-called "treaties" were being made and the government assumed that these aliens were benevolent. There are also allegedly "gray" type entities which have been recovered alive from crash/retrievals that are being held in the Nevada systems, but even these cannot account for all the alien activity allegedly taking place beneath this area. That is, unless John Lear and other prominent researchers are putting their very reputations at stake by perpetrating a collective hoax. Many of the workers beneath Nevada's Nellis Air Force Range, as in New Mexico, are allegedly being controlled through fear, intimidation and mind manipulation, and are led to believe that the government is still in control and that everything taking place is for the good of humanity, when actually the serpent race is running the program, and as Lear put it, they "don't give a damn" about the human race. From various accounts, it seems that the U.S. Government may have assumed that because of their diminutive stature, the "grays" were not so much a threat to us as they possibly could be. Yet there is also much evidence as we've said earlier that the saurian "grays" are the BOTTOM LEVEL of an enormous reptilian "hierarchy". The Grays are perhaps the least "offensive looking" of the "Reptoid" species, even though they are not at all pleasing to look at (especially their eyes), and they can also be indicted in numerous cattle and even human mutilation incidents. They have apparently been chosen to interface with human beings in order to gain their trust and to persuade us to let down our guard, establish "treaties" (which the saurians never intend to keep) and other methods designed to establish further CONTROL over the human race. The REAL power behind this alien hierarchy includes even larger, more secretive and more grotesque-appearing reptilian branches which, if encountered, would cause absolute terror in most human beings who meet up with them. If all of this sounds like so much "science fiction", just remember the old saying: "Truth is often stranger than fiction!" Also, we have not even begun to record all of the various corroborating accounts suggesting that such a scenario is actually taking place. Please bear with us and let the documentation speak for itself. As we indicated earlier, shortly after World War II, according to Lear and others, certain segments of the government made contact with this saurian-reptilian or "serpent" race. One source who does not identify himself but who claims to be a high- level official in Military Intelligence (this was confirmed by Timothy Green Beckley of Abelard Press, N.Y., who has published some of this man's revelations and knows his real identity), goes by the name of "Commander X". This (alleged) Intelligence source claims that the initial contact took place in the 1930's, that the contact involved members of the government who were tied-in with the "Order of the Illuminati", and that it was not an extraterrestrial race but a SUBTERRANEAN race which they came in contact with. In addition to this (although it may sound almost unbelievable) SEVERAL DOZEN SOURCES, many of whom we will quote in greater detail further on, claim that HUNDREDS people - victims of abduction incidents - are being held captive in a 7th sub-level of the massive underground complex beneath the Dulce, New Mexico area. This level, and allegedly deeper levels below consisting of natural cavern and artificial tunnel systems, are largely under the control of the saurian-grays and their reptilian 'overlords.' The region beneath the four-corners area of the southwestern U.S., according to various sources, is one of the major if not THE major center of activity for these non-human beings in North America. There are apparently other centers of activity beneath other continents - i.e. aside from Mt. Archuleta near Dulce, New Mexico there is Mt. Illampu in South America; the Pine Gap Plateau in Australia; unspecified underground areas in Africa; the Manosarowar region of the Himalayan Mts. of Asia; the island of Malta in Europe; and Mt. Erebus in Antarctica. These can be considered as areas of intense subterranean activity, especially sauroid activity, or areas where paraspeleological events are concentrated. Some of these areas are sites where both saurian AND human activity has been reported, and in some cases, areas of CONFLICT between saurian and human beings. The massive complex beneath the Archuleta plateau near Dulce, New Mexico, allegedly intersects with other similar bases or installations in New Mexico and neighboring states, for instance: Page, Superstition Mts., Arizona; Datil, Pie Town, Carlsbad, Taos, New Mexico; Creed, Ft. Collins, Colorado, etc. - that is, this system allegedly connects with underground sites somewhere NEAR these areas, and others beyond. Incidentally, the MAJOR concentrations of cattle mutilations have been in the southwestern states and, particularly, epicenters on a ranch only 13 miles from the small town of