The following is a quote from Matt Spetalnick's article "IS ANYBODY OUT THERE? NASA LOOKS FOR REAL ET'S", in REUTERS Magazine, Oct. 5, 1992: "At least 70 times scientists have picked up radio waves that bore the marks of communication by beings from other worlds,but they were never verified, [Frank] Drake said." Through proposed projects such as SETI [Search For Extra-terrestrial Intelligence], which involve large arrays of Radio Dish recieving mechanisms to 'tune in' to cosmic radio waves, Drake and others 'hope' to contact outside intelligences. However, IF information which appears in adjacent COSCON files are correct, this has already occured. If in fact Drake is in on the UFO cover-up, then he would be a prime candidate to lead projects like OZMA and SETI. Drake could throw out just enough "bones" to the public to keep them interested in financing such projects with our tax monies. When an actual discovery of an intelligence radio source or sources is confirmed, Drake and friends can bury the information so deep that no one but the "Insiders" will be able to see it. There are those who allege that the strange failures of nearly every Mars probe since the Viking missions -- which photographed the notorious and controversial "faces" and "sphinx" on Mars -- were either sabotaged by aliens or taken over by the perpetuators of "the Coverup". Even the Hubble telescope, a multi-billion dollar project, was supposedly delayed for several years because some fool ordered the wrong mirror size! How stupid do these people think we are? Now that it has been "fixed", we should PRESSURE the Hubble crew to zoom-in on the strange artifacts on the moon and Mars. To refuse to do so would be self-implicating and nothing less than a passive admittance of their involvement in the Cover-Up. Another possible use of these 'radio dishes' has been suggested by K.S. of Salt Lake City, who allegedly talked to a man who was involved in setting up top secret underwater radio dishes for secret government projects. He claimed that many of these dishes were used to communicate with "our" bases on the moon and Mars! If this is the case, could the SETI program be an extention of this?