Dulce, New Mexico. Herds roaming through that general area have been the MAJOR targets, which suggests that similar but smaller installations may exist in other areas with high concentrations of cattle mutilations. In 1979, according to John Lear's Intelligence and CIA sources, a group of government scientists and workers within the lower levels of the Dulce complex managed to penetrate into the lower depths of this underground system, and were horrified when they suddenly came across huge underground chambers filled with the REMAINS of untold numbers of HUMAN mutilation victims. Some of these remains were apparently those of CHILDREN. Lear and his sources believe that many of these may have been some of America's MISSING children! This, and other indications, suggest that there may be a "hidden holocaust" taking place deep underground which may make Hitler's "final solution" appear insignificant by comparison. These workers had no sooner discovered the "Horrible Truth", according to Lear, then they themselves were taken captive by the infernal creatures which controlled the deeper levels of this labyrinth; but not before these workers were able to warn other government workers above about what was really going on. When MJ-12 and other deep-level government agencies learned of the hostage situation, they decided to send in special forces units (Delta Forces and Blue Berets, based in Ft. Collins, Colorado - N.R.O. or National Recon Organization headquarters), in an attempt to seize the base and set free the people who had been captured. When the blood-bath was over nearly 66 of the special forces soldiers were dead and the "base" was not taken. I realize that all of this sounds rather fantastic, but why would John Lear, and many others who have confirmed the activities taking place at Dulce, put their entire reputations on the line to make such earth-shattering claims unless they are absolutely convinced that such claims were in fact true? If the reader is not yet convinced, then we would ask them to consider the following: -- In 1983, New Mexico newspapers reported the "crash" of a "top secret military aircraft" near Mt. Archuleta, northwest of Dulce. The story appeared for a few days and then nothing else was mentioned. During the "recovery operation" witnesses reported hundreds of combat ready troops, "armed to the teeth", in the area who would run and disappear without a trace when approached. Other investigators found a CRESCENT-SHAPED impression in the ground where the object had landed, as well as trees which had been broken in half when the craft descended, and other bizarre signs which were not consistent with the "official" version of the story. -- Mt. Archuleta is in a very rugged area, accessible - on the surface - only by 4-wheel-drive vehicles. In 1978 the Federal Government made an agreement with the Ute Indian tribe (which has a reservation on the southern border of Colorado, some miles north of the Archuleta area, and through which runs the only road by which Mt. Archuleta can be accessed by non-4-wheel- drive vehicles). The Ute's agreed to enforce a strict "No Trespassing" regulation in exchange for certain properties along the Colorado-New Mexico border. -- John F. Gille (the French national and UFO researcher who helped exposed the Club of Rome - Pine Gap, Australia underground Base connection), Edmound Gomez (owner of the large ranch 13 miles from Dulce, New Mexico where the majority of the cattle mutilations in the area took place), and Gabe Valdez (at the time head of the State Police in Dulce), as well as others participated in a field investigation. Because of their positions, the group were able to go onto the Archuleta Mountain- Plateau via a 4-wheel-drive trail, on Oct. 23-24, 1988. Members of the investigation team later went on record to state that in the early morning hours while camped atop Archuleta peak they witnessed a large "boomerang-shaped" object coming from the northwest at great speed, stop and hover in mid-air, and emit something like "sparks" from both ends, then continuing off at great speed into the distance. They also reported seeing strange lights which would appear and fade over a period of time, within a canyon cliff where a prominent physicist and UFO researcher by the name of Paul Bennewitz alleged were cave-openings through which UFO's had been seen entering and leaving. Bennewitz by the way had concluded that there was an "alien" controlled "base" beneath Mt. Archuleta, based upon years of research into the UFO activity that has often been witnessed by several people in the Dulce area. The investigation team who saw the "boomerang -shaped" object also claimed that when the lights appeared in the cliff they could hear sounds like radio transmissions, although the voices were not understandable, and at one point they thought they heard a sound like "trucks moving" in the distance, even though they were several miles from any public road (except for the restricted one?) -- Paul Bennewitz reported that: "Troops went in and out of there (Dulce) every summer, starting in '47. The natives do recall that. They also built a road--right in front of the people of Dulce and trucks went in and out for a long period. That road was later blocked and destroyed.... The signs on the trucks were "Smith" Corporation out of Paragosa Springs, Colorado. No such organization exists--no record exists....I believe the base--at least the first one (i.e. first U.S. government built extension of the upper-levels of the base - Branton) was being built then (under the) covering of a lumbering project...problem--they NEVER hauled logs. Only BIG equipment." (Note: There are indications, based on the testimony of Commander X and others, that the government was at this time actually expanding the UPPER LEVELS of an ancient underground installation which was apparently built originally by an ancient human race and later infiltrated by the saurian-grays - Branton) -- "Commander X", the anonymous military-intelligence official mentioned earlier, claims to have learned a great deal about the goings on at the Dulce facility through the intelligence "grapevine". He states: "R & D and the Military Industrial complex became involved and did a study for the base. Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants "for" the Indians. Navajo Dam is the main source for conventional electric power, with a second source in El Vado (also an entrance to this massive complex, which some claim opens out onto the surface in over 100 sites)." There are many indications as we've said that an antediluvian race may have inhabited the Americas and - although extremely warlike and prone to practicing sorcery - were advanced enough in their sciences to construct a vast system of underground tunnels connecting large natural cavern systems deep underground. The reasons for this could include the following: military or national defense purposes; protection from saurian predators above; occult or religious purposes; mining and excavation, or simply for living purposes. There are several documented accounts of people who have encountered very ANCIENT tunnels and underground excavations of prehistoric origin all over the United States, however strange this might sound to some people. The Mt. Archuleta region MAY be such a site which has been re-established in post-deluvian times. We say this because the four-corners region of the Southwest U.S. seems to be a central "hub" of subterranean activity which apparently dates back to ancient or possibly even antediluvian times. Many of the ancient tunnel systems which hunters and explorers have allegedly stumbled across in the southwest - some of which will be described in detail later on - were at least a few centuries old when they were found, and possibly even thousands of years old. Based on the statement by Commander X that the 'Illuminati' came into contact with a SUBTERRANEAN reptilian race in the 1930's, and other accounts which we will describe later, and due to the fact that not even MJ-12 seems to know how "deep" some of these installations descend into the earth - we can only come to the conclusion that the Southwestern subnet (subterranean network) is much more ancient than the aliens would lead us to believe. This ancient subnet has apparently been added to and expanded upon in more recent ages, based on the numerous accounts which have been gathered. There seems to be basically four "branches" of subterranean activity radiating out from the Archuleta area. Who or whatever controlled these subterranean networks in the past, it is evident that much of it is now under the control of the "serpent race". Even if humans work within many of these installations, there are many reports which state that a large number of these have been implanted in a similar manner that UFO abductees have been implanted by miniaturized monitoring devices, and thus the reptilians control such bases, either way one looks at it. Some of these electronic implants or monitoring/mind-control devices are allegedly injected into the optical or nervous systems at the base of the brain via a large needle which is inserted into the nasal cavity. This aspect of the UFO phenomena has surfaced among thousands of alleged UFO abductees, and these "implants" have actually been photographed by x-rays and CAT scans. As for the four "branches" radiating out from the Dulce, New Mexico subnet, they are based on various accounts which have been collected, reports which concern one or more of the following: 1) Areas where excessively large cavern systems have been reported; 2) Areas where ancient tunnels or artificial excavations of unknown origin have been reported; 3) Subterranean recesses - both natural and artificial - in which non-human entities have been encountered; 4) Subterranean recesses - both natural and artificial - in which human beings have been encountered. We will give a very basic list of these areas, and in later writings we will deal with each site on which this list in far greater detail. SOUTHERN BRANCH - This reaches down along the border of Arizona - New Mexico and southwest into the Salt River Valley - Superstition Mts. area of southeast Arizona and again spreading southeast towards Pie Town and Datil, Las Cruces, Dona Anna Mts., Organ Mts., Carlsbad, Guadellupe Mts., New Mexico. From here reports of subterranean activity tend to reach south along the Guadellupe's and into Texas, towards the region of Dallas and also into the Big Bend region directly south. From here the subterranean activity appears to reach down into Mexico, Guatemala, and eventually into South America. NORTHERN BRANCH - North Along the border of Colorado - Utah, stretching northeast towards the Uncompagre Mts., Creed, Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak, Colorado; and then again up through eastern Utah along the Western Rockies, the Utah and Salt Lake Valleys, and west into the Salt Flats - Dougway area, north past Hill AFB, and then northwards into southern Idaho, Burley, etc., and then north towards the Mt. Teton - Jenny Lake region of NW Wyoming. WESTERN BRANCH - This tends to stretch along the Utah - Arizona border to Page, with branches going southward to the Coconino Plateau and the Colorado - Little Colorado river convergence and another branch stretching up into the St. George area of southwestern Utah. West from Page towards the Black Mts., area and then into the Las Vegas - Nevada Military Complex, and on into southern California through the general region encompassed by the 29 Palms Marine Base, The Devil's Playground, Death Valley, Panamint Range, Ft. Irwin, Deep Springs, El Paso Mts., Edwards AFB., Lancaster, and west to San Francisco and surrounding regions, to Los Angeles and then up towards Clear Lake, Mt. Lassen, Mt. Shasta, and then up through the region of Salem, Oregon, and then up into Washington State and to Mt. Rainier, etc. EASTERN BRANCH - Eastward through northern New Mexico, Los Alamos, San Cristobel, Taos, etc., and into northern Texas and then southern Oklahoma - Sulfur Springs, Bromide Springs, Binger, McCallester, etc., and then eastward through northern Arkansas - Cushman, Ozark Range, etc., and on into the Kentucky - Tennessee region - Sweetwater, TN., Salem, Mammoth Caves, Lexington, etc., KY., while a "side branch" seems to run north towards Chicago and then into southern Minnesota. From Kentucky - Tennessee this area of activity tends to run through West Virginia - Helevita and Newville area and into the Bluemont area of Virginia and Washington D.C., and again into southern Pennsylvania - Allegheny Mts., Pittsburgh, Dixonville, etc., and then fanning out into Western New York state - Salamanca, Syracuse, and again towards Hartford, Connecticut and Mt. Moodus and then towards New York City and Boston, and the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and also into southeast Canada - Toronto, Lake Ontario, Schefferville on the Quebec-Newfoundland border, etc. As we've said, there are many indications that an antediluvian race achieved sufficient technological or occult- technological sophistication to create such a subsurface system, and there are indications that segments of the U.S. government have over the years, in addition to recovering crashed aerial disks, re-discovered many of these ancient tunnel systems and subsurface networks, and have been "adding on" to them. Hints of this activity can be seen in the Military-Industrial complex's, Los Alamos - Rand Corps., etc., heavy involvement with the "underground", as evidenced by several sources, including their own research documents. On page 645 of the Rand Proceedings of the DEEP UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION SYMPOSIUM (March 1959), for instance, we read on page 645: "Just as airplanes, ships and automobiles have given man mastery of the surface of the Earth, tunnel-boring machines...will give him access to the Subterranean World." The Rand - Los Alamos organization has for years possessed technology which could accomplish the massive and rapid exploration of the "Subterranean World", and there is no telling how far they may have come in realizing this goal, for they are strangely silent on the outcome of this project. However, the September, 1983 issue of OMNI Magazine (page 80) showed a color drawing of the "Subterrene," the Los Alamos nuclear-powered tunnel machine that burrows through rock, deep underground, by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock (magma), which cools after the Subterrene has moved on. The incredible thing is, however, that ancient tunnels seemingly constructed by such "thermal bores" had been discovered in remote caverns in diverse parts of the world years before Los Alamos labs even thought of the possibility. It appears as if someone, perhaps some forgotten race in ages past, thought of this very same thing long before the Anglo-Saxon exploration of the American continent came about